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    Influence factors of achieving predictable maxillary sinus bone augmentation
    Zhao Yang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 289-294.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.016
    Abstract1296)      PDF (1348KB)(898)       Save
    Maxillary sinus floor elevation is a common surgical method to solve the problem of insufficient bone mass in the posterior maxillary region. Based on the special background of maxillary sinus bone augmentation, we explore the principles of achieving predictable maxillary sinus bone augmentation results from the mechanism of osteogenesis, which can be considered from four aspects: bone contact area, angiogenesis, stability of space, and safe healing.
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    Root cause analysis of 3 cases of adverse events involving swallowing and aspiration in dental implant procedures
    Jiao Mingxiu, Bao Xianjing, Chen Haixia
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (5): 347-350.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.10.009
    Abstract183)      PDF (1400KB)(704)       Save
    Objective The retrospective analysis was conducted on three cases of adverse events involving swallowing and aspiration in our hospital by applying the root cause analysis method. Methods The root causes of the events were identified in terms of systematic processes by creating a cause-and-effect diagram. Results The root causes of these incidents were identified in the system process: the lack of standardized preventive measures, insufficient patient evaluation, inadequate preoperative precautionary measures, and treatment positions that could easily result in swallowing and aspiration. Conclusion To address these three root causes, specific improvement measures were implemented: conducting adequate preoperative patient evaluations, enhancing preoperative precautionary measures, adjusting patient treatment positions, strengthening preventive measures during procedures, and enhancing supervision of such incidents.
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    Research progress of 3D printing individualized titanium mesh for complex bone augmentation
    Ji Ping
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 334-339.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.002
    Abstract422)      PDF (1160KB)(1075)       Save
    Complex and severe alveolar bone defect is an important factor affecting the esthetic and long-term stability of dental implants. Compared to conventional bone augmentation, digital and custom bone augmentation could reduce operation time and improve the accuracy of bone augmentation. Three-D printing individualized titanium mesh (3D-PITM) shows good biocompatibility and space-making capacity, which could accurately reconstruct the alveolar bone contour. Thus, 3D-PITM has been gradually applied in the bone augmentation surgery. This paper introduces the application and research progress of 3D-PITM used for complex bone augmentation.
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    Recent advances in the factors affecting the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of peri-implantitis
    Yan Fuhua, Song Shiyuan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (6): 402-409.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.12.003
    Abstract932)      PDF (1334KB)(1136)       Save
    Oral implant therapy is one of the most common methods for restoring defective and missing dentition. Peri-implantitis is a prevalent biological complication of implant therapy, characterized by inflammation of the peri-implant mucosa and subsequent progressive loss of supporting bone. The occurrence of peri-implantitis can impact the prognosis of implant restorations or even lead to implant failure, significantly affecting the patient's health and quality of life. Therefore, reducing the risk factors of peri-implantitis, timely diagnosis and effective treatments are of great importance to enhance the prognosis of implant therapy. This review describes the factors influencing the pathogenesis of peri-implantitis, the current diagnostic criteria, and therapeutic methods. Furthermore, it discusses emerging treatment modalities with potential clinical applications and reviews ongoing research progress.
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    Research progress on the application and mechanism of nanomaterials in stomatology
    Zhang Han, Meng Lingxi, Wang Mican, Lu Jingwei, Mei Hongxiang, Liao Wen
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (5): 328-333.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.10.011
    Abstract682)      PDF (1091KB)(854)       Save
    Nanomaterials have been widely used in the field of oral disease prevention and treatment, especially in controlling the development of caries and alleviating dentin allergy, due to their superior antibacterial properties and biocompatibility. Meanwhile, nanomaterials provide solutions for tissue regeneration, especially for oral tissue regeneration, due to their small particle size, high antibacterial activity and biocompatibility. At present, the research on nanomaterials in the field of dentistry focuses on the biological effects of various nanomaterials on different oral cells and clinical application studies. In this paper, we will review the biological effects of nanoparticles on oral cells, potential mechanisms and influencing factors, aiming to provide references for the development of new materials in the field of oral medicine and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases.
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    Clinical application of three-dimensional printed digital customized titanium mesh in guided bone regeneration for alveolar bone reconstruction
    Wang Tingting, Wang Feng, Wu Yiqun
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (4): 208-216.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.08.003
    Abstract417)      PDF (1445KB)(830)       Save
    Severe alveolar bone defects seriously affect dental implant placement and its long-term performance. Guided bone regeneration(GBR)as a reliable technique is able to achieve predictable bone augmentation. Three-dimensional printed digital customized titanium mesh is a new technique to obtain alveolar bone augmentation.For patients with severe alveolar bone defects, the preoperative examination is performed, the information of alveolar and dentition is obtained by radiographic examination and oral scan or model scan respectively,then the implants position is placed according to the principle of prosthetic-driven implant placement. The extent of bone augmentation and the shape of customized titanium mesh are designed with software, and then the digital customized titanium mesh is manufactured with 3D printing technology. The application of customized titanium mesh is conducive to reconstruct the three-dimensional shape of alveolar ridge precisely,and individually. The aim of this article is to summarize pre-opreative evaluation of patients, the key points of the design, clinical application and precautions of customized titanium mesh, in order to further promote its wide and safe application in clinical practice.
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    Exploration and consideration on clinical solutions for complex alveolar bone defects
    Li Jinmeng, Li Xiaoban, Zhang Jian
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (5): 285-291.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.10.005
    Abstract417)      PDF (1566KB)(897)       Save
    Surgeons and patients find it challenging to reconstruct the complex alveolar bone defects clinically. For complex alveolar bone defects, surgeons are responsible for making the most appropriate surgical plan, which requires them to fully understand the indications and technical key points of the existing bone augmentation techniques, and then choose an appropriate method to complete the alveolar bone defect reconstruction and the following implant placement. Based on clinical experience and literature review, the author summarizes the classification of alveolar bone defects, and focuses on the most commonly used bone augmentation techniques during clinical practice, such as Onlay bone grafting, split bone block technique, sausage technique, GBR technique with non-resorbable membrane, and GBR technique using titanium mesh. This article aims to provide a reference for the reconstruction of complex alveolar bone defects for dental implant specialists.
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    Expert consensus on sinus floor elevation with maxillary sinus cyst or cyst-like lesions
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 195-201.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.001
    Abstract236)      PDF (1090KB)(410)       Save
    Sinus floor elevation is a predictable rehabilitation method commonly used to address bone deficiency in the maxillary posterior area. However, the presence of maxillary sinus cysts often presents a challenge for sinus floor elevation. At present, there is still a lack of guidelines or consensus on sinus floor elevation with maxillary sinus cyst. The purpose of this consensus is to provide clinicians with practical and feasible measures for sinus floor elevation with maxillary sinus cysts.
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    Risks and countermeasures of dental implant treatment in osteoporosis patients
    Liu Zhonghao, Dong Kai
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (4): 303-310.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.08.003
    Abstract95)      PDF (1557KB)(95)       Save
    Osteoporosis (OP) is a systemic skeletal disease with the main characteristic of reduction of bone density and low bone mass. With the increasing age of the population, the incidence of OP increases year by year. Replacement of missing teeth with dental implants is one of the most common treatment options with a high success rate. However, in patients with OP, deterioration of bone tissue may lead to an increased risk of implant failure. Although OP is not a contraindication for implant therapy, clinicians should still pay great attention to associated risk factors. This article discusses the alveolar bone modeling and remodeling, the success rates of dental implants, the influence of anti-osteoporosis drugs, and the strategy of dental implant treatment in OP patients for clinical reference.
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    Research progress of the socket shield technique
    Luo Zhen, Liu Hong, Wu Wangxi
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (2): 119-123.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.04.009
    Abstract822)      PDF (1177KB)(680)       Save
    The socket shield technique is a new technology emerging in oral implantology in the last decade or so. Its introduction is to fundamentally interrupt the process of physiologic resorption in the alveolar socket after the tooth extraction. But no consensus has been reached on the standard operation and long-term effect of this treatment. Meanwhile with the development of digital technology, how to accurately and efficiently apply the socket shield technique has gradually attracted attention. The clinical procedure, the complication, the evaluation index and the digital application of the socket shield technique will be reviewed in this paper, hoping to provide a theoretical basis for the promotion of this technique in oral implantology.
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    Research advances in the production process of dental collagen membrane
    Shu Qianyi, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 358-364.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.006
    Abstract373)      PDF (1076KB)(732)       Save
    Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is an important technique in implant dentistry, in which oral collagen membranes play a key role. According to the production process, oral collagen membranes can be divided into acellular matrix membranes, purified collagen membranes and recombinant collagen membranes. At present, acellular membranes are main ones used clinically. Different types of collagen membranes have similarities and differences in production processes, and different production processes also have different effects on the properties of collagen membranes. This paper reviews the classification, production processes, comparison of different collagen membranes and the improvement of collagen membranes.
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    Treatment decision-making and prognosis assessment of peri-implantitis
    Xu Shulan, Zhu Yuanxi
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (6): 394-401.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.12.002
    Abstract239)      PDF (1706KB)(662)       Save
    Peri-implantitis is a common biological complication of dental implant treatment, and it is one of the significant causes of implant failure as well. The treatment decision-making and prognosis assessment of peri-implantitis present two major problems for implantologists in clinical practice. Evidence-based treatment decision-making and accurate prognosis assessment could help doctors propose appropriate treatment approaches and guide patients to conduct oral self-care and systemic factors control according to their own conditions, aiming for more a streamlined treatment process and better clinical outcomes. This literature review provides a comprehensive overview of the treatment decision-making and prognosis assessment of peri-implantitis, discusses its research progress and clinical recommendations, and puts forth suggestions for further research.
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    Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
    Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (4): 295-296.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.08.001
    Abstract78)      PDF (1347KB)(89)       Save
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 44-50.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.012
    Abstract296)      PDF (532KB)(627)       Save
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    Cause analysis of dental implant failure
    SUN Chenyu, ZHU Hongguang, BAI Jianwen
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 139-141.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.010
    Abstract356)      PDF (482KB)(754)       Save
    Objective: To analyze the reasons of the failure after primary implantation. Methods: Implant loos- ening and falling off or swelling and pain in the operative area were the criteria for failure. In this study, a total of 4 patients with implant surgery failure were selected to analyze the causes of failure. Result: The 4 patients failed the primary implantation in the short term due to operational factors, bone burn and un- known reasons. Conclusion: Due to surgical factors, bone burn, implantable instruments are not cleaned and disinfected in place, implantable drill bits are not sharp enough, and intraoperative cooling is not in place, etc. all of which may cause failure of bone union.
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2018, 23 (4): 196-200.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.12.012
    Abstract184)      PDF (525KB)(634)       Save
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    Research progress of bone window design for maxillary sinus floor elevation through lateral window approach
    Zhang wen, Gu Xinhua
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (5): 334-338.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.10.012
    Abstract533)      PDF (1090KB)(740)       Save
    The key of maxillary sinus floor elevation through lateral window approach is to expose and lift the sinus membrane, and the design of bone window is the primary factor to expose the sinus membrane. The traditional bone window is designed as a single and large window. If there is a sinus septum, 2 or 3 bone windows will be designed to avoid sinus septum. The lower boundary of the bone window is generally 3-5 mm at the bottom of the maxillary sinus. In recent years, many scholars have continuously studied the size, height, and distance from the alveolar ridge border, which has reduced intraoperative and postoperative discomfort and increased patient satisfaction. This article reviews the size, position, and shape of the bone window and digitally assisted lateral window osteotomy by consulting the recent literature.
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    Recent progress in bone regenerative materials for implant dentistry
    Li Xin, Liu Kaizheng, Wu Shiyu, Liu Yuanxiang, Huang Baoxin, Qiao Wei, Pan Haobo, Chen Zhuofan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (4): 371-377.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.08.013
    Abstract52)      PDF (1414KB)(80)       Save
    There has been an increasing number of cases involving bone regeneration in oral clinical treatments, and the requirements for related biomaterials are simultaneously getting higher. This review aims to summarize the research status of bone regeneration materials in the field of implant dentistry. First, specific characteristics of oral bone regeneration applications are introduced. Next, the biochemical and physical properties that affect the performance of materials are discussed, followed by some of the key issues in the field. Finally, an outlook on future research directions is provided to promote the development of next-generation oral bone regeneration materials.
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    Decision tree for the selection of immediate restoration options after full-arch implant placement
    Peng Lingyan, Wang Yong, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 381-386.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.010
    Abstract434)      PDF (1568KB)(645)       Save
    Today, immediate fixed restoration after full-arch implant placement is being used by more and more clinicians and patients. New technologies, devices and software continue to emerge, and there is some confusion in clinical application. To standardize the application of this protocol and provide patients with a variety of options, according to the article “Immediate temporary restoration options after full-arch implant placement” published in June 2022 in this journal, the author team further establishes this decision tree to solve such clinical cases, with the aim of providing implant prosthetic dentists with advices and references of diagnosis and treatment, which dentists can adopt with a comprehensive decision-making based on clinical situation, dentist's experience, available equipment and software.
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    Applied anatomy and CBCT evaluation of blood supply and mucoperiosteum in the maxillary sinus
    Chen Deping, Liu Qian, Pi Xuemin, Pan Hong, Tan Baosheng, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (4): 259-263.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.08.011
    Abstract332)      PDF (1479KB)(790)       Save
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    Key points of technique and experience of Extraction socket grafting-ridge preservation
    Qiu Lixin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 2-6.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.002
    Abstract651)      PDF (1231KB)(1197)       Save
    The current concept of dental implants is to achieve functional and aesthetic rehabilitation with minimal trauma. Intervention at the very beginning of extraction could reduce the surgical trauma in late stage and complexity of bone and soft tissue augmentation. Ridge preservation involves the grafting in the extraction socket, preserving or augmenting the residual crestal ridge. The aim of this article is to review the definition, indication and key points during operation of ridge preservation. Combining with personal clinical experience, the development tendency of the technology has been discussed.
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    Clinical procedure of transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation
    Chen Deping, Liu Qian, Pi Xuemin, Pan Hong, Ren Bin, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (2): 128-132.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.04.011
    Abstract346)      PDF (1348KB)(813)       Save
    The transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation is a common surgical approach when there is insufficient vertical bone height in the maxillary posterior region for implant treatment. This article describes the evolution of this technique and the technical points of the clinical approach. It is very difficult to assess the intactness of the maxillary sinus mucoperiosteum in transalveolar technique when simultaneous bone augmentation is required. The use of electronic endoscope is a very helpful method to better confirm the preparation depth of the implant site and the status of the maxillary sinus mucoperiosteum, thus effectively avoiding complications of bone augmentation due to the maxillary sinus mucoperiosteum perforation. This article focuses on the clinical procedures and considerations in the use of transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation to provide a reference for clinicians to improve the predictability of this technique.
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    Research advances in treatment of tooth agenesis
    Geng Chenxin, Liu Yang, Han Dong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 224-230.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.006
    Abstract91)      PDF (1368KB)(173)       Save
    Tooth agenesis is the most common dental developmental anomaly in humans, which can cause significant chewing, pronunciation, aesthetic and craniofacial development problems. Due to the unique characteristics of tooth agenesis, its treatment is very time-consuming and costly, imposing huge economic burdens and mental stress on patients. The treatments include a sequential therapeutic strategy with a multidisciplinary team of pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, oral implantology, and other backgrounds, as well as emerging methods such as targeted molecular therapy and tissue engineering. This review provides an update on the knowledge on the characteristics of tooth agenesis, traditional treatments, and the rising fields of molecular therapy and tissue engineering. We also discuss the treatment effects of each method, aiming to provide a reference for the treatment of tooth agenesis.
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    Clinical considerations of organ transplant patients receiving implant therapy
    Tang Yiman, Qiu Lixin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (4): 297-302.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.08.002
    Abstract71)      PDF (1481KB)(70)       Save
    Organ transplantation is an effective treatment for end-stage organ disease. Based on the increase in life expectancy, the demand for restoration of missing teeth in organ transplant patients has gradually increased. Dental implants have become the preferred treatment of choice for restoring missing teeth. Although dental implants have high success rates in healthy adults, the risk of implant therapy is correspondingly increased in organ transplant patients with previous systemic diseases and immunosuppressive therapy. In this article, we describe the particularity and success of oral implant therapy in organ transplant patients, and further discuss how to conduct a comprehensive assessment when performing implant therapy in organ transplant patients. Besides, we also discuss how to develop an individualized treatment plan to prevent possible risks and complications, in order to provide clinical references for the implementation of safe and effective implant therapy for organ transplant patients.
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    Expert consensus on maxillary sinus floor elevation: maxillary sinus septum
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 103-108.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.003
    Abstract190)      PDF (1040KB)(393)       Save
    The maxillary sinus septum is a common bony structure in the maxillary sinus. It is very important to understand the presence of the maxillary sinus septum when designing the sinus floor elevation. Therefore, this paper summarizes the classification of maxillary sinus septum, its anatomical and biological characteristics, its influence on maxillary sinus osteogenesis, and its treatment methods and principles, in order to provide a reference for the clinical implementation of sinus floor elevation with maxillary sinus septum, and to reduce the complications caused by the presence of maxillary sinus septum.
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    Application and risk of short implants in maxillary posterior teeth
    Shi Bin, Liao Yilin, Yan Qi
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (4): 213-218.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.08.002
    Abstract458)      PDF (1099KB)(727)       Save
    In the posterior maxilla, dental implant placement is usually challenged by insufficient ridge height. Short implants could be used as an alternative to bone augmentation procedures and obtain good clinical outcomes. However, some factors may bring risks to the successful application of short implants. This review introduces the definition and development of short implants, discusses risk factors of short implants in the posterior maxilla, and provides recommendations for the choice of implant size and restoration design when using short implants.
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    The decision-making principles of sinus floor elevation
    Pi Xuemin, Liu Qian, Chen Deping, Ren Bin, Pan Hong, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (5): 322-326.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.10.011
    Abstract463)      PDF (1653KB)(772)       Save
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    Expert consensus on titanium mesh supported guided bone regeneration
    Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 95-100.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.001
    Abstract328)      PDF (1401KB)(585)       Save
    Nowadays, the clinical application of titanium mesh supported guided bone regeneration (TMs-GBR), especially using 3D printing individualized titanium mesh (3D-PITM), is increasing, serving as a reliable solution for bone augmentation in various cases of bone defects, particularly complex ones encountered during implant surgery. Given the technical sensitivity of TMs-GBR and the higher risk of complications such as titanium mesh exposure, as well as the current lack of relevant guidelines or international consensus, the editorial board of the Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology organized discussions among relevant experts and drafted this consensus, aiming to provide clinical reference for practitioners.
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2020, 25 (4): 187-191.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2020.12.011
    Abstract317)      PDF (513KB)(559)       Save
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    Surface decontamination in peri-implantitis management
    Dong Xiaoxiao
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (6): 437-443.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.12.008
    Abstract117)      PDF (1359KB)(466)       Save
    Surface decontamination of implants is much more difficult than that of natural teeth. Incomplete decontamination is the main reason causing peri-implantitis treatment failure. This article reviews the implant surface decontamination modalities: mechanical decontamination methods, chemical decontamination methods and physical methods. Mechanical decontamination methods are the treatment most well documented. It is the foundation for peri-implantitis treatment. Nowadays, there is no gold standard for management of peri-implantitis. A combination of different decontamination modalities is recommended.
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    Causes and management of mechanical complications in dental implant
    CHEN Chuishi, LI Yang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 82-85.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.009
    Abstract290)      PDF (631KB)(580)       Save
    Objective: According to explore the causes and treatment of mechanical complications in dental im- plant surgery. Methods: 8 cases of dental implant complications occurred in longgang central hospital, in- cluding 5 cases where the central screw rod of the implant carrier was broken and 3 cases where the base screw was broken when the implant was implanted for immediate repair were collected. According to dif- ferent implant systems and different mechanical complications, corresponding treatment schemes were im- plemented. Result: 7 cases of central screw rod and base screw of the device were completely removed. The postoperative prognosis was good, the implant was not loose, and the subjective satisfaction of the pa- tients was good after the repair. 1 case replanted after the implant was removed, 6 months after the final restorationand were satisfied. Conclusion: Preoperative examination and analysis not only minimize the complications of implantation repair but also improve the success rate of implantation surgery.
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    Horizontally ridge reconstruction using titanium mesh with tenting screw vs. autologous bone graft: a retrospective study
    Zhou Lin, Ding Jiamin, Xing Yifeng, Lin Yanjun, Wu Dong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (5): 340-346.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.10.008
    Abstract247)      PDF (1651KB)(365)       Save
    Objective The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the horizontal bone gain at the different levels of alveolar bone using a titanium screw as a reference plane by titanium mesh with tent screw and autologous bone grafting. Methods Sixteen patients and 23 measured points were enrolled in this study. CBCT data immediately and 6 months after bone grafting were measured at crestal (CW), midway (MW), and basal (BW) levels and reconstructed for area measurement using a titanium screw as the reference plane. The exposure of titanium mesh or not had been evaluated. Results There were no statistical differences between the titanium mesh and onlay grafting, and measured levels at CW, MW, and BW, the exposed titanium mesh and not exposed one. The width absorption ratio of titanium mesh and onlay grafting group or at CW, MW, and BW were almost the same. The area of bone gained and absorption ratio were almost the same without statistical differences. However, the width absorption ratio of the exposed titanium mesh at CW, MW, and BW was significantly higher than the not exposed one. Thin biotype was a main factor in the exposure of titanium mesh. The exposed titanium mesh at the late phase can also achieve clinically accepted bone gain after certain anti-inflammatory treatments. Conclusion Ti-mesh with tenting screw technique and autologous bone graft can achieve clinically acceptable bone augmentation effect. However, the absorption ratio significantly increased if exposed.
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    Impact of osteoporosis on dental implantation and related clinical considerations
    Qiu Yun, Wang Yulan, Zhang Yufeng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (4): 336-341.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.08.007
    Abstract65)      PDF (1397KB)(63)       Save
    With the development of dental technology, dental implants are gradually becoming the primary choice for restoring missing teeth. The quality and quantity of the alveolar bone are key to the success of implant surgery and the long-term retention of the implants. Osteoporosis is a systemic disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass and a reduction in bone density, affecting bones throughout the body, including the alveolar bone. Therefore, its characteristic oral manifestations can be indicative of an early diagnosis of osteoporosis. At the same time, the changes in bone density and bone structure in osteoporosis patients necessitate awareness of the treatment risks during implantation and modification of the treatment plan to improve the success rate of implant treatment. This article reviews the oral manifestations of osteoporosis, the risks of implant treatment, and the consideration for implant treatment through a literature review.
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    Biological principle of emergence profile design of implant prosthesis
    Yang Yufei, Gu Xinhua
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (6): 352-357.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.12.005
    Abstract319)      PDF (1106KB)(786)       Save
    The emergence profile design of the implant prosthesis will not only affect the aesthetic effect of the prosthesis, but also affect the health of the tissues around the implant. Good emergence profile design helps to form a perfect soft tissue barrier, prevent microbial invasion, protect surrounding soft and hard tissues, and avoid aesthetic and biological complications. On the basis of understanding the biological characteristics of the tissue around the implant and based on the patient's soft and hard tissue conditions, designing a reasonable implant placement position to protect the health of the tissue around the implant is crucial to the success of the implant and also a necessary factor for the design of the emergence profile.
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    Advances of wound closure in alveolar ridge preservation
    Liu Zhenhui, Hu Wenjie
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (5): 322-327.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.10.010
    Abstract460)      PDF (1093KB)(800)       Save
    Favorable soft and hard tissue morphology is the basis of successful implant therapy, following a tooth extraction, the alveolar ridge undergoes physiological remodeling which affects prosthetically driven implant restoration. Alveolar ridge preservation can effectively preserve the soft and hard tissue contour of tooth extraction sites and create conditions for implant restorations. Good wound closure is one of the important keys to ensure the success of the operation. This article discusses different methods of wound closure, in order to provide a reference for the clinical application of this technique to achieve ideal results.
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    Progress in evaluation methods of dental implant placement accuracy
    Su Tianyue, Teng Weiwei, Wang Qi, Shu Qianyi, Zhou Libo
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (4): 248-253.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.08.009
    Abstract346)      PDF (1171KB)(671)       Save
    The application of digital technologies such as static guide, dynamic navigation and dental implant robot in the field of dental implant achieves the purpose of accurate implant placement. However, there is no unified standard for accurate recording and evaluation of dental implant sites, it is particularly important to select high-resolution postoperative evaluation methods to accurately reflect the accuracy of dental implants. At present, the commonly used instruments for assessment after dental implant surgery include CBCT, intraoral scanner, desktop optical scanner, and three-coordinate measuring instrument. In drilling experiments in other fields, calipers, plug gauges, digital measuring instruments such as three-coordinate measuring machine and laser tracker are also used for measurement, which can provide reference for the evaluation of the accuracy of dental implant implantation. In this paper, the principles, precision and characteristics of the accuracy evaluation methods involved in the drilling experiments of dental implants are reviewed, in order to provide a theoretical reference for the accuracy evaluation of dental implants in experiments and clinical practice.
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    Strategies for implant surface decontamination in therapy of peri-implantitis
    Yang Ting, Hu Wenjie
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (4): 385-390.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.08.015
    Abstract52)      PDF (1381KB)(66)       Save
    Peri-implantitis is a biofilm-mediated pathological condition of peri-implant tissue, characterized by inflammation in peri-implant mucosa accompanied by progressive loss of supporting bone around dental implants. It is the main reason that affects the long-term result of dental implant restoration, which might eventually lead to implant failure. Implant surface decontamination is the key to the management of peri-implantitis. Non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment have both been used in clinical practice, but there is no gold standard protocol for implant decontamination. Therefore, it is of great significance to compare the characteristics of implants with and without peri-implantitis to understand the decontamination strategy for infected implant surfaces, which can provide a reference for clinicians in the decision-making when managing peri-implantitis.
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    Research progress of intraoperative complications during lateral window technique for sinus floor elevation
    Luo Shaokang, Li Shuchun
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (2): 119-123.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.04.012
    Abstract321)      PDF (1250KB)(592)       Save
    Lateral window technique for sinus floor elevation is an effective surgical method to solve the lack of bone mass in the posterior maxilla after tooth loss. The technical sensitivity is high. The most common intraoperative complications include bleeding and maxillary sinus membrane perforation. If the surgical risk is not fully evaluated or the intraoperative complications are not properly handled, it may lead to surgical failure and compromised long-term effects of implantation. In this article a literature review will be conducted on the influencing factors, prevention and management of intraoperative complications related to lateral fenestration of lateral window technique for sinus floor elevation procedure.
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    Applied anatomy and radiological diagnosis of maxillary sinus floor elevation
    Chen Deping, Pi Xuemin, Liu Qian, Pan Hong, Tan Baosheng, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2022, 27 (3): 193-198.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2022.06.012
    Abstract304)      PDF (1541KB)(830)       Save
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    Expert consensus on the clinical application of dental implant robots (first edition)
    Chen Jiang, Su Yucheng, Shen Guofang, Zhou Yanmin, Man Yi, Wu Yiqun, Yang Guoli, Zhang Yufeng, Tang Chunbo, Liu Qian, Fu Gang, Du Liangzhi, Liu Feng, Gao Yongbo, Yang Xingmei, Chen Deping, Chen Zhuofan, Xu Shulan, Wang Liping, Zhang Sihui
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2023, 28 (3): 134-139.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2023.06.002
    Abstract386)      PDF (1437KB)(647)       Save
    Dental implant robot is a new clinical technology in the field of dental implantology in recent years. In view of its high accuracy and stability, it has been applied in many professional fields of stomatology, such as dental implant, oral and maxillofacial surgery, etc. On the basis of clinical application and document retrieval, this consensus discusses the definition of related terms, clinical application requirements, operation specifications and risk prevention of dental implant robots, putting forward consensus views based on the clinical operation experience of some domestic experts.
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