中国口腔种植学杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 136-138.DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.09.009

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 421000 湖南衡阳衡阳市中心医院
  • 出版日期:2018-09-10 发布日期:2021-09-06

Application effect and prognosis of bone graft and tissue engineering scaffold materials in maxillary sinus lifting oral implant restoration

JIANG Jian   

  1. Hengyang Central Hospital, Hunan Hengyang 421000, Hunan Province, China
  • Online:2018-09-10 Published:2021-09-06

摘要: 目的: 探讨上颌窦提升口腔种植修复中骨移植和组织工程支架材料应用效果及预后情况。方法: 选择上颌窦提升口腔种植修复患者30例,均为我院2016年5月至2017年5月收治,取Bio-Oss胶原质应用,作为骨移植和组织工程支架材料,观察效果及预后。结果: 本次研究选择的患者共30例,植入螺纹柱状种植体共34枚,术后未出现上颌窦粘膜及牙龈黏膜感染和破损的情况。随访6个月,行X线摄片检查,人工骨融合牙槽骨的情况较为理想,种植体有效与周围骨结合。平均24个月随访,义齿可发挥正常作用。结论: 针对临床收治的上颌窦提升术口腔种植修复的患者,取Bio-Oss胶原质应用,作为骨移植和组织工程支架材料,种植体骨结合较为理想,可避免松动脱落的情况发生,为获得满意的修复效果提供了强有力的保障。

关键词: 上颌窦提升术, 口腔种植修复, 骨移植, 组织工程支架材料

Abstract: Objective: To investigate the application effect and prognosis of bone graft and tissue engineering scaffold in maxillary sinus lifting oral implant restoration. Methods: Thirty patients with maxillary sinus and oral implants were selected. All of them were treated from May 2016 to May 2017. Bio-Oss collagen was applied as a scaffold for bone grafting and tissue engineering. The effect and prognosis were observed. Results: A total of 30 patients were selected in this study. A total of 34 threaded column implants were implanted. There was no infection and damage of the maxillary sinus mucosa and gingival mucosa. After 6 months of follow-up, X-ray examination and artificial bone fusion of the alveolar bone were ideal, and the implant was effectively combined with the surrounding bone. After an average of 24 months of follow-up, the denture can play a normal role. Conclusion: For patients with clinically treated maxillary sinus eleva-tion for oral implant restoration, Bio-Oss collagen is applied as a bone graft and tissue engineering scaf-fold material. The implant bone combination is ideal, which can avoid loosening and falling off. Satisfacto-ry repair results provide a strong guarantee.

Key words: maxillary sinus augmentation, oral implant restoration, bone graft, tissue engineering scaffold material
