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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology 2019 Vol.24
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    The study on properties of guided bone regeneration of new type chitosan-based thermosensitive hydrogel membranes in vivo
    LIANG Jie, ZHOU Ti, CUI Jun, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 1-4.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.001
    Abstract221)      PDF (606KB)(292)       Save
    Objective: To observe chitosan/β-glycerophosphate salt(CS/β-GP) thermosensitive hydrogel mem-branes loaded enamel matrix proteins and detect the guided bone regeneration properties. Methods: CS/β-GP membranes were synthesized in vitro and loaded with EMPs. 10 male and healthy Wistar rats wererandomly divided into two groups(A and B). Critical size defect(CSD) in a diameter of 5mm was created onboth sides of the skull of the rats. The experimental side on the left was covered by CS/β-GP(1.0g) com-posite membrane loaded EMPs on the left and the control side was covered by CS/β-GP (1.0g) membraneon the right. The bone reparation of the groups on both sides was compared by observation, density mea-surement of newly formed bone and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Results: The percentage of bilateralbone density measured at 1 month and 2 months had statistical significance(P< 0.05). HE staining showedthat there were a few new bone formation on both sides at 1 month after operation. At 2 months after opera-tion, the new bone formation in the experimental side increased and became more compact and mature. Conclusion: This kind of CS/β-GP composite membrane has the characteristics of guided bone regener-ation, and can significantly accelerate bone healing after loading bioactive factors.
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    Age estimation in Sichuan Han female adults based on tooth volume analysis using cone-beam computed tomography
    WANG Liang, ZHAN Mengjun, ZHAO Jialong, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 5-9.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.002
    Abstract208)      PDF (569KB)(332)       Save
    Objective: Cone-beam computed tomography was used to analyze the tooth volume of different adults in order to estimate the age of females of Han nationality in Sichuan, and to explore the application value of tooth volume change in age estimation. Methods: CBCT images of 149 Han females aged 20 to 60 in Sichuan were collected. The pulp cavity volume (X1) and dentin volume(X2) of left maxillary central incisors were measured by Mimics 17.0 software, and the total tooth volume(X3) was calculated as the mea- surement index. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between each measure- ment index and chronological age. Sixteen samples were randomly selected from the total sample as vali- dation samples, and the remaining 133 samples were used to develop regression equation for female adult age estimation. Results: Pearson correlation analysis showed that only pulp cavity volume(X1) was nega- tively correlated with chronological age(r=-0.666, P<0.001). Dentin volume(X2) and total tooth volume (X3) were not significantly correlated with chronological age(P>0.05). The results of model validation showed that the mean absolute error(MAE) of regression model based on pulp cavity volume(X1) was 7.723 year. Conclusion: CBCT can be used to observe the pulp cavity volume changes of left maxillary central incisors, which can be used to estimate the age of females adult of Han nationality in Sichuan, and provide a new method for the age estimation of adults in forensic practice in China.
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    Study of the cytotoxicity for 3D printed titanium alloy dental implants
    WANG Hua, WANG Yao, ZHANG Biao
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 10-13.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.003
    Abstract271)      PDF (682KB)(336)       Save
    Objective: MTT colorimetric assay was used to detect the cytotoxicity of titanium alloy dental im- plant cast by 3D printing technology, and to evaluate the feasibility of the new casting process, so as to provide theoretical basis for further clinical application. Methods: We used professional software design to build the computer model, selected two different titanium alloys Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-7Nb as the casting raw materials, and cast three kinds of experimental standard plates of the same specification by 3D printing technology. The experiment was mainly divided into three groups, namely Ti-6Al-4V group, Ti-6Al-7Nb group and blank control group. By MTT colorimetric assay, we tested the effects of these three standard components on the proliferation rate of osteoblast MG63 to complete the evaluation of 3D printing technology. Results: Under the inverted phase contrast microscope, we observed that the growth status of cells in the three groups were all good, and there was no significant difference in cell morphology between the experimental group and the blank control group. MTT colorimetric results showed that the cy- totoxicity level of the two groups of titanium sheets was 0. Meanwhile, the proliferation rate of Ti-6Al- 7Nb titanium alloy sheets was slightly higher than that of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy sheet extraction solu- tion group. Conclusion: The cytotoxicity level of titanium alloy implants cast by 3D printing technology meets the requirements of clinical application of oral implant materials, and the cytotoxicity level of Ti- 6Al-7Nb is slightly lower than that of Ti-6Al-4V
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    Clinical study of the effect of implants with different implanting depth on marginal bone level
    HUANG Jiangqin, WANG Yi, CEN Wen, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 14-18.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.004
    Abstract274)      PDF (587KB)(301)       Save
    Objective: To evaluate the influence of implants with different implanting depth on the marginal bone level and discuss its clinical significant. Methods: 57 patients with 146 Bicon implants in the poste- rior region were included. According to implanting depth, there were 4 groups including group A of 1 mm less below the bone level, group B of between 1mm to 2 mm below the bone level, group C of between 2 mm to 3 mm below the bone level, group D of more than 3 mm below the bone level. The marginal bone level were evaluated by means of X-ray and SPSS 17.0 software package was used for statistical analysis. Results: After 5-years functional load, there was no significant difference in crestal bone loss among four groups(P>0.05), while there was a statistical difference among four groups(P<0.05) in the relationship be- tween the marginal bone level and implant neck platform. Conclusion: There was no significant effect of Bicon implant with different implanting depth on the marginal bone resorption,but implants implanted be- low the bone level might have more chance to keep the marginal bone stabilized at or above the implant platform.
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    Clinical observation of Er: YAG laser in combination with minocycline hydrochloride ointment to treat peri-implantitis
    SHEN Xiaoyun, LIU Fengling, LI Wanjia
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 19-21.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.005
    Abstract378)      PDF (516KB)(313)       Save
    Objective: To observe the clinical effect of using Er: YAG laser in combination with minocycline hy- drochloride ointment to treat peri-implantitis. Methods: A total of 52 single implants from 52 patients were randomized into study group(Er: YAG laser and minocycline hydrochloride ointment treatment group) and control group(manual scraping treatment group). The efficacy endpoints of plaque, bleeding and probing depth are measured respectively in pre-treatment, week 1, month 1 and month 3 after treat- ment and then analyzed statistically. Results: There is no significant difference of periodontal clinical in- dicators before treatment between the study group and the control group(P>0.05), and all the clinical effi- cacy endpoints after treatment in two groups improved (P<0.05), at the same time the effect of study group is better significantly(P<0.05). Conclusion: The Er: YAG laser in combination with minocycline hydrochloride ointment have clinical effect significantly on peri-implantitis.
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    Correlation analysis of CRP, UDPd/Scr and other inflammatory markers in patients with dental implant restoration
    WU Jianbo, YIN Li, GENG Fayun, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 22-24.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.006
    Abstract202)      PDF (523KB)(238)       Save
    Objective: To analyze the correlation between C-reactive protein(CRP), urinary deoxypyridine (UD- Pd)/creatinine content (Scr) and inflammatory indicators in patients with oral implantation. Methods: 60 patients who received oral implantation in our hospital were selected as the observation group, and 60 healthy adults were selected as the control group. Serum C reactive protein(CRP), urinary deoxypyridine (UDPd)/creatinine(Sce), interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor were com- pared between the two groups. Results: Serum CRP, IL-1, IL-6, TNF-levels and UDPd/ Scr in the obser- vation group were significantly higher than those in the control group 1 week and 1 month after surgery(P< 0.05), Pearson correlation analysis showed that CRP level in the observation group was positively correlat- ed with UDPd/Scr ratio 1 month after surgery(r=0.301, P=0.004). According to the X-ray examination re- sults, the patients were divided into the poorly integrated group(n=8) and the well-integrated group(n=52). The CRP, UDPd/ Scr ratio and IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-levels in the well-integrated group were significantly lower than those in the poorly integrated group(P<0.05). Conclusion: In the process of oral repair, serum CRP and urine UDPd/Scr ratio will be significantly increased and there is a positive correlation between the two. CRP, UDPd/Scr and other inflammatory indicators are correlated with the prognosis of patients with oral implantation and restoration.
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    A comparative study of restoration of residual crown root canal after treatment and implant restoration after extraction and its effect on VAS in patients
    HUANG Jiechun
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 25-28.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.007
    Abstract247)      PDF (547KB)(290)       Save
    Objective: To compare the clinical effect of root canal repair after root canal therapy and implant re- pair after extubation, and the difference of VAS in patients with residual crown. Methods: From January 2016 to January 2018, 60 patients with residual crown were divided into observation group and control group. The observation group was treated with residual crown root canal and the control group was treated with tooth residual crown extraction. The visual analogue scale and visual analogue score(VAS) were com- pared between the two groups. Results: Three months after treatment, the clinical effects of the observa- tion group were better than those of the control group in four aspects: root stability, loosening of teeth, fixa- tion effect of prosthesis and masticatory function (P<0.05). The satisfaction rate of the patients repaired af- ter root canal therapy was 83.3%, and that of the patients with implant repair after extraction was 66.7%. The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). VAS of the two groups showed that the pain degree was significantly reduced with the prolongation of the distance treatment time, but the pain degree of the observation group was lighter, the pain relief was faster, and the comfort degree of the patients was higher. Conclusion: The former has less pain and better effect than that after extraction, so it is worth choosing first.
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    Analysis of clinical effects of different implantation methods of micro implanted anchorage screws on orthodontic treatment
    WU Zelin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 29-32.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.008
    Abstract216)      PDF (535KB)(282)       Save
    Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of different implantation methods on orthodontic im- plants with micro implant anchorage screws. Methods: A total of 70 patients who were treated with orth- odontic treatment from April 2015 to January 2017 were selected as subjects. All patients were treated with mini-implantation anchorage. According to the implantation method, they were divided into control group and observation group, each with 35 cases. In the control group, the microscrew implants were im- planted at a vertical angle of 90 degrees. The observation group was treated with a microscrew implant an- chorage method. The effect of the implants was assessed 12 months after treatment. The two groups of pa- tients were recorded and statistically evaluated for the lower-middle incisor lip inclination angle, uppermiddle incisor lip inclination, and upper and lower mid-tooth incisional teeth angles. The occlusal force was measured before and after the patient's treatment of occlusal force, the chewing efficiency was evalu- ated using a weighing method. Evaluation, records and statistics of implant loosening, periodontal edema, discomfort, and incidence of gingivitis after treatment were compared between the two groups. Clinical ef- ficacy was compared between the two groups. Results: The 12-month curative effect of micro-screw im- plant anchorage in the observation group was 94.29%, which was higher than 68.57% in the control group (P<0.05). The inclination of tooth lip was smaller than that of the control group(P<0.05). In the observa- tion group, the angles of the upper and lower mid-incision teeth in the 12 months after treatment were all greater than those in the control group (P<0.05), the chewing function was not statistically significant be- fore treatment in the two groups(P>0.05), observing force and chewing efficiency were higher in the obser- vation group than in the control group at 12 months after treatment (P<0.05), implant group loosening, periodontal edema, discomfort, and incidence of gingivitis were observed in the observation group after treatment. Lower than the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: The use of microscrew implant anchorage in orthodontic treatment can improve the clinical curative effect, improve the inclination of the lip and the chewing function, and the complication rate is low. It is worthy of popularization and application.
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    Digital guided dental implant restoration in anterior aesthetic area: a case report
    CHEN Lin, CHEN Quanlin, WANG Binchen, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 33-36.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.009
    Abstract208)      PDF (878KB)(284)       Save
    Objective: To report the diagnosis and treatment of a case of consecutive edentulous in anterior max- illary, and summarize the experience of integrated digital implant restoration. Methods: Clinical case was a 28 years old male patient whose 11, 12, 13, 21, 22 teeth were extracted due to trauma. A single GBR was used to restore the quantity of the soft and hard tissue. The intraoral data were obtained by the intra- oral optical scanning and the implant surgery was guided by static template. Results: 4 implants were im- planted, and the implant location was ideal. Imaging examination showed that the implant had good osseo- integration and the level of the surrounding bone was relatively stable, and showed good clinical esthetic outcome. Conclusion: Correct preoperative diagnosis, sufficient preoperative preparation and three-di- mensional digital simulation can enhance the precision of implant surgery, and make the final outcome take both biomechanical and aesthetic effects into consideration.
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    Clinical reports of failed dental implant replantation
    SONG Guangbao, CHEN Qiyue, ZHANG Yang, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 37-40.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.010
    Abstract255)      PDF (672KB)(453)       Save
    Objective: To observe the clinical effects of failed implant re-implantation, and to supplement the current treatment methods for failed implants. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 9 cases of patients im- planted in the Stomatology Hospital of Southern Medical University from February 2008 to June 2014, 8 cases of Straumann Standard 4.1×10mm implants, 1 case of Osstem SSII 4.1×11.5mm implants. The im- plant was implanted and restored for more than 1 year. The implant was obviously loose and painful when chewing, but the implant was not exposed, the soft tissue was not obviously red and swollen, and there was no obvious pyorrhea of the implant. X-rays shown Implant low density, but no significant horizontal and vertical bone defect image. Perform a failed implant replantation procedure under local anesthesia, the failed implants were washed with saline and the carbon fiber head scraper was used to clean the infected bone and fibrous tissue remaining on the implant surface. The bone defect was partially filled with Tianbo bone powder or Bio-Oss bone powder. Results: Nine of the loose dental implants were repaired for more than 1 year. The shortest use time was 4.5 years after implant restoration, the longest was 9 years, and the average service life was 6.5 years. 8 of the 9 replanted implants were repaired after 3 to 6 months, and on- ly 1 did not have osseointegration. New implants were implanted after removal, and repairs were complet- ed 3 months later. All torque values reached 35 Ncm. X-ray photos examined no low-density images around the implant. Conclusion: Replantation of failed dental implants can also achieve osseointegration and function. Some failed implants should not be simply discarded, and can be re-successed through reimplantation. Enriching the existing knowledge of the failure of dental implant treatment.
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 41-43.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.011
    Abstract200)      PDF (489KB)(398)       Save
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (1): 44-50.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.012
    Abstract296)      PDF (532KB)(627)       Save
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    The influence of vancomycin on osteogenic efficacy of BMP2-coprecipated biomimetic calcium phosphate granules
    WANG Dongyun, LUO Yuan, PENG Juanhong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 51-54.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.001
    Abstract166)      PDF (562KB)(258)       Save
    Objective: To investigate the influence of vancomycin on osteogenic efficacy of BMP2-coprecipated biomimetic calcium phosphate granules. Methods: After being seeded on BioCaP-BMP2 granules, BM- SCs were treated with vancomycin at concentration of 0,1, 10, 30μg/ml. Cell proliferation was detected at 1, 4, 7 days by CCk8 assay. Total protein, alkaline phosphatase activity and osteocalcin expression were examined at 4 and 7 days. Results: Compared with control group, vancomycin at concentration of 1 and 10μg/ml did not show negative effects on the biological behavior of BMSCs. On the contrary, high concen- tration of vancomycin was found to inhibit the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs. Conclusion: Therapeutic concentration of vancomycin will not negatively influence the osteogenic efficacy of BioCaP-BMP2, which means BioCaP-BMP2 granules carrying vancomycin could be a promising material to treat infectious bone defects.
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    Analysis on the changes of CD3+、CD4+、CD8+、IL-2、IL-6 and TNF-α levels in patients with recurrent oral ulcer treated with dental implants
    SHI Hairui, KONG Yihua, WNAG Xianhe, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 55-58.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.002
    Abstract181)      PDF (556KB)(265)       Save
    Objective: To study and analyze the changes of CD3、CD4+、CD8+、IL-2、IL-6 and TNF-α levels in patients with recurrent oral ulcer treated with dental implants. Methods: From February 2016 to Decem- ber 2018, 60 patients with previous dental implants and recurrent oral ulcer admitted to our hospital as ob- servation objects were recorded as the experimental group. In addition, 60 cases of previous dental im- plant personnel who underwent physical examination in our hospital in the same period were recorded as the control group. CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ levels were detected by flow cytometry, and CD4+/CD8+ values were calculated. Meanwhile, serum levels of interleukin-2(IL-2), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necro- sis factor-α(TNF-α) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Correlation analysis was al- so maken. Results: The CD4+ and CD8+ levels in the experimental group were(35.01±4.23)% and(33.22± 5.37) %, respectively higher than the control group(31.76±3.82)% and(22.17±3.98)%. The CD4+/CD8+ level(1.26±0.61) was lower than the control group (1.87±0.89) (all P<0.05). The serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in the experimental group were(39.77±3.58) pg/ml, (2.81±0.50) pg/ml, (15.59±3.79) pg/ml, compared with the control group(23.05±10.24) pg/ml, (0.72±0.15) pg/ml, (10.24±1.28) pg/ml was higher (all P<0.05). Pearson correlation analysis showed that CD4+ and CD8+ levels were positively correlated with serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels, while CD4+/CD8+ levels were negatively correlated with serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels(all P<0.05). Conclusion: CD4+ and CD8+ levels were significantly higher in patients with dental implants and recurrent oral ulcer, while CD4+/CD8+ levels were significantly lower, suggesting that immune dysfunction may be closely related to the occurrence and development of recur- rent oral ulcer. In clinical work, serum IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels may be jointly detected to reflect the immune function of patients.
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    Squeeze the cultivation technique of maxillary teeth after Ⅲ class bone grow forward curative effect and the influence of marginal bone absorption
    CHEN Runa, FU Zhennan, ZHANG Peifen, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 59-62.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.003
    Abstract164)      PDF (527KB)(276)       Save
    Objective: To study the compressive after planting technique of maxillary teeth area Ⅲ bone to grow forward curative effect and the influence of marginal bone absorption. Methods: From March 2012 to March 2013 in our hospital after accepting maxillary teeth area Ⅲ type of bone implant prosthesis treat- ment 86 cases(120) using the implant as research object. With implants as the research unit, the patients were divided into the study group (67 implants) and the control group(53 implants) according to whether they received squeeze implantation. The control group was treated with conventional implant implanta- tion, while the study group was treated with squeeze implantation. Patients in both groups were followed up for 5 years, and the 5-year success rate of implants in the two groups was calculated and compared. In addition, the amount of marginal bone absorption at different postoperative time points was compared be-tween the two groups. Results: The 5-year implant success rate of the study group and the control group was 98.51%(66/67) and 94.34% (50/53), respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups(all P>0.05). The marginal bone absorption in the study group was(0.38±0.23)mm six months after implant implantation, which was higher than the control group (0.54±0.38)mm, and the difference was sta- tistically significant(P<0.05). 1 year after implantation, 2 years after implantation, and 3 years after im- plantation, the marginal bone absorption in the study group was(1.08±0.64)mm, (1.57±0.60)mm, (1.92± 0.78)mm, respectively. Compared with the control group (1.07±0.59) mm, (1.56±0.72) mm, (1.94±0.85) mm, there was no significant difference(P>0.05). The incidence rates of maxillary sinusitis, surgical site swelling and implant loosening and shedding in the study group were 0.00%(0/67), 1.49% (1/67) and 4.48%(3/67), respectively, which were not significantly different from those in the control group 1.89% (1/ 53), 3.77% (2/53) and 7.55% (4/53), with no statistical significance(all P>0.05). Conclusion: Extrusion for planting area after maxillary teeth Ⅲ kind of bone to grow forward curative effect is better, and effec- tively reduce marginal bone absorption in the short term, but in terms of the forward edge of bone absorp- tion and no significant differences, conventionally grown in clinical practice can be formulated on the ba- sis of the condition of the patients with appropriate ways of planting.
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    Comparative study of immediate and delayed application of combined implants in patients with periodontitis after periodontal treatment
    HUANG Bei, TANG Caomin, LING Xiongjian, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 63-66.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.004
    Abstract187)      PDF (558KB)(249)       Save
    Objective: To compare the effect of columnar combined implants immediately after treatment of peri- odontal system in patients with periodontitis. Methods: Total of 74 patients(128 teeth) with periodontitis admitted to our hospital from February 2015 to November 2017 were selected. According to the random number table method, it was divided into immediate group(37 cases, 62 teeth) and delayed group(37 cas- es, 66 teeth). Both groups received periodontal system treatment. Immediately, the column-shaped com- bined implant was implanted immediately after the tooth was removed. The delayed group was removed af- ter the tooth was removed. The columnar combination was implanted 6 to 8 months after operation. Im- plants. The depth of probing(PD), modified sulcus bleeding index(m SBI), modified plaque index(m PLI), and 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after repair were compared immediately after repair in 2 groups. The red aesthetic score(PES) for the month, the stability of the implant 3 months after repair, and the im- plant retention rate within 1 year after repair. Results: There were no significant differences in the PD, m SBI and m PLI between the 2 groups immediately after repair and 3 months after repair (P>0.05). The PES scores at 3 months after immediate group repair were significantly higher than those in the delayed group(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in PES scores between the two groups at 6 months and 12 months after repair(P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the stability of implants between the two groups and the retention rate of implants within one year after repair(P>0.05). Conclusion: Imme-diate planting and delayed planting are equally effective in the treatment of severe periodontitis. The for- mer is better for save patients’visiting time and shorten treatment process. It is worth promoting.
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    Clinical study on the application of flapless technique in immediate implant restoration of anterior teeth
    ZHANG Huajin, HUANG Zhibin, CHEN Weiji, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 67-70.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.005
    Abstract177)      PDF (579KB)(284)       Save
    Objective: To explore the clinical effect on patients with immediate repair without flap in anterior teeth. Methods: A total of 45 patients undergoing anterior tooth restoration were enrolled in this study. All patients were admitted to the hospital from December 2016 to October 2017. Random number table was used to divide them into 23 cases in the control group and 22 cases in the observation group example. The patients in the control group were repaired with conventional flap inversion technique, and the pa- tients in the observation group were treated with immediate implant repair without flap. The red aesthetic index (PESN), alveolar bone resorption and implant success rate, Repair satisfaction, postoperative stabili- ty(ISQ), and other clinical indicators were compared between the two groups. The clinical effects of the two groups of patients after treatment were evaluated side by side according to the gingival papilla filling index(PIS). At the same time, the adverse symptoms of two groups of patients were recorded and com-pared. Results: Compared with the control group, the corresponding index data of the observation group was higher than that of the control group(P<0.05), and the alveolar bone resorption of the observation group was lower than that of the control group. The results were statistically significant(P<0.05), the suc- cess rate of implantation and the satisfaction degree of repair were higher in the observation group than in the control group(P<0.05). PIS index in observation group 0 and 1 degrees were significantly higher than the control group, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The incidence of adverse symptoms in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group, the difference was statisti- cally significant(P<0.05). Conclusion: The effect of immediate implantation without flap is significant, which is beneficial to the patients' soft tissue shape, stability and success rate after implantation, so it is worth popularizing in clinic.
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    Effect analysis of Bio-Gide membrane on guided bone regeneration in dental implantation
    ZOU Ziying
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 71-73.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.006
    Abstract335)      PDF (537KB)(331)       Save
    Objective: To investigate the effect of Bio-Gide membrane on guided bone regeneration in dental implants. Methods: A total of 160 patients who underwent bone regeneration in our hospital from Janu- ary to February 2018 were enrolled in the study. They were randomly divided into observation group and control group, with 80 cases in each group. The observation group was treated with Bio-Gide membrane, and the control group was treated with Haiao oral prosthetic membrane. The repair success rate, bone graft thickness, bone thickness and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results: The repair success rate of the observation group was 95.00%, which was significantly higher than that of the control group (81.25%) (P<0.05). The bone graft thickness and bone thickness of the observation group were significantly higher than those of the control group(P<0.05). The incidence rate was 8.75%, which was significantly lower than that of the control group(23.75%(P<0.05). Conclusion: Bio-Gide membrane has a definite clinical effect on patients with dental implant-guided bone regeneration, which can improve the success rate of repair and reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions. It is worthy of clini- cal application.
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    Effect of tooth extraction site preservation on aesthetic effect of dental implant patients
    HE Zhiwei
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 74-76.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.007
    Abstract162)      PDF (511KB)(258)       Save
    Objective: To investigate the effect of tooth extraction point preservation on the aesthetic effect of dental implant patients. Methods: From January 2017 to July 2018, 38 patients with dental implant were randomly divided into two groups: the control group was treated with conventional dental implant after extraction of dental teeth, and the patients in the control group were treated with conventional dental implants after extraction, and the patients in the control group were randomly divided into two groups. Results: Showed that the width, height and density of alveolar bone in the study group were higher than those in the control group, and the lip-palate bone resorption and vertical bone resorption were lower than those in the control group. The degree of beauty was higher than that of the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: After extraction of teeth, there is a statistical difference between the two groups. Site preservation technology can effectively improve alveolar bone width, height, density, reduce lip and palate bone absorption and vertical bone absorption, provide good conditions for oral implant, and improve the aesthetic effect of patients, which has a certain clinical practical value. It is worth popularizing.
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    Clinical and radiologic outcomes of conical bone-level implants with internal hexagonal connections:a short-term retrospective study
    LIU Xin, ZHANG Xiaocong, HU Mingxuan, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 77-81.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.008
    Abstract183)      PDF (594KB)(249)       Save
    Objective: To retrospectively evaluate the short-term clinical and radiologic outcomes of a conical bone-level implant with internal hexagonal connection. Methods: A total of 68 conical bone-level im- plants(MIS SEVEN) with internal hexagonal connections inserted into 23 patients were included. Patients were followed up. The survival rate and the marginal bone loss were evaluated by clinical and radiologic examinations. Results: The implant survival rate is 100% within 68 implants. The medial and distal mar- ginal bone loss were(0.02±0.57) mm and (0.14±0.57) mm, respectively, during the average 12.2mouths fol- low-up. Conclusions: High implant survival rate was achieved by this conical bone-level implants with internal hexagonal connections. Marginal bone level was relatively stable. Short-term clinical outcomes were reliable.
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    Causes and management of mechanical complications in dental implant
    CHEN Chuishi, LI Yang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 82-85.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.009
    Abstract290)      PDF (631KB)(580)       Save
    Objective: According to explore the causes and treatment of mechanical complications in dental im- plant surgery. Methods: 8 cases of dental implant complications occurred in longgang central hospital, in- cluding 5 cases where the central screw rod of the implant carrier was broken and 3 cases where the base screw was broken when the implant was implanted for immediate repair were collected. According to dif- ferent implant systems and different mechanical complications, corresponding treatment schemes were im- plemented. Result: 7 cases of central screw rod and base screw of the device were completely removed. The postoperative prognosis was good, the implant was not loose, and the subjective satisfaction of the pa- tients was good after the repair. 1 case replanted after the implant was removed, 6 months after the final restorationand were satisfied. Conclusion: Preoperative examination and analysis not only minimize the complications of implantation repair but also improve the success rate of implantation surgery.
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    Perioperative nursing of CGF in immediate implant placement of maxillary anterior teeth
    LUO Weiyan, HONG Yuri, BAO Nianxiang, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 86-88.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.010
    Abstract224)      PDF (552KB)(438)       Save
    Objective: To summarize the perioperative nursing experience of CGF in immediate implant place- ment, to improve the clinical effect of oral implantation. Methods: 68 cases of missing teeth undergoing immediate implant placement of maxillary anterior teeth were given pre-operative guidance, intraopera- tive cooperation, post-operative and post-restoration nursing. Result: All patients had stable mental health, stable vital signs and smooth implant implantation. After 1 to 3 years follow-up, one patient devel- oped a fistula in the apical region of the implant one year after implantation and got the implant removed. The other patients had healthy bone and soft tissue, and the success rate was more than 98%. Conclusion: Immediate implant placement with perfect medical and nursing cooperation is the guarantee to achieve success and improve patient satisfaction.
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    The application of six hand nursing in the immediate implants and restoration of edentulous patients
    FAN Qinglian, DONG Kai, WANG Weifeng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 89-91.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.011
    Abstract205)      PDF (507KB)(256)       Save
    Objective: To summarize the advantages of six-hand care operation in the immediate implants and restoration of edentulous patients, and to seek the best nursing cooperation method. Methods: Twenty patients with complete edentulous jaw were randomly divided into control group(C)and experimental group (P). Four-hand operation and six-hand operation were used to restore the edentulous jaw immediately after implantation. The two groups were compared by the observation and treatment of operation time, patient satisfaction, bacterial detection and surface Plaque Index of prosthesis. Results: The repair operation time of P group, bacterial detection and prosthesis surface plaque index were significantly less than group C(P<0.05), and the patient satisfaction of P group was significantly higher than that in group C (P<0.05). Conclusion: Six hand operation nursing combined with four hand operation can strictly carry out aseptic operation, shorten treatment time, improve work efficiency, improve patient satisfaction and compliance, suitable for the edentulous implantation immediately restoration care cooperation.
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 92-97.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.012
    Abstract234)      PDF (525KB)(620)       Save
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (2): 98-100.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.06.013
    Abstract246)      PDF (491KB)(519)       Save
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    The measurement of maxillary sinus septa using conebeam CT and its application analysis for dental implant
    ZHANG Chuan, QING Wei, GAN Shengyuan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 101-105.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.001
    Abstract217)      PDF (596KB)(261)       Save
    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the anatomical structure of maxillary sinus septa using cone beam computed tomography(CBCT) and assess its prevalence and location for maxillary sinus surgical interventions. Methods: Maxillary sinus images of 248 patients who underwent CBCT scan in Sichuan Provincial Hospital between September of 2017 and September of 2018 were collected. This study was to investigate the relationship between the anatomical variations of maxillary sinus septa and conditions of gender, location and absence of teeth. Results: There were a total of 248 patients(male 144, female 104),and the prevalence of maxillary sinus septa was 27.42%. Among the 248 patients, there were 36 patients with one maxillary sinus septa(14.52%), 28 patients with two sinus septa(8.87%), 4 pa- tients with three sinus septa(2.42%). The location of septa observed in all study groups demonstrated a greater prevalence(51.92%) in the molar region than in the pre-molar and post-molar region, which re- spectively were 24.0% and 22.0%. The average height on the sagittal plane was(6.20±2.82)mm to the left, while the right side is(5.83±1.80)mm. The percentage of bone crest in female was 26.47% and that in male was 73.53%. There was a statistical difference between male and female in maxillary sinus bone crest(P<0.05). At the same time, this study showed no statistically significant differences regard to loca- tion, but to gender. Conclusion: Septa of various heights and courses developed in all parts of the maxil-lary sinus. Therefore, to prevent possible complications during sinus surgery,CBCT is a good choice to observe the septa in maxillary sinus.
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    The applicafion of titanium mesh combined with anorganic bovine bone mined on alveolar bone vertical augmentation
    KANG Bo, PAN Yingjing, WEN Yujie, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 106-109.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.002
    Abstract132)      PDF (864KB)(284)       Save
    Objective: To evaluate the effect of titanium mesh combination with anorganic bovin bone mined on vertical bone augmentation in the molar tooth region. Methods: 22 patients with vertical bone defect in our hospital from August 2013 to July 2016 group 1 were treated with a titanium mesh in combination with anorganic bovin bone mined and a total of 22 implants were implanted. Group 2 using absorbable collagen membrane combination with anorganic bovin bone mined and a total of 7 implants were planted. To evaluate the effect of the bone augmentation, the changes in the vertical height of the aluvolar ridge were measured by the Cone-beam computed tomography image. Results: Comparison of alveolar ridge height between preoperative and postoperative, there was a significant difference between the two groups (5.32±0.96)mm vs(3.87±0.86)mm, P<005. Conclusion: Titanium mesh combined with anorganic bovin bone mined can more effectively increase the vertical bone height of alveolar ridge and reduce the distance between the jaws. It is helpful for the long-term stability of implant after restoration.
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    Study and analysis of near and long term repair complications and risk factors of dental implant patients
    XU Qiang, CHENG Jiahong, GULIMILA Muming, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 110-113.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.003
    Abstract189)      PDF (548KB)(229)       Save
    Objective: To study the short-term and long-term repair complications of dental implant patients and analyze the risk factors. Methods: From February 2012 to February 2017, 400 patients receiving dental implant treatment in our hospital were recorded as the objects of observation. All patients were divided into the repair complication group(98 cases) and the non repair complication group(302 cases) according to whether there were near and long-term repair complications after implantation. The two groups were compared in the methods of examination before implant surgery, implant length, implant diameter, bone augmentation and other aspects,estoration materials, screw retainer and bonding retainer, bridge or single crown restoration. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was performed. Results: The proportion of patients in the repair complication group who received panoramic dental examination before implantation surgery was higher than the non repair complication group. Compared with the non repair complication group, the proportion of patients in the repair complication group receiving spiral CT examination before implant surgery was lower(all P<0.05). The implant length<10mm, implant diameter< 3.5mm in the repair complication group, the bone increment surgery was not accepted, the prosthesis materials were all-ceramic crowns, screw retention, and the number of patients with bridge repair were higher than those in the non repair complication group, respectively(all P<0.05). The multi-factor Logistic regression analysis available: spiral CT examination, the length of the implant<10mm, implant diameter< 3.5 mm, not incremental bone surgery treatment were independent risk factors for patients with dental implants short-term and long-term repair complications, short-term, long-term repair complications all porcelain crown, screw retention, bridge repair in patients with protection factor(all P<0.05). Conclusion: Spiral CT examination, implant length<10mm, implant diameter<3.5mm, no incremental bone surgery can increase the risk of short-term, long-term repair complications all porcelain crown, screw retention, bridge repair in patients with dental implants. Relevant intervention measures should be formulated according to the above factors in clinical work, so as to reduce the probability of short-term and long-term repair complications.
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    Clinical application of CGF in the implantation of maxillary anterior aesthetic area
    REN Jing, ZHENG Jiajun, HUANG Jie, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 114-117.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.004
    Abstract245)      PDF (525KB)(243)       Save
    Objective: To observe the effect of Concentrated Growth Factor (CGF) in the cultivation of anterior teeth aesthetics. Methods: A total of 24 patients with maxillary anterior teeth aesthetics were enrolled, and patients were consented to use CGF to be divided into CGF group and control group. Cone beam com- puted tomography (CBCT) was used to measure the height of the alveolar bone and the thickness of the la- bial bone wall at different time after operation. The red and white aesthetic effects were evaluated by the Pink Esthetic Score(PES) and the White Esthetic Score(WES). Result: At 6 months postoperatively, the difference in alveolar bone height between the two groups was statistically significant(t=2.39, P<0.05). The difference in PES scores between the two groups was statistically significant (t=5.479, P<0.05). The difference in WES scores was statistically significant(t=2.256, P<0.05). Conclusion: CGF can promote bone regeneration and soft tissue repair. CGF is applied to the anterior teeth aesthetic area and is expect- ed to obtain better red and white aesthetic effects.
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    Clinical observation of dental implant repair for dentition defect in different implant systems
    ZHU Lansheng, HE Wei, LIU Aiqun, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 118-122.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.005
    Abstract230)      PDF (518KB)(282)       Save
    Objective: To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of two implant systems for implant repair in dentition missing. Methods: Patients undergoing simple implant repair from January 2014 to December 2015 in the dental implant department of our hospital were divided into Dentium group(320 cases, 320 teeth) and Anthogyr group(64 cases, 64 teeth) according to the planting system used. The follow-up period was 1 years. The implant success rate, clinical efficacy, bone tissue absorption value, periodontal pocket depth, esthetics score and complications were observed. Results: There was no significant difference be- tween the two groups in the success rate, the total effective rate and the complication rate(P>0.05). Bone tissue absorption value, periodontal pocket depth, and PIS showed no significant difference between the two groups at each follow-up time(P>0.05). In the two groups, the bone resorption value and the depth of periodontal pocket decreased significantly with the prolongation of the follow-up time, and PIS increased significantly with the follow-up time (P<0.01). Conclusion: The clinical efficacy and safety of two im- plant systems in the absence of dentition were similar.
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    Study on the application effect of new collagen-rich bone matrix in site preservation
    ZHU Hongguang, BAI Jianwen, LI Ti, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 123-126.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.006
    Abstract169)      PDF (595KB)(309)       Save
    Objective: To evaluate the osteogenic effect of acellular cancellous bone matrix in site preservation of calf. Methods: We select sixteen pure male Beagle dogs, and then randomly divide them into four groups, four in each group. The third and fourth premolars of each Beagle dog were extracted. Then place Calf acellular cancellous bone matrix, Bio-oss bone, Bio-oss bone powder+CGF and blank control in the extraction socket of each group. After the teeth extraction sockets were covered with collagen membrane, and sutured tightly. Beagle dogs were sacrificed at 8 and 12 weeks after operation. The height and width of alveolar bone were observed by CBCT. Bone mineral density (BMD), number of trabeculae and absorption rate of bone materials were measured by ABA bone analysis software. New bone formation, bone remodeling and bone powder absorption were observed and compared by HE and Masson staining, meanwhile the Vascularization, osteoid mineralization, trabecular bone formation and inflammatory reaction were also observed at different stages. Results: There was no statistical significance in alveolar bone height between BABM, Bio-oss bone powder and Bio-oss+CGF tion.(Z=-1.475, P=0.140). The levels of BABM, Bio-oss bone powder, Bio-oss+CGF and blank group were higher at 8 and 12 weeks after operation than those in blank control group. The alveolar bone width before and after operation was lower than that before and on the day after operation at 8 and 12 weeks after operation. The difference has statistical significance(Z=-3.716,P<0.05). There was no statistical difference in bone height and width absorptivity between the acellular cancellous bone matrix group, the Bio-oss group and the Bio-oss+CGF group at 12 weeks after tooth extraction. Histomorphology showed that the new bone formation rate in the Bio-oss+CGF group and the acellular cancellous bone matrix group at 8 weeks was higher than that in the Bio-oss group. Conciusion: Calf acellular cancellous bone matrix can effectively maintain the height and width of alveolar bone and promote the early formation of alveolar bone during the preservation of extraction socket.
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    Validation study of digital photography training program for oral implantology
    ZHOU Ti, REN Guanghui, ZHANG Ran, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 127-130.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.007
    Abstract175)      PDF (746KB)(306)       Save
    Objective: To explore the effectiveness of oral photography digital photography training programs. Methods: The oral digital photography training program was developed, and 19 oral implant clinicians were standardized trained. The training quality was analyzed from the photo quality and photographing time before and after the training. Results: After oral raphdigital photography standardization training, the quality of the trained doctors’photos was significantly better than that before training(P<0.05), and the time required for photographing was significantly reduced(P<0.05). Conclusion: Dental digital photogra- phy training can improve the photography skills of oral implant clinicians in a short period of time, and im- prove the efficiency of clinical work.
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    Analysis and discussion of factors related to dental implant failure
    LIU Xu, FAN Boxi, LIU Xuzheng, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 131-134.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.008
    Abstract344)      PDF (523KB)(519)       Save
    Objective: To analyze and discuss the factors of implantation failure, there is an important significance to provide the basis for improving the success rate of implantation and provide clinical guidance for dentist. Methods: From October 2015 to October 2017, 497 implant cases were collected in the implantation center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Hospital. 11 cases of implantation failure including infections, loosening and falling were reviewed. Clinical manifestations were analyzed and discussion. Results: During the statistical period, 497 cases(783 implants) were implanted, 11 cases (12 implants) were failure, early failure of implantation is more than late failure (P <0.05), and the failure of implants were more frequent in the posterior, especially in the maxillary posterior region(P<0.05). The age and sex of the patient also had an effect on the implantation failure(P<0.05). Conclusions: The main factors of implant abscission may be angle deviation, premature loading and multiple factors.
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    An impression method for accurately reproducing gingival morphology in implanting restoration
    ZHOU Tian, REN Jing, WU Zongyan, et al
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 135-138.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.009
    Abstract227)      PDF (620KB)(303)       Save
    Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of gingival perforation by modified impression method. Methods: Twenty patients with anterior tooth loss were fitted with temporary crowns which adjusted to induce gingival formation, measure the vertical distance from the gingival papilla to the gingival margin marker. Making traditional and improved impression in the edentulous area , measure the distance again and com- pared with the distance before taking the module. Results: There was no statistical significant difference in gingival perforation pattern between pre-impression and modified impression. Conclusion: Modified impression method can accurately reproduce the gingival perforation morphology and obtain ideal clinical aesthetic repair effect.
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    Cause analysis of dental implant failure
    SUN Chenyu, ZHU Hongguang, BAI Jianwen
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 139-141.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.010
    Abstract356)      PDF (482KB)(754)       Save
    Objective: To analyze the reasons of the failure after primary implantation. Methods: Implant loos- ening and falling off or swelling and pain in the operative area were the criteria for failure. In this study, a total of 4 patients with implant surgery failure were selected to analyze the causes of failure. Result: The 4 patients failed the primary implantation in the short term due to operational factors, bone burn and un- known reasons. Conclusion: Due to surgical factors, bone burn, implantable instruments are not cleaned and disinfected in place, implantable drill bits are not sharp enough, and intraoperative cooling is not in place, etc. all of which may cause failure of bone union.
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    Clinical study of dental implant restoration immediately after maxillary anterior extraction
    XING Weichao
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 142-144.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.011
    Abstract152)      PDF (516KB)(250)       Save
    Objective: To study the clinical effect of dental implant restoration immediately after maxillary ante- rior extraction. Methods: This study was conducted from January to December 2017 and included 150 pa- tients who underwent single-tooth extraction and implantation of the maxillary front in our hospital during this period. They were randomly divided into control group and observation group. The control group was given conventional tooth extraction and implant treatment. The observation group was given immediate dental implant treatment after tooth extraction. On the day after surgery, 3 months after surgery, and 6 months after surgery, gingival thickness, cervical bone resorption, bone density, and implant nipple index were graded. Red aesthetic index(PES) score and planting were performed 6 months after surgery. Body edge bone resorption(MBL) score. Results: At 3 months and 6 months after operation, the thickness of gin- giva decreased gradually, and the bone resorption and bone density of the neck increased gradually, com- pared with the day after surgery, P<0.05. At 3 months after operation, the bone resorption and bone miner- al density of the observation group were higher than those of the control group, P<0.05. At 6 months after operation, the bone resorption and bone mineral density of the observation group were higher than those of the control group, and the thickness of the gingiva was smaller than that of the control group, P<0.05. At 3 months and 6 months after operation, the nipple index of the two groups showed a gradual decrease, and the nipple index of the observation group was better than that of the control group, P<0.05. At 6 months af-ter operation, the PES score and MBL score of the observation group were higher than the control group, P <0.05. Conclusion: The clinical effect of the restoration of the implant after the extraction of the maxil- lary anterior teeth is obvious. The postoperative recovery is good and the appearance can be improved.
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    The nursing cooperation during implant-supported restoration using 3shape Trios oral scanner
    QIN Yuan, SHI Cuihua, WANG Weifeng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 145-147.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.012
    Abstract259)      PDF (483KB)(386)       Save
    Objective: To introduce the feeling and experience of "four-handed operation"nursing cooperation during implant-supported restoration using 3shape Trios oral scanner. Methods: The experimental group was four-handed operation group, and the doctor installed a Ti-base on the implant. The patient's denti- tion and soft tissue were scanned with a 3shape Trios oral scanner. The CAD/CAM software was used to design and manufacture the implant-supported restoration while the control group did not use four-hand- ed operation. 3shape design software was used, the treatment duration and patient-related satisfaction evaluation were compared in between these two groups. Results: The satisfaction of patients with intraoral scanning model was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group(p<0.05),and the treatment time was shorter in the experimental group than in the control group. Conclusion: To master the operation steps of 3shape Trios intraoral scanning, and to carry out the four-handed operation more closely with the dentist play an important role in improving the accuracy of dental implant and patients’ satisfaction. The four-handed operation improves the patients’atisfaction and makes the treatment more effective. It also improves the operating efficiency and reduces the operating time.
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (3): 148-150.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.09.013
    Abstract225)      PDF (462KB)(585)       Save
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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (4): 151-153.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.12.001
    Abstract117)      PDF (529KB)(482)       Save
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    Effect of hydrophilicity of titanium with micro/nanotopographical surface on osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament cells via p53/CXCL12
    LIN Yujiao, ZHUANG Xiumei, XIE Yiwen
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2019, 24 (4): 154-157.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.12.002
    Abstract193)      PDF (755KB)(330)       Save
    Objective: To investigate the effect of p53/CXCL12 on the osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament cells(PDLCs) induced by hydrophilicity of titanium with micro/nanotopographical surface. Methods: Anodic oxidation and sandblast-alkali heat methods were used to establish scale structures, which were cultured with PDLCs. Expressions of p53 and CXCL12 were examined by western blot at 7 day. After transfection of p53 or CXCL12 with siRNA, p53 and CXCL12 level were furthered detected, changes of alkaline phosphatase(ALP) activity and mRNA expressions of such osteogenic markers as ALP, collagen- I(COL1) and runt related transcription factor 2(RUNX2) were examined to detect osteogenic differentiation of PDLCs. Date was statistically analyzed with SPSS13.0 software package. Results: Compared with anodic oxidation surfaces, p53 expression of PDLCs on sandblast-alkali heat surface discs with well hydrophilicity was significantly decreased, while CXCL12 level increased. Transfected with Si-p53, p53 level was decreased and CXCL12 level increased. After transfection of Si-CXCL12, CXCL12 level was decreased, but no significant change of p53 level. However, ALP activity and ALP, COL1 and RUNX2 mRNA levels were significantly decreased. Conclusion: Hydrophilicity of titanium with micro/nanotopographical surface promotes osteogenic differentiation of PDLCs via p53/CXCL12.
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