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    Influence factors of achieving predictable maxillary sinus bone augmentation
    Zhao Yang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 289-294.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.016
    Abstract1296)      PDF (1348KB)(898)       Save
    Maxillary sinus floor elevation is a common surgical method to solve the problem of insufficient bone mass in the posterior maxillary region. Based on the special background of maxillary sinus bone augmentation, we explore the principles of achieving predictable maxillary sinus bone augmentation results from the mechanism of osteogenesis, which can be considered from four aspects: bone contact area, angiogenesis, stability of space, and safe healing.
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    Recent advances in the factors affecting the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of peri-implantitis
    Yan Fuhua, Song Shiyuan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (6): 402-409.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.12.003
    Abstract932)      PDF (1334KB)(1136)       Save
    Oral implant therapy is one of the most common methods for restoring defective and missing dentition. Peri-implantitis is a prevalent biological complication of implant therapy, characterized by inflammation of the peri-implant mucosa and subsequent progressive loss of supporting bone. The occurrence of peri-implantitis can impact the prognosis of implant restorations or even lead to implant failure, significantly affecting the patient's health and quality of life. Therefore, reducing the risk factors of peri-implantitis, timely diagnosis and effective treatments are of great importance to enhance the prognosis of implant therapy. This review describes the factors influencing the pathogenesis of peri-implantitis, the current diagnostic criteria, and therapeutic methods. Furthermore, it discusses emerging treatment modalities with potential clinical applications and reviews ongoing research progress.
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    Expert consensus on the management of sinus floor elevation mucoperiosteum perforation (first edition)
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (5): 277-281.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.10.002
    Abstract887)      PDF (1059KB)(1104)       Save
    Maxillary sinus floor elevation is a common and standard method for the rehabilitation of atrophic bone in the posterior maxilla but has highly technical sensitivity and considerable complications. A common complication is the Schneiderian membrane perforation. Systemic reviews and expert-written forums are common in the literature. However, a consensus about the guideline for the management of the Schneiderian membrane perforation during maxillary sinus floor elevation has not been reached. To this end, experts from the Chinese Society of Oral Implantology discussed several times and have drafted this expert consensus in order to provide clinicians with practical and feasible measures for preventing, diagnosing, and treating the Schneiderian membrane perforation during the surgery of sinus floor elevation.
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    Research progress of the socket shield technique
    Luo Zhen, Liu Hong, Wu Wangxi
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (2): 119-123.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.04.009
    Abstract822)      PDF (1177KB)(680)       Save
    The socket shield technique is a new technology emerging in oral implantology in the last decade or so. Its introduction is to fundamentally interrupt the process of physiologic resorption in the alveolar socket after the tooth extraction. But no consensus has been reached on the standard operation and long-term effect of this treatment. Meanwhile with the development of digital technology, how to accurately and efficiently apply the socket shield technique has gradually attracted attention. The clinical procedure, the complication, the evaluation index and the digital application of the socket shield technique will be reviewed in this paper, hoping to provide a theoretical basis for the promotion of this technique in oral implantology.
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    Expert consensus on complications of sinus floor elevation: displacement of dental implant into the maxillary sinus (first edition)
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (5): 264-268.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.10.001
    Abstract686)      PDF (1172KB)(876)       Save
    Dental implantation at the posterior maxillary region involving the sinus has become a routine treatment for the edentulous patients. However, due to medical or pathogenic factors, various postoperative complications may occur, among which the relatively rare but serious complication is the displacement of dental implant into the maxillary sinus. At present, there is still lack of guideline or consensus on the management of this complication at home and abroad. Therefore, the Chinese Society of Oral Implantology organized experts from different domestic universities to discuss and draft this consensus from the aspects of pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment plans and prevention methods, aiming to provide clinicians with practical measures for the prevention and treatment of the complication of implant displacement into the maxillary sinus.
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    Research progress on the application and mechanism of nanomaterials in stomatology
    Zhang Han, Meng Lingxi, Wang Mican, Lu Jingwei, Mei Hongxiang, Liao Wen
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (5): 328-333.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.10.011
    Abstract682)      PDF (1091KB)(854)       Save
    Nanomaterials have been widely used in the field of oral disease prevention and treatment, especially in controlling the development of caries and alleviating dentin allergy, due to their superior antibacterial properties and biocompatibility. Meanwhile, nanomaterials provide solutions for tissue regeneration, especially for oral tissue regeneration, due to their small particle size, high antibacterial activity and biocompatibility. At present, the research on nanomaterials in the field of dentistry focuses on the biological effects of various nanomaterials on different oral cells and clinical application studies. In this paper, we will review the biological effects of nanoparticles on oral cells, potential mechanisms and influencing factors, aiming to provide references for the development of new materials in the field of oral medicine and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases.
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    Expert consensus on bone grafting materials for maxillary sinus floor elevation: bone substitutes
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (1): 3-8.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.02.002
    Abstract624)      PDF (1435KB)(840)       Save
    Autogenous bone has long been considered the "gold standard" for maxillary sinus floor elevation. However, secondary iatrogenic injury, limited source, easy resorption, and high risk of complications at donor sites limit its clinical application. Thus, the search for and selection of an ideal bone substitute for autologous bone becomes the development trend of bone augmentation technique. In this paper, the characteristics of three major bone substitutes including allograft, xenograft, and alloplastic graft, as well as the implant survival rate after the above bone substitutes were used on the maxillary sinus floor were summarized.
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    Application of socket-shield technique for immediate implant placement in aesthetic area
    Zhao Yaoyu, Yan Qi, Shi Bin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 376-380.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.009
    Abstract565)      PDF (1067KB)(420)       Save
    Socket-shield technique has the advantages of maintaining alveolar bone dimension, reducing labial soft tissue recession and improving the aesthetic effect of restoration. An increasing number of oral implantology clinicians have become familiar with this technique in recent years. Through a literature review, this paper summarized and discussed the proposal and development of this technique, clinical operation process and medical evidence, so as to provide a reference for clinicians.
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    Research progress of bone window design for maxillary sinus floor elevation through lateral window approach
    Zhang wen, Gu Xinhua
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (5): 334-338.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.10.012
    Abstract533)      PDF (1090KB)(740)       Save
    The key of maxillary sinus floor elevation through lateral window approach is to expose and lift the sinus membrane, and the design of bone window is the primary factor to expose the sinus membrane. The traditional bone window is designed as a single and large window. If there is a sinus septum, 2 or 3 bone windows will be designed to avoid sinus septum. The lower boundary of the bone window is generally 3-5 mm at the bottom of the maxillary sinus. In recent years, many scholars have continuously studied the size, height, and distance from the alveolar ridge border, which has reduced intraoperative and postoperative discomfort and increased patient satisfaction. This article reviews the size, position, and shape of the bone window and digitally assisted lateral window osteotomy by consulting the recent literature.
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    Expert consensus on complications of sinus floor elevation: sinus infection and sinus graft infection (first edition)
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (2): 71-74.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.04.002
    Abstract512)      PDF (907KB)(612)       Save
    Sinus floor elevation is a well-established technique but with high technical sensitivity. Postoperative infection including sinus infection and graft infection is one of the major complication, which could cause severe problems though the incidence is not high. Bone augmentation procedures in the posterior maxilla increase dramatically as the demands for dental implant therapy from patients grow rapidly in China. The treatment and prevention of postoperative infection has drawn more and more attention from clinicians. But there is still a lack of consensus on the management of the complications. Therefore, the Chinese Society of Oral Implantology has organized the conference to discuss and draft the expert consensus, which aims to provide clinicians with guidelines for preventing, diagnosing and treating the complications of sinus infection and sinus graft infection.
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    A systematic review comparing the exposure of customized titanium mesh and conventional titanium mesh after guided bone regeneration
    Zhou Libo, Su Yucheng, Li Xinru, Zhang Liqiang, Chen Deping
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (2): 112-118.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.04.011
    Abstract486)      PDF (1585KB)(574)       Save
    Objective To explore the exposure rate of customized titanium mesh and traditional titanium mesh after guided bone regeneration(GBR) and the time point of soft tissue dehiscence, and to provide clinical reference for GBR. Methods Databases, including PubMed, EMbase, Web of Science and Cochrane Central Register Controlled Trials, were searched by two independent researchers, for published articles on titanium mesh exposure after GBR. This study selected English articles published from January 1st, 2011 to December 31th, 2021. Stata 16.0 software was used to systematically analyze the research data that finally met the inclusion criteria. Results A total of 962 articles were found, and 9 of which were quantitatively analysed. The combined value of the total exposure rate of titanium mesh was 0.37(95% CI=0.31~0.42). The result of subgroup analysis showed that the combined value of the customized titanium mesh exposure rate was 0.20(95% CI=0.13~0.27) and the combined value of the traditional titanium mesh exposure rate was 0.60(95% CI=0.52~0.68). Conclusion The exposure rate of customized titanium mesh is lower than that of traditional titanium mesh, which is of great significance to provide sufficient grafting space for accurate bone reconstruction in GBR.
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    Expert consensus on complications of sinus floor elevation: compromised osteogenesis (first edition)
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (1): 4-8.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.02.002
    Abstract476)      PDF (920KB)(613)       Save
    Maxillary sinus floor elevation procedure is often used as a solution to increase the residual bone height in the maxillary posterior tooth area. There is no consensus on the prevention and management of complications after maxillary sinus elevation procedure despite numerous intra- and postoperative complications. This review mainly focuses on compromised osteogenesis after maxillary sinus floor elevation and reviews risk factors, clinical manifestations, methods for preventing and managing this complication, to provide evidence for clinical practice.
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    The decision-making principles of sinus floor elevation
    Pi Xuemin, Liu Qian, Chen Deping, Ren Bin, Pan Hong, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (5): 322-326.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.10.011
    Abstract463)      PDF (1653KB)(772)       Save
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    Advances of wound closure in alveolar ridge preservation
    Liu Zhenhui, Hu Wenjie
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (5): 322-327.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.10.010
    Abstract460)      PDF (1093KB)(800)       Save
    Favorable soft and hard tissue morphology is the basis of successful implant therapy, following a tooth extraction, the alveolar ridge undergoes physiological remodeling which affects prosthetically driven implant restoration. Alveolar ridge preservation can effectively preserve the soft and hard tissue contour of tooth extraction sites and create conditions for implant restorations. Good wound closure is one of the important keys to ensure the success of the operation. This article discusses different methods of wound closure, in order to provide a reference for the clinical application of this technique to achieve ideal results.
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    Application of robots in the field of dental implantology
    Chen Jiang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (5): 274-279.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.10.003
    Abstract458)      PDF (1495KB)(681)       Save
    Recently, with the development of digital technology in the field of dental implantology, from static computer-assisted implant surgery to dynamic navigation, and then to today's dental implant robot system, the accuracy of implants has been a hot topic in the field of dental implantology. After clinical application, on the basis of expounding the classification, workflow, and application status of oral implant robots, this paper also discusses the shortcomings and thinks about the coming era of dental implant robots, in order to provide a reference for further application and development of oral implant robot in the future.
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    Immediate temporary restoration options after full-arch implant placement
    Peng Lingyan, Wang Xia, Pi Xuemin, Liu Qian, Chen Deping, Tang Suxia, Pan Hong, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (3): 173-180.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.06.009
    Abstract454)      PDF (1965KB)(460)       Save
    This article discusses the options of immediate temporary restoration after the treatment of full arch implant placement. The four options including traditional impression technique, pick-up technique with the original removable denture, stereophotogrammetry technique, and prefabricated immediate provisionalization with the digital sequential assembled guide, are illustrated in detail from the aspects of categories, indications, technique procedures, and comparisons. Implant clinicians should choose the most suitable treatment of immediate temporary restoration for patients who plan to accept full arch implant placement according to their various situations and diagnoses.
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    Influence of creating food escape grooves adjacent to marginal ridge on the perception of food impaction in implant-supported fixed prosthesis
    Zheng Jiabao, Gao Wenmo, Zuo Xiaoyun, Yang Bo, Luo Chenchen, Chen Ming
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (1): 26-29.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.02.005
    Abstract453)      PDF (1394KB)(404)       Save
    Objective To investigate the effect of creating food escape grooves adjacent to marginal ridge on the improvement of food impaction around implant-supported prosthesis. Methods 41 patients with implant-supported prosthesis in the maxillary and mandibular molar regions complaining of distinct discomfort during chewing caused by food impaction around implants were selected. Food escape grooves were created adjacent to the marginal ridges of implant crowns. The patients were followed up regularly. Results All patients (100%) reported a significant improvement in symptoms of food impaction. Conclusion Creating food escape grooves adjacent to marginal ridge helps to improve the symptoms of food impaction and achieve a high level of patient satisfaction.
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    Decision tree for the selection of immediate restoration options after full-arch implant placement
    Peng Lingyan, Wang Yong, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 381-386.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.010
    Abstract434)      PDF (1568KB)(645)       Save
    Today, immediate fixed restoration after full-arch implant placement is being used by more and more clinicians and patients. New technologies, devices and software continue to emerge, and there is some confusion in clinical application. To standardize the application of this protocol and provide patients with a variety of options, according to the article “Immediate temporary restoration options after full-arch implant placement” published in June 2022 in this journal, the author team further establishes this decision tree to solve such clinical cases, with the aim of providing implant prosthetic dentists with advices and references of diagnosis and treatment, which dentists can adopt with a comprehensive decision-making based on clinical situation, dentist's experience, available equipment and software.
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    Expert consensus on bone grafting materials for sinus floor elevation: bioactive agents, cell therapies and graft-free sinus floor elevation
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 329-333.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.001
    Abstract434)      PDF (1062KB)(565)       Save
    Sinus floor elevation is a reliable approach to solve the problem of vertical bone deficiency in the posterior maxillary area. At present, there are many bone grafting materials available for sinus floor elevation, but no consensus on their selection is achieved. This consensus focuses on bioactive agents, cell therapies and graft-free sinus floor elevation, and summarizes the results on their clinical application, hoping to provide a reference for the selection during clinical practice.
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    Department of Oral Implantology, Hospital of Stomatology,Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, China
    Zhang Wanting, He Jiacai
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (1): 28-33.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.02.006
    Abstract426)      PDF (1405KB)(619)       Save
    Objective To analyze impact factors of failed dental implant cases, and provide the theoretical guidance for clinical operation. Methods Cases in the Center of Oral Implantology from January 2012 to January 2021 with complete medical records were selected. The differences of gender, age, periodontal disease status, location of implants, implant, and surgical factors were compared between failed implants and successful implants. Statistical analysis software was SPSS 24.0. Statistical methods were the χ² test, Fisher’s Exact Test, and binary logistic regression. The level of statistical significance is expressed as P< 0.05. Results A total of 6124 implant cases were included in this study including 82 failed cases. The implant failure rate was 1.34%. There were 72 early failed cases and 10 late failed, with failure rates of 1.18% and 0.16%. Statistics results showed that the failure risk of men was higher than that of women (P< 0.001). Cases with implant diameter < 4.0 mm, implant length < 10 mm, and bone quality type Ⅳ showed a higher failure rate (P< 0.01). The failure risk in cases with internal sinus floor elevation (ISFE) was higher than those without the surgery (P< 0.001). The implant surface which were not sandblasted, large-grit, acid-etched (SLA) had a higher failure rate than those of SLA and SLActive (P=0.001). Age, upper or lower jaw, surgical site, the shape of implants, lateral approach of sinus floor elevation (LASF), and guided bone regeneration (GBR) had no statistical significance for dental implant failure. Conclusion The risk factors for the failure of dental implants were male, bone quality typeⅣ, implant diameter< 4 mm, implant length< 10 mm, non-SLA implant surface, ISFE surgical treatment, and periodontal disease.
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    Expert consensus on bone grafting materials for maxillary sinus floor elevation: autogenous bone
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (5): 269-273.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.10.002
    Abstract424)      PDF (895KB)(489)       Save
    Autogenous bone is derived from the patient's own body and has osteogenic, osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties without the risk of immunological rejection or disease transmission. For this reason, autogenous bone has long been regarded as the "gold standard" of bone grafting materials. This article summarizes the biological properties of bone grafting materials, the harvest of autogenous bone, the osteogenesis process and the clinical efficacy of autogenous bone graft in the maxillary sinus floor, and the limitations of autogenous bone, based on evidence-based principles, and proposes a consensus view based on the clinical experience of some Chinese experts.
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    Research progress of 3D printing individualized titanium mesh for complex bone augmentation
    Ji Ping
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 334-339.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.002
    Abstract422)      PDF (1160KB)(1075)       Save
    Complex and severe alveolar bone defect is an important factor affecting the esthetic and long-term stability of dental implants. Compared to conventional bone augmentation, digital and custom bone augmentation could reduce operation time and improve the accuracy of bone augmentation. Three-D printing individualized titanium mesh (3D-PITM) shows good biocompatibility and space-making capacity, which could accurately reconstruct the alveolar bone contour. Thus, 3D-PITM has been gradually applied in the bone augmentation surgery. This paper introduces the application and research progress of 3D-PITM used for complex bone augmentation.
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    A case of teeth extraction and immediate implants with the application of ridge splitting technique in anterior mandibular alveolar ridge
    Shi Wen, Wang Miaozhen, Liu Feng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 340-345.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.003
    Abstract419)      PDF (1500KB)(553)       Save
    In the anterior mandibular aesthetic area, there is usually sufficient bone in the vertical direction and insufficient bone in the buccolingual and horizontal direction. In this paper, we present a case of a patient with multiple mandibular incisors to be extracted due to chronic periodontitis, in which the ridge splitting was applied to the anterior mandibular alveolar ridge with teeth extraction and immediate implant placement simultaneously. Teeth extraction, ridge splitting and implant placement were performed at the same time, and the second surgery was performed 6 months after the operation, and temporary restoration and permanent restoration were completed by digital technology 7 and 8 months after the first surgery.Teeth extraction and immediate implant placement with ridge splitting procedure allows the clinician to effectively augment the horizontal bone, improve implant success rate, reduce the number of operations and avoid a second operative area. The simultaneous application of ridge splitting technique with tooth extraction and implant placement with proper indications and operation details may have certain advantages over other implant options.
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    Exploration and consideration on clinical solutions for complex alveolar bone defects
    Li Jinmeng, Li Xiaoban, Zhang Jian
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (5): 285-291.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.10.005
    Abstract417)      PDF (1566KB)(897)       Save
    Surgeons and patients find it challenging to reconstruct the complex alveolar bone defects clinically. For complex alveolar bone defects, surgeons are responsible for making the most appropriate surgical plan, which requires them to fully understand the indications and technical key points of the existing bone augmentation techniques, and then choose an appropriate method to complete the alveolar bone defect reconstruction and the following implant placement. Based on clinical experience and literature review, the author summarizes the classification of alveolar bone defects, and focuses on the most commonly used bone augmentation techniques during clinical practice, such as Onlay bone grafting, split bone block technique, sausage technique, GBR technique with non-resorbable membrane, and GBR technique using titanium mesh. This article aims to provide a reference for the reconstruction of complex alveolar bone defects for dental implant specialists.
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    Clinical application of three-dimensional printed digital customized titanium mesh in guided bone regeneration for alveolar bone reconstruction
    Wang Tingting, Wang Feng, Wu Yiqun
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (4): 208-216.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.08.003
    Abstract417)      PDF (1445KB)(830)       Save
    Severe alveolar bone defects seriously affect dental implant placement and its long-term performance. Guided bone regeneration(GBR)as a reliable technique is able to achieve predictable bone augmentation. Three-dimensional printed digital customized titanium mesh is a new technique to obtain alveolar bone augmentation.For patients with severe alveolar bone defects, the preoperative examination is performed, the information of alveolar and dentition is obtained by radiographic examination and oral scan or model scan respectively,then the implants position is placed according to the principle of prosthetic-driven implant placement. The extent of bone augmentation and the shape of customized titanium mesh are designed with software, and then the digital customized titanium mesh is manufactured with 3D printing technology. The application of customized titanium mesh is conducive to reconstruct the three-dimensional shape of alveolar ridge precisely,and individually. The aim of this article is to summarize pre-opreative evaluation of patients, the key points of the design, clinical application and precautions of customized titanium mesh, in order to further promote its wide and safe application in clinical practice.
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    Expert consensus on the clinical application of dental implant robots (first edition)
    Chen Jiang, Su Yucheng, Shen Guofang, Zhou Yanmin, Man Yi, Wu Yiqun, Yang Guoli, Zhang Yufeng, Tang Chunbo, Liu Qian, Fu Gang, Du Liangzhi, Liu Feng, Gao Yongbo, Yang Xingmei, Chen Deping, Chen Zhuofan, Xu Shulan, Wang Liping, Zhang Sihui
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (3): 134-139.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.06.002
    Abstract386)      PDF (1437KB)(647)       Save
    Dental implant robot is a new clinical technology in the field of dental implantology in recent years. In view of its high accuracy and stability, it has been applied in many professional fields of stomatology, such as dental implant, oral and maxillofacial surgery, etc. On the basis of clinical application and document retrieval, this consensus discusses the definition of related terms, clinical application requirements, operation specifications and risk prevention of dental implant robots, putting forward consensus views based on the clinical operation experience of some domestic experts.
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    Clinical analysis of extraction site preservation using Bio-Oss Collagen after extraction of maxillary molars
    Yu Jiuyue, Jia Wenhao, Fang Li, Wang Jian, Li Jiangming, Liu Han, Guo Qili
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (2): 90-96.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.04.004
    Abstract377)      PDF (1591KB)(465)       Save
    Objective To investigate a clinical treatment method for extraction site preservation using Bio-Oss Collagen after extraction of maxillary molars. Methods The clinical data of 6 cases were retrospectively analyzed, and all 6 patients were treated with Bio-Oss Collagen for extraction site preservation after extraction of maxillary molar teeth. These six cases met the following characteristics: the affected tooth was destructed in the alveolar bone in the area of its furcation due to periodontitis or combined periodontal-endodontic lesions, and needed to be extracted; the remaining bone height in the top central part of the alveolar ridge was less than 3.5 mm after the extraction of the affected tooth; the bone walls of the buccal, lingual, mesial and distal parts of the extraction socket were nearly intact. After extraction of the affected tooth, the granulation tissue in the alveolar socket was thoroughly removed. Bio-Oss Collagen was placed in the alveolar sockets and the soft tissues were cross-sutured to hold the graft in place. The sutures are removed 7-10 days after surgery. CBCT was taken preoperatively, immediately postoperatively and at six months postoperatively. The vertical height of the remaining alveolar ridge was measured using Mimics 20.0 at five sites: buccal and lingual in the coronal position, mesial and distal in the median sagittal position, and central. Results Primary healing was obtained in all six patients. At 6 months after extraction, the patients had well healed alveolar sockets, normal gingival color and texture, and no change in attached gingival width. CBCT taken at 6 months after extraction showed no change or a small increase in alveolar crest height at the buccal, lingual, mesial and distal sites, but an increase of 3.48 to 7.89 mm at the central site, among the 5 sites measured. Conclusion After extraction of maxillary molars, Bio-Oss Collagen can be used for extraction site preservation if the surrounding bone wall height is adequate. This method causes less trauma, has a shorter operation time, and its results are similar to those of conventional extraction site preservation.
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    Clinical implications of 3-dimensional osteogenesis model for maxillary sinus to promote osteogenesis in maxillary sinus
    Zhou Yanmin, Qin Qiuyue
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (2): 69-76.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.04.001
    Abstract377)      PDF (2718KB)(651)       Save
    The "3-dimensional osteogenesis model for maxillary sinus" (3D-OMMS) elucidated the osteogenic mechanism of maxillary sinus floor elevation. It provides a scientific theoretical basis for the treatment of maxillary sinus floor elevation in patients with missing maxillary posterior teeth. This manuscript reports the clinical application of "3D-OMMS" in the implants including single tooth or multiple teeth, immediate and delayed implants, transalveolar sinus floor elevation and lateral window approach sinus floor elevation, respectively. Preoperative and postoperative cone-beam computed tomography(CBCT)images were used to evaluate the osteogenic effect of the maxillary sinus region. In conclusion, the application of 3D-OMMS can form a three-dimensional space with diversified osteogenic directions in the maxillary sinus, shorten the vascularization osteogenesis path, accelerate the osteogenic process, improve the quality of new bone, and increase the success rate of implantation, which can be widely used in clinical practice.
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    Research advances in the production process of dental collagen membrane
    Shu Qianyi, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 358-364.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.006
    Abstract373)      PDF (1076KB)(732)       Save
    Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is an important technique in implant dentistry, in which oral collagen membranes play a key role. According to the production process, oral collagen membranes can be divided into acellular matrix membranes, purified collagen membranes and recombinant collagen membranes. At present, acellular membranes are main ones used clinically. Different types of collagen membranes have similarities and differences in production processes, and different production processes also have different effects on the properties of collagen membranes. This paper reviews the classification, production processes, comparison of different collagen membranes and the improvement of collagen membranes.
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    Clinical application of “tenon-mortise” based whole-process digital combined guide plate in complete-mouth implant surgery.
    Li Yan, Yang Qingran, Xu Guangzhou
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (5): 306-312.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.10.007
    Abstract369)      PDF (1567KB)(419)       Save
    Objective This study was to conduct a preliminary investigation of the efficacy of “tenon-mortise” based combined digital whole-process surgical templates to assist in diagnosis, plan, and facilitate proper positioning for edentulous patients. Methods This clinical case analysis was to report the treatment of one case with advanced periodontitis, which in turn leads to loosening of teeth. Because of the advanced periodontitis, the remaining teeth were severely loose. A self-designed “tenon-mortise” based combined digital whole-process surgical templates were applied to guide the placement of the implant. The combined surgical templates include positioning plate, osteotomy plate, and implant plate. The connection between the two plates is based on the tenon-mortise joint, which facilitates implant surgery for edentulous patients. In addition, for the irregular alveolar ridge, the osteotomy plate, as one of the combined guided surgical templates, could be used to guide cutting and trimming the alveolar ridge. Using the self-designed “tenon-mortise” based combined digital guided surgical templates could successfully guide the entire surgical process. Results When comparing the planned and placed implant by CBCT, it was found that high accuracy was achieved by using the self-designed “tenon-mortise” based combined digital whole-process surgical templates. The mean angular deviation was 2.27°. The mean value of deviation at the shoulder and apex was 1.77 mm and 1.93 mm, respectively. The outcome of the immediate restoration was satisfying. Conclusion This self-designed template system provides a novel technique to guide whole-process digital implant surgery for edentulous patients. But the efficacy needs further investigation in clinical trials with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods.
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    Treatment of peri-implant infection in aesthetic area: a case report
    Li Yongjun, Men Bei
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (3): 161-164.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.06.006
    Abstract363)      PDF (1432KB)(310)       Save
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    Inflammatory modulation and applications of biomaterials in oral bone regeneration
    Zhang Yufeng, Wang Yulan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (5): 304-309.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.10.002
    Abstract350)      PDF (1284KB)(300)       Save
    Significant progress has been made in the field of oral bone regeneration, with growing recognition of the pivotal role played by inflammation regulation. Temporal and contextual regulation of inflammation is essential for achieving successful bone repair. In the context of oral bone regeneration, biomaterials are employed as scaffolds/bone grafts to promote bone tissue formation in defect areas. The intrinsic properties of biomaterials may impact the inflammatory process and its regulation. Additionally, biomaterials can serve as carriers for immuno-modulatory drugs, further influencing bone regeneration. A comprehensive understanding of how biomaterials modulate inflammatory responses holds the potential to accelerate the development of novel bone regeneration materials. This review provides an overview of the current status of research on biomaterials in the context of oral bone regeneration and inflammation response, summarizing the laboratory advancements. The aim is to provide clinicians and researchers with a theoretical foundation for the selection and development of regenerative materials.
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    Clinical effect of endoscopic-assisted lateral fenestration for maxillary sinus floor elevation (a report of 25 cases)
    Zheng Zejun, Cheng Ruixiu, Li Changqing, Sun Dawei, Zhang Linghui, Song Lili
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (3): 169-172.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.06.008
    Abstract349)      PDF (1254KB)(296)       Save
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    Progress in evaluation methods of dental implant placement accuracy
    Su Tianyue, Teng Weiwei, Wang Qi, Shu Qianyi, Zhou Libo
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (4): 248-253.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.08.009
    Abstract346)      PDF (1171KB)(671)       Save
    The application of digital technologies such as static guide, dynamic navigation and dental implant robot in the field of dental implant achieves the purpose of accurate implant placement. However, there is no unified standard for accurate recording and evaluation of dental implant sites, it is particularly important to select high-resolution postoperative evaluation methods to accurately reflect the accuracy of dental implants. At present, the commonly used instruments for assessment after dental implant surgery include CBCT, intraoral scanner, desktop optical scanner, and three-coordinate measuring instrument. In drilling experiments in other fields, calipers, plug gauges, digital measuring instruments such as three-coordinate measuring machine and laser tracker are also used for measurement, which can provide reference for the evaluation of the accuracy of dental implant implantation. In this paper, the principles, precision and characteristics of the accuracy evaluation methods involved in the drilling experiments of dental implants are reviewed, in order to provide a theoretical reference for the accuracy evaluation of dental implants in experiments and clinical practice.
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    Clinical procedure of transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation
    Chen Deping, Liu Qian, Pi Xuemin, Pan Hong, Ren Bin, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (2): 128-132.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.04.011
    Abstract346)      PDF (1348KB)(814)       Save
    The transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation is a common surgical approach when there is insufficient vertical bone height in the maxillary posterior region for implant treatment. This article describes the evolution of this technique and the technical points of the clinical approach. It is very difficult to assess the intactness of the maxillary sinus mucoperiosteum in transalveolar technique when simultaneous bone augmentation is required. The use of electronic endoscope is a very helpful method to better confirm the preparation depth of the implant site and the status of the maxillary sinus mucoperiosteum, thus effectively avoiding complications of bone augmentation due to the maxillary sinus mucoperiosteum perforation. This article focuses on the clinical procedures and considerations in the use of transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation to provide a reference for clinicians to improve the predictability of this technique.
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    Expert consensus on complications of sinus floor elevation:peri-implant disease (first edition)
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (3): 135-139.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.06.002
    Abstract344)      PDF (833KB)(400)       Save
    Peri-implant disease is a common biological complication after implant restoration. Sinus floor augmentation is a predictable rehabilitation method to solve the bone deficiency in the maxillary posterior area. There is still no consensus on the management of peri-implant disease in sinus floor augmentation sites worldwide. The purpose of this consensus is to provide clinicians with practical preventive and diagnostic measures for peri-implant disease.
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    Systematic literature review of peri-implant cyst
    Gong Jiaming, Zhao Ruiming, Wang Jia, Dai Zhiming, Yu Zhanhai, Yin Lihua
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (3): 181-187.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.06.010
    Abstract343)      PDF (1148KB)(755)       Save
    In 2017, Kochaji described two cases of cysts around the implant after implant placement, which was defined as peri-implant cyst and might be caused by surgical trauma or infection. The peri-implant cyst is often confused with peri-implantitis and retrograde peri-implantitis due to its rarity and destruction of peri-implant supporting bone. Therefore, the paper systematically reviewed the current literature on the peri-implant cyst in order to summarize its clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis, and treatment protocols.
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    Applied anatomy and CBCT evaluation of blood supply and mucoperiosteum in the maxillary sinus
    Chen Deping, Liu Qian, Pi Xuemin, Pan Hong, Tan Baosheng, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (4): 259-263.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.08.011
    Abstract332)      PDF (1479KB)(790)       Save
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    Progress in the study of sandblasted large-grit acid-etched hydrophilic surface implants to promote osseointegration in areas of bone defects
    Qian Yinjie, Si Misi
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (5): 317-321.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.10.010
    Abstract330)      PDF (1197KB)(392)       Save
    Rapid and stable osseointegration is an important guarantee for the success of the implant. One of the most important factors affecting osseointegration is the implant surface. Sandblasted large-grit acid-etched hydrophilic surface implants can promote early osseointegration in areas of adequate bone mass, however, their role in areas of bone defects is unclear. This article presents a review of the studies of sandblasted large-grit acid-etched hydrophilic surface implants used in areas of bone defects, which can be used to guide clinical practice.
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    Implant placement with transcrestal sinus floor elevation using absorbable collagen sponge: an analysis of 6-month images using CBCT and mimics software
    Deng Lei, Cheng Yi, Zhao Nan, Chen Gang, Huang Haitao
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (3): 147-155.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.06.004
    Abstract330)      PDF (1380KB)(381)       Save
    Objective To measure the changes in bone height and bone volume in the transcrestal sinus floor elevation using absorbable collagen sponge by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and three-dimensional measurement by mimics, and to analyze the factors affecting bone formation in the sinus. Methods A total of 14 patients (24 implant sites) were selected from December 2019 to December 2021 in the Department of Stomatology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. All patients underwent transcrestal sinus floor elevation using only the absorbable collagen sponge by grinding method, and the lifting space of the sinus floor was maintained by collagen sponge and implant. The perforation of the sinus floor mucosa was recorded during the operation. The height of new bone was measured by CBCT before and 6 months after the operation. Immediately and 6 months after surgery, the protruding length (PL) and lifting length (LH) of the maxillary sinus floor were examined by CBCT. New bone height (NBH) was measured 6 months after the operation. The CBCT image data were imported into Mimics Research software. Mimics software was used for modeling and registration, and Boolean arithmetic was used to calculate the new bone volume in the maxillary sinus. The factors affecting osteogenesis were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and stepwise multiple linear regression, and the regression simulation prediction equation was established. Results A total of 24 implants were implanted and the short-term retention rate was 100%. The mucoperiosteum of the maxillary sinus floor was perforated at three sites during the preparation of the implant socket, and the perforation rate was 12.5%. There was no perforation in the process of collagen sponge filling and implant implantation. And all implants achieved good osseointegration on imaging 6 months after surgery and successfully loaded. The average new bone height in the sinus was(3.09±0.99)mm and the volume of new bone in the sinus is (320.24±85.79)mm³ 6 months after the operation. According to Pearson correlation analysis, there was a linear correlation between LH, PL, and NBH and new bone volume ( P<0.05), one-way ANOVA showed statistically significant difference between sinus floor morphology groups ( P<0.01), and new bone volume in the round group was higher than that in the oval and pointy round groups ( P<0.05). Sinus floor morphology, gender, and PL were included in the multiple linear regression model, with a determination coefficient of 0.753. Conclusion Collagen Sponge, as the filling material for transcrestal sinus floor elevation without grafting technique, has good operation performance and can maintain the osteogenic space in the sinus cavity together with the implant to form new bone of a certain volume. In addition, the new bone formation may be related to LH, gender, PL, and sinus floor morphology.
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