中国口腔种植学杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 4-7.DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2020.03.002

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


林勇, 侯丹, 常晓荣   

  1. 457001 河南省濮阳市 新乡医学院附属濮阳市油田总医院口腔科
  • 出版日期:2020-03-10 发布日期:2021-08-17

Application of Onlay bone grafting technique in the dental aesthetic area of anterior teeth

LIN Yong, HOU Dang, CHANG Xiaorong   

  1. Puyang Oilfield General Hospital Affiliated to Xinxiang Medical College, Puyang 457001, Henan Province, China
  • Online:2020-03-10 Published:2021-08-17

摘要: 目的: 评估Onlay植骨技术在上颌前牙美学区种植修复中的应用。方法: 随机选取82例行种植修复术的患者,根据术前评估,给予患者合理的Onlay植骨技术及牙种植修复手术方案。观察患者植骨期间牙槽嵴骨量变化及美学指标变化情况,记录牙种植体存活率。结果: Onlay植骨术后3个月末牙槽嵴水平向骨量(7.84±0.42)mm、牙槽嵴垂直向骨量(11.65±0.85)mm和术后6个月末牙槽嵴水平向骨量(7.15±0.60)mm、牙槽嵴垂直向骨量(10.86±0.63)mm均显著高于植骨前骨量,P=0.035、0.039、0.035、0.040;牙种植修复术后3个月末PES(7.48±1.36)分、WES(7.56±1.09)分和术后6个月末PES(7.78±1.42)分、WES(7.82±1.51)分均显著高于术前评分水平,P=0.040、0.043、0.038、0.032;Onlay植骨术后,骨组织美观丰满,伤口愈合良好,未出现植骨坏死,种植体存活率高。结论: 将Onlay植骨技术应用于上颌前牙美学区种植修复中,可显著改善种植区骨量不足的问题,骨愈合情况良好,种植体存活率高,值得推广使用。

关键词: Onlay植骨技术, 前牙美学区, 牙种植, 牙骨量

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the application of Onlay bone grafting technique in dental aesthetic area of anterior teeth. Methods: To select 82 cases of patients undergoing dental implants repair surgery, according to the preoperative evaluation, the patients were given the Onlay bone grafting techniques and dental implants repair surgery. It was observed that the changes of alveolar ridge and dental aesthetic indexes during the period of Onlay bone grafting, and the survival rate of dental implants was recorded. Results: It was found that the horizontal bone mass of alveolar ridge(7.84±0.42)mm and the vertical bone mass of alveolar ridge(11.65±0.85)mm at the end of 3 months after Onlay bone grafting, and the horizontal bone mass of alveolar ridge(7.15±0.60)mm and the vertical bone mass of alveolar ridge(10.86±0.63)mm at the end of 6 months after Onlay bone grafting were significantly higher than that of pre-grafted bone, P=0.035、0.039、0.035、0.040, The PES(7.48±1.36) points,WES (7.56±1.09) points at the end of 3 months after dental implants surgery, and the PES(7.78±1.42) points,WES(7.82±1.51) points at the end of 6 months after dental implants surgery, were significantly higher than those before operation, P=0.040、0.043、0.038、0.032. After Onlay bone grafting, the bone tissue was beautiful and plump, the wound was well healed, there was no bone necrosis, and the implant survival rate was high. Conclusion: The application of Onlay bone grafting technique in the implantation and repair of the aesthetic area of anterior teeth can significantly improve the problem of insufficient bone quantity in the planting area. The bone healing is good and the implant survival rate is high, so it is worthy to be popularized.

Key words: Onlay bone grafting technique, dental aesthetic area of anterior teeth, dental implants, dental bone mass
