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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology 2021 Vol.26
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    Letter from editor in chief
    Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 1-1.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.001
    Abstract227)      PDF (1131KB)(300)       Save
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    Key points of technique and experience of Extraction socket grafting-ridge preservation
    Qiu Lixin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 2-6.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.002
    Abstract651)      PDF (1231KB)(1197)       Save
    The current concept of dental implants is to achieve functional and aesthetic rehabilitation with minimal trauma. Intervention at the very beginning of extraction could reduce the surgical trauma in late stage and complexity of bone and soft tissue augmentation. Ridge preservation involves the grafting in the extraction socket, preserving or augmenting the residual crestal ridge. The aim of this article is to review the definition, indication and key points during operation of ridge preservation. Combining with personal clinical experience, the development tendency of the technology has been discussed.
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    Long term esthetic effect of implant restoration after alveolar ridge preservation of maxillary central incisor.
    Ge Yi, Jiang Xiuying, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 7-12.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.003
    Abstract402)      PDF (1193KB)(539)       Save
    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the esthetic outcome of single maxillary incisor after delayed implant placement with alveolar ridge preservation, with index of pink and white esthetic scores. Methods Atotal of 9 cases treated from March 2006 to December 2014 were included in this study, each of which had one central maxillary incisor extracted followed by alveolar ridge preservation. The mean follow-up was 7.7 year, and all the data was gathered retrospectively over 4 years .The implants were placed after a healing period of 3~6 months, and the crowns were inserted 3~4 months after surgery. The assessment was performed using digital photographs presenting corresponding clinical situation with Pink Esthetic score(PES) and White esthetic score(WES). Results All the 9 implants were osseointegrated. The mean total PES/WES was (16.56±1.34) (range: 15 to 19). The mean PES was (7.78±1.13)(range: 6 to 9), the mesial papilla had the highest mean score(1.89±0.31), but root convexity/soft tissue color and texture had the lowest mean score(1.11±0.57), mean scores for the facial mucosa curvature and the distal papilla were the same as 1.56±0.50. mean scores for WES was (8.78±0.63)(range: 8 to 10). Conclusion Delayed implant placement with alveolar ridge preservation is an effective technique in achieving satisfactory esthetic Results of maxillary incisor.
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    Clinical research of the osteotome sinus floor elevation in patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis
    Wang Xingxing, Chen Xutao, Wang Lei, Shi Shaojie, Zhao Guoqiang, Zhao Wenshuang, Song Yingliang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 13-17.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.004
    Abstract311)      PDF (1326KB)(421)       Save
    Objective To analyze the bone remodeling around the implant in patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis after the osteotome sinus floor elevation (OSFE). Methods 60 patients with implant restoration in the posterior maxilla area by OSFE from January, 2015 to June, 2016 in our department were selected retrospectively in this study. They were divided into two groups according to the mucosal thickness. Changes in marginal bone level over time were observed. Results By the Independent sample t test, the apical bone height (ABH) and marginal bone loss (MBL) was compared between the two groups at 6 months and 3 years after surgery. There was no statistically significant difference in ABH and MBL between the two groups (P>0.05). 3 years after surgery, the VBG in the inflammation group was significantly lower than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion For patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis, it is feasible to use the Osteotome sinus floor elevation, and the prognosis is good.
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    Clinical study of autogenous bone grafting for reconstruction of atrophic alveolar ridges in long-term performance
    Yu Huajie, Qiu Lixin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 18-24.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.005
    Abstract301)      PDF (1287KB)(477)       Save
    Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and long-term clinical outcomes of autogenous bone block/laminar reconstruction of alveolar ridge defect, and analyze the key factors affecting the success rate of autogenous bone graft and implants. Methods And Materials This retrospective study was conducted from January 2000 to December 2015. A total of 66 patients underwent autogenous onlay bone graft to reconstruct bone defect were enrolled in this trial, and all the patients were followed-up for at least 5 years, The width and vertical height of alveolar bone were measured at the time of surgery and reentry surgery. Integration of graft, implant survival rates and complications were recorded. Results 89 patients were screened for eligibility. Eventually, 66 patients with 116 implant sites were enrolled in this trial. Of these, 50 patients received horizontal augmentation, while 16 received vertical augmentation. The average of follow-up was 8.1 years. Bone resorption rate after horizontal and vertical augmentation was 9.0% and 10.9% respectively. Graft integration and implant survival rates were 95.8% and 95.7% respectively. 3 bone blocks failed to integrate. Among all the 116 implants, periimplantitis occurred in 5 cases. 1 case presented paresthesia lasting up to 6 months because of minor nerve impairment. Conclusion This study demonstrated that autogenous bone graft was effective and reliable for reconstruction of severe atrophic alveolar ridges. Favorable fixation, appropriate technology selection and flap management had great influence on graft integration and bone maintenance.
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    Osseointegration and histological observation of chemically modified implants in different phases
    Wang Lingxiao, Shan Zhaochen, Gao Zhenhua, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 25-30.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.006
    Abstract404)      PDF (1345KB)(554)       Save
    Objective To observe the osseointegration effect of hydrophilic surface modified dental implants. Methods four beagle dogs were randomly divided into 2week, 4week, 8week and 12 week groups. Four hydrophilic surface modified dental implants were implanted into the mandible of 2 months after tooth extraction in each group. Results the ISQ, critical rotation torque and osseointegration rate were significantly increased at 4 weeks compared with 2 weeks; the critical rotation torque and osseointegration rate were significantly increased at 8 weeks compared with 4 weeks; the osseointegration rate was significantly increased at 12 weeks compared with 8 weeks. Conclusion Hydrophilic surface modified surface treatment promotes osseointegration of implants.
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    Continuous Maxilla Growth after Dental Implant Restoration in the Maxillary Esthetic Region in Young Female Adults: Case Report
    Wu Tao, Sun Jing, Yan Qi, Shi Bin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 31-34.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.007
    Abstract365)      PDF (1303KB)(382)       Save
    This study aimed to analyze the esthetic outcome and infraocclusal complications resulted by the continuous maxilla growth of the tooth adjacent to the implant tooth via three different young female adults cases up to 10-year follow-up after implant tooth final restoration. The main complications observed in these cases were: shorter incisal edges, disharmony labial gingival margin with the contralateral tooth, labial frenulum deviations, diastema, or incomplete papillae, bone resorption, and infraocclusion. The causes attributed to dentoalveolar changes in adulthood, continuous growth spurts in young adult female, and periodontium remodeling. Finally, several solutions were proposed.
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    Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw after implant placement: a case report and literature review
    Wang Lu, Lin Haiyan, Liu Qian, Wang Qian, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 35-39.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.008
    Abstract353)      PDF (1350KB)(454)       Save
    This article reports a case of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. The patient was treated with bisphosphonates due to prostate cancer. Implant placement was performed in the left posterior mandible during the intake of bisphosphonate, which resulted in osteonecrosis in the operation area. Surgical treatment was performed, and the affected area was observed by endoscope during the operation. The patient healed well after operation. Furthermore, this article reviews the literature on the pathogenesis, related factors, treatment and prevention of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.
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    Dentin shell technique for the treatment of severe alveolar bone defect at the edentulous site
    Xiao Wenlan, Hu Chen, Liu Yeyu, Man Yi
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 40-43.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.009
    Abstract314)      PDF (1304KB)(415)       Save
    The purpose of this clinical case analysis was to report the treatment and follow-up outcomes of one case with severe bone defect at the edentulous site, and to conduct a preliminary investigation of the efficacy of dentin shell technique for alveolar bone augmentation based on this case. One partial edentulous case caused by chronic periodontitis was included. Because of the significant bone resorption, the vertical distance between alveolar crest and inferior alveolar nerve canal was 3.63 mm approximately. Dentin shell technique was applied to conduct bone augmentation in this case. The non-functional third molar was extracted and processed into dentin shells with a thickness of ≤; 2 mm. The dentin shells were fixed at the recipient sites as an external barrier. The space between dentin shells and host bone was filled with Bio-Oss particles mixed with concentrated growth factor (CGF). A vertical bone gain of 10.62 mm was achieved 6 months after the bone augmentation surgery. Two implants were placed. The bone height and width remain stable without significant bone resorption, and the bone density increased, which indicated favorable bone regeneration outcome 6 months after implant placement. The outcomes of definitive restoration and follow-up were satisfying. Dentin shell technique is a novel three-dimension bone augmentation method and provides a novel choice for patients with non-functional natural teeth. But the efficacy of dentin shell technique needs further investigation in clinical trials with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods.
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    Computer assisted jaw reconstruction and full arch fixed implant restoration for ectodermal dysplasia patient
    Ge Yanjun, Shan Xiaofeng, Li Man, Feng Hailan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 44-46.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.010
    Abstract259)      PDF (1322KB)(348)       Save
    To investigate clinical approach of bone and soft tissue reconstruction and fixed implant restoration for dysplasia patient. Jaw reconstruction was done by iliac graft with digital guide and implants were placed under surgical guide. Free gingiva graft and second stage surgery was applied after implant osseointegration. Function and esthetic outcome was verified through fixed temporary restoration. Full arch screw retained fixed prosthesis was delivered for final restoration. Bone volume was good enough for implant placement. Implant ossteointegration was successful with enough keratinized tissue around implant after free gingiva graft. Patient was satisfied with the esthetic and masticatory function. The result was stable at 24 months follow-up. Fixed implant restoration for ectodermal dysplasia patient after hard and soft tissue augmentation was an effective therapy approach. Short-term result was stable.
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    Effect of implant restoration following two procedures of alveolar ridge preservation of upper and lower molars with advanced periodontitis (with a 6-year follow-up case analysis)
    Zhang Haoyun, Wei Yiping, Hu Wenjie, XuTao, Liu Yunsong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 47-53.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.011
    Abstract294)      PDF (1795KB)(402)       Save
    Implant therapy has become a routine restoration method for partial edentulous arch in patients with periodontitis. Since alveolar ridge preservation can provide superior hard and soft tissue conditions for implant therapy, it has been increasingly used in clinical practice. This article illustrates a case of long-term obersvation of alveolar ridge preservation in upper and lower molars with advanced periodontitis via two different techniques. In this paper, we discussed the rationale of the selection of two procedures of alveolar ridge preservation, and the imaging methods available for the evaluation of the results. This article provided experience for clinical management of molars with advanced periodontitis.
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    Evaluation of implants placed in ridge preserved bilateral maxillary second molars with flap versus flapless procedures: a case report with a 6-year post-loading follow-up
    Han Ziyao, Zhao Liping, Xu Tao, Hu Wenjie, Liu Yunsong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 54-59.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.012
    Abstract287)      PDF (1681KB)(298)       Save
    Molar sites with advanced periodontitis often caused severe bone loss. Maxillary second molar lies in the distal area of the maxillary arch, where oral hygiene is difficult to perform and implant treatments has higher risk. Ridge preservation is performed after tooth extraction to facilitate implant placement by maintaining hard and soft tissue contour. This article presents a case with bilateral maxillary second molars receiving different methods of ridge preservation prior to implant reconstruction at 6 years of function, which provides evidence and clinical experience for the treatment plan and management for such kind of cases.
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    Immediate implant loading in the edentulous mandible with a definitive restoration using intra-oral welding,a case report
    Wang Dedong, Zhang Ting, Wang Zhongqun
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 60-63.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.013
    Abstract275)      PDF (1377KB)(361)       Save
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    Disappearance of a dental implant in complete denture after migration to maxillary sinus, a rare case report
    He Manting, Gao Wenmo, Tan Baosheng, Geng Wei
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 64-66.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.014
    Abstract347)      PDF (1243KB)(304)       Save
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    Anatomical factors related with maxillary sinus floor elevation procedure
    Gao Wenmo, Geng Wei, Chen Ming
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 67-71.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.015
    Abstract285)      PDF (1248KB)(454)       Save
    Due to its physiological characteristics, the posterior maxilla is often accompanied by the lack of bone or the low quality of bone for implant insertion. Maxillary sinus floor elevation procedure is often used as a solution to the vertical bone deficiency in the maxillary posterior tooth area. However, the presurgical evaluation based on CBCT is particularly important. The aim of this literature was to review the local factors related with maxillary sinus floor elevation procedure.
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    Research progress on the emergence profile of implant-supported provisional restoration in the esthetic zone.
    Yang Shengtao, Yue Li, Yuan Quan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (1): 72-76.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.02.016
    Abstract367)      PDF (1243KB)(503)       Save
    Correct emergence profile design of implant-supported provisional restoration is essential to obtain ideal esthetic outcome and its long-term stability, fabrication of provisional restoration and transferring of emergence profile to the definite prosthesis also play a key role in the implant therapy. This article summarizes the concepts and techniques used to design, contour, and transfer the emergence profile of implant-supported provisional restoration on different clinical situations to provide reference for clinicians.
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    A concept of biological - driven implant therapy ——The inevitable trend of this paradigm shift in prevention of periimplantitis
    Li Dehua
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 79-84.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.001
    Abstract412)      PDF (1101KB)(645)       Save
    Implant therapy has been developed as a routine modality for restoration of tooth missing with high predictability of treatment outcomes in a short or long run, based on rapid advancement of technology and innovation of treatment concepts. Contemporarily, restoration-driven implant placement is the fundamental principle, which has played an essential role in the progress of implant dentistry. Nonetheless, implants are artificial entities completely different from the natural teeth, especially with respect to the biological characteristics of implant-tissue interactions. The paradigm of implant treatment, thereby, should take these specific biological patterns of implant interface into consideration, not only satisfying the requirements of spatial positions of implants. This is the reason behind the necessity to propose the concept of biological-driven implant therapy. Starting from the predominant hypothesis of biofilm-induced periimplantitis, this article will comprehensively review the diversity of factors revealed that might induce or increase the risk of periimplantitis, including bacterial or non-bacterial factors, and elucidate thereafter the logical trend for the paradigm shift from restorative-driven to biological-driven implant therapy. The fundamental definition of biological-driven concept will be clarified and periimplantitis-related factors be discussed, eliciting a novel strategy for clinical prevention of periimplantitis.
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    The study of measuring the accuracy of computer assisted real-time navigation technology in dental implant surgery
    Chen Quanlin, Xu Sheng, Zhou Wenjuan, Chen Lin, Liu Zhonghao
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 85-90.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.002
    Abstract246)      PDF (1183KB)(342)       Save
    Objective In this prospective study,the accuracy of computer assisted real-time navigation technology in dental implant surgery was calculated,which provided theoretical basis for the further improvement of the accuracy of minimally invasive implant surgery. Methods A according to the inclusion criteria,we enrolled a sample composed of patients who had computer assisted real-time navigation implants placed between June 2018 through December 2020 in Yantai Stomatological Hospital.The cone beam scan was taken and the intraoral scan was performed. The implants were placed by aid of the computer assisted real-time navigation software and the post-surgical CBCT was taken.The errors between the designed and the actually placed implants were measured to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness.The pre-op virtual implant and the post-op actual implant were displayed in the same three-dimensional coordinate system.The errors of shoulder distance, root distance and angle of each implant were measured. The data was analysed by SPSS 22.0 software.The data in each group were expressed as mean±standard error( x± s).Independent sample t test was used to compare the measurements among the groups.The test level was a=0.05, P<0.05 was considered to have significant difference. Results Comparing the accuracy in maxillary and mandibular,the shoulder distance error was(0.59±0.16) mm and (0.63±0.19 )mm,the root distance error was(0.75±0.14 ) mm and (0.70±0.18) mm,and the angle error was (3.46±1.80)°and (3.07±1.12)°respectively.Comparing the accuracy in anterior and posterior regions,the shoulder distance error was (0.60±0.21)mm and (0.60±0.16)mm,the root distance error was (0.72±0.16)mm and (0.72±0.15)mm, and the angle error was (3.28±1.85)°and (3.28±1.31)°respectively.Comparing the accuracy in flap and flapless, the shoulder distance error was (0.68±0.17)mm and (0.55±0.15)mm,the root distance error was (0.81±0.15)mm and (0.67±0.12)mm, and the angle error was (3.29±1.65)°and (3.35±1.58)°respectively. Conclusion The accuracy of computer-aided dynamic navigation system have no obvious deviation in shoulder distance, root distance and angle..
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    The clinical study of alveolar bone grafting in molar area
    Dai Junfeng, Yu Qing
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 91-95.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.003
    Abstract211)      PDF (1101KB)(329)       Save
    Objective To study the one year clinical effect of guided bone regeneration (GBR) of implant placement in the molar sites. Methods 55 patients were selected from August 2017 to July 2019, 58 implants were implanted, of which 29 were set as experimental with simultaneous implant placement and GBR, 29 patients were selected as control group. The survival rate, marginal bone loss (MBL), gingival index (GI) and probing depth (PD) were compared between the two groups. Results SPSS 20.0 was used to make statistics. Results The survival rate of implants in control group and experimental group was 100%; There was no significant difference in bone absorption at the margin; The gingival papilla index of experimental group was better than that of the control group ( P<0.05), and there was no statistical difference in GI and PD between the experimental group and the control group. Conclusion The simultaneous implant placement in the molar sites with GBR can increase the height of the implant and the adjacent bone of the natural teeth and improve the filling degree of the gingival papilla.
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    Preliminary analysis of minimally invasive extraction and ridge preservation in maxillary molar with bone defect corresponding to the sinus floor due to severe periodontal lesions:a case analysis
    Wei Ning, Xu Tao, Hu Wenjie, Liu Yunsong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 96-101.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.004
    Abstract280)      PDF (1405KB)(376)       Save
    Maxillary molars with severe periodontal lesions are often accompanied with bone defects even reaching the corresponding maxillary sinus floor. These bone defects will increase the difficulty and risk for implantation after the extraction of maxillary molars. The application of minimally invasive extraction with thorough debridement and site preservation of the maxillary molars can not only maintain the dimensions of alveolar ridge, but also reduce the requirement of sinus floor elevation.This paper illustrates the treatment procedures of implant replacement of a maxillary molar with severe periodontal lesions involving maxillary sinus floor using this technique.Changes of bone conditions were compared and analyzed in order to provide evidence and clinical experience for the management of similar cases.
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    Function oriented oral rehabilitation with implants by full digital flow technology-A case report
    Zhang Sihui, Liu Xiangdong, He Kaixun, Wu Ling, Chen Jiang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 102-108.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.005
    Abstract339)      PDF (1929KB)(484)       Save
    This case aims to achieve functional oriented oral rehabilitation with implants based on integrated digital technology. The patient wore splint to restore masticatory function and parafunction were controllable. The position,direction and dimensions of the implants were designed taking into the consideration of contact point on occlusal surface, axial direction as well as bone volume. Treatment guide was printed under full digital workflow for implant placement and immediate loading. Six months later, occlusal data was obtained using facial scanner and jaw movement record system and then mounted on full adjustable articulator. Ttitanium framework and ceramic crown was fabricated after Wap-up designing process. In this case, function oriented implant placement and restoration was done effectively with fully digital work flow. Clinical outcome of occlusal rehabilitation was evaluated with T-scan and masticatory efficiency tester. Parafunction like bruxism was monitored closely. This method quantifies implant-supported reconstruction, which can better realize the patient's aesthetics and chewing functions, but it still needs further research on the accuracy of the digital production of the prosthesis.
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    Moderate application of short implants in atrophic posterior jaw areas
    Deng Xiaotong, He Hong, Wang Ying, Zhang Xinyue, Sun Mingjie, Liu Xiaochen
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 109-113.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.006
    Abstract308)      PDF (1095KB)(440)       Save
    Short implants are an increasingly common alternative in resorbed posterior zone. Despite the advantages they offer, risks have been described in the literature that can lead to marginal bone loss or even the loss of implants. Factors that affect the uncertainty of short implants application in posterior jaw areas are analyzed, and some suggestions for the clinical application of short implants are put forward in this review.
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    Digital data acquisition technology in oral implantology
    Xiong Jiabi, Sun Wei, Shi Bin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 114-119.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.007
    Abstract414)      PDF (1138KB)(564)       Save
    With the rapid development of digital technology, diagnosis and treatment methods of the clinicians have been changed by these digital technologies in the field of dental implant. In particular, data acquisition technology, such as CBCT, digital intraoral scan, extraoral scan, facial scan, virtual facebow technique, are gradually popularized in medical institutions with its high precision, high efficiency, convenient transmission and low pollution. Recently, it has become one of the focuses to build "virtual patient" using various digital data to solve complex cases such as edentulous patients in implant dentistry. This paper summarized the characteristics and clinical application of digital data acquisition technology in the process of dental implant treatment.
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    Application of intraoral welding technique in edentulous implant restoration
    Liu Xiangdong, Zhang Sihui, He Kaixun, Luo Jiakun, Chen Jiang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 120-123.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.008
    Abstract366)      PDF (1139KB)(452)       Save
    Immediate restoration after implant placement in edentulous patients can provide quick esthetic and function rehabilitation. So far there are still some problems in the fabrication of immediate prosthesis such as inefficiency of the prevention of implant micromovements. The fabrication usually takes much time. Intraoralwelding technique can be utilized to splint implants and shorten the time of immediate prosthesis welding the implant abutments and titanium bar in the oral cavity. This paper reviews the intraoral welding technique including its development history, principle, advantages, disadvantages and prospects..
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    Research and development of clinical application accuracy of dynamic navigation system in implant surgery
    Wang Qingfu, Wang Feifan, Zhang Jian
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 124-128.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.009
    Abstract370)      PDF (1141KB)(409)       Save
    Dynamic navigation system is more and more widely used in implant surgery. The accuracy is the key index to measure the system. In this study, the clinical application accuracy of the dynamic navigation system was compared with that of the free hand and static surgical guide system, and the influencing factors of error are summarized, and the future development trend is prospected. In regular implant surgery, the dynamic navigation system can achieve better clinical effect than the free hand operation, and is similar to that of the static guide system, and shows obvious technical advantages in complex operations such as zygomatic implant surgery.
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    Research progress on imaging evaluation methods of bone mineral density before immediate implant restoration
    Feng Lan, Gu Xinhua
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 129-134.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.010
    Abstract288)      PDF (1122KB)(384)       Save
    Alveolar bone density is considered to be one of the most important factors affecting the clinical outcome of immediate implant restoration. The bone density can be used to predict the initial stability of the implant, so as to decide the preoperative plan, implant selection, surgical protocal for immediate implant treatment, and at the same time refine the indications of implant treatment from the perspective of bone density. A large number of studies have shown that imaging methods such as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, panoramic X-ray film, periapical X-ray film, Micro-computed tomography, multi-slice computed tomography, cone beam computed tomography, etc., can assess the bone density of the recipient bone. However, the use of imaging methods to formulate the classification of bone mineral density used in clinical decision-making for immediate implant treatment of patients, especially in the treatment of patients with edentulous jaws, needs further research. This article reviews the research on obtaining bone mineral density data using imaging methods.
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    Application and research progress of concentrated growth factor in oral implantology and periodontology
    Lei Chen, Wu Qirong, Tang Chunbo
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (2): 135-140.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.04.011
    Abstract470)      PDF (1129KB)(593)       Save
    Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and guided bone regeneration (GBR) are the most common surgical procedures for soft and hard tissue regeneration in the field of dentistry. After decades of clinical applications of these techniques, challenges of esthetics and function rehabilitation have triggered the development of numerous bone or soft tissue subsitutes. However, the existing allograft or xenograft materials still carry potential risks of cross-infection and immune rejection,and for barrier membranes, acceptable mechanical strength and biodegradation may not be both achieved in most cases. These years, autologous platelet concentrates have emerged as innovative graft materials and come into common use due to the easiness of preparation, excellent biocompatibility and regenerative properties. Concentrated growth factor (CGF) is a new generation of platelet concentrates. The fibrin matrix scaffold inside is much stiffer than its previous generations, while the richer growth factors, cytokines and cells it contains better promote cell proliferation and differentiation, extracellular matrix synthesis and angiogenesis. This article reviewed the characteristics of CGF in terms of bone and soft tissue augmentation in oral cavity and its related research progress in dental clinics.
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    Clinical application of implant technique in the pterygoid plate area-standard operational practice
    Pu Yiping, Gao Zhenhua, Zhao Zhengyi, Zou Duohong, Yang Chi, Zhang Zhiyuan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 143-151.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.001
    Abstract819)      PDF (1621KB)(765)       Save
    The technique of TPP (T:maxillary tuberosity,P:pterygoid plate,P:palatine) implants has been proposed, that the pillar composed of maxillary tuberosity,the pyramidal process of the palatineand the pterygoid process of the sphenoid in pterygomaxillary region can provide a certain volume of compact bone. Inclined implants of 30-50 degrees are placed in pterygoid region. As it is located in the end of distal part of maxilla, the distal cantilever of the prosthesis is completely eliminated. TPP implants with good initial stability are often applied in combination with the implants in anterior and bicuspid areas to provide favorable conditions for immediate loading. This technique can be applied for immediate implant and immediate restoration of maxillary complete arch or unilateral multiple posterior teeth loss with alveolar bone atrophy. Furthermore,the success rate is high (>90%). Due to avoiding the procedure of bone augmentation approach in maxillary sinus region and simplifying the procedure of implant surgery, it could reduce the trauma of patients, relieve postoperative reaction and pain, shorten the course of treatment and provide a new clinical solution for patients with insufficient bone in maxillary posterior area, especially for the patients who can not undergo bone graft procedure. However, clinicians still face many difficulties achieving effectively clinical application of this technique, including standard surgical protocol, the correct position of the placement site, preoperative evaluation, the design of length and placement angle, the safety procedure of the surgery and implant direction control and risk management, etc. Our team established standard surgical protocol of TPP technique for immediate implant and immediate loading with severe bone deficiency in maxillary posterior area. We sincerely hope that the article will provide a reference and basis for clinicians when applying the technique to avoid complex operation and complications related to bone augmentation, popularize the clinical application of the technique.
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    Clinical application of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of peri-implant diseases
    Shi Bin, Yan Qi, Zhao Yaoyu
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 152-158.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.002
    Abstract372)      PDF (1160KB)(381)       Save
    The basic principle of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) is to produce singlet oxygen and other cytotoxic substance through the interaction of visible light of a specific wavelength with the photosensitizer, to kill the targeted bacteria/cell. Because of the limitations of mechanical debridement, aPDT has been applied clinically as a novel adjunctive therapy. Although existing single studies demonstrated improvement of peri-implant parameters in a short term, and has shown potential application prospects, especially in smoking and diabetes patients; high-level evidence (guideline consensus, systematic reviews, etc.) did not recommend aPDT as a routine therapy for peri-implant diseases. Future research should focus on standardizing the procedures of aPDT in order to establish high-quality clinical evidence to verify its long-term efficacy.
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    Modification and evaluation of a custom impression technique for soft tissue around dental implant
    Han Xinxin, Li Yajin, Liu Xiaoqiang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 159-163.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.003
    Abstract390)      PDF (1250KB)(356)       Save
    Objective The aim of this study was to modify the custom impression technique for soft tissue around a dental implant, to compare the clinical working time and material consumption for fabricating custom impression coping with conventional and modified methods, and to evaluate the clinical applicability of the modified method. Methods From October to December 2020, 20 implant-supported interim restorations of the maxillary anterior teeth were collected in the Department of Prosthodontics, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology. The conventional and modified methods were used to fabricate custom impression coping by self-controlled trial. Within the conventional method, a silicone matrix was used to capture the emergence profile of the interim restoration, thereafter a custom impression coping was made accordingly. In the modified method, a prefabricated reusable resin base embedding an implant analog was made. The base and a flowable silicone were used to register the soft-tissue transition zone created by the interim restoration. Finally, the tissue contour was transferred to the impression post. The working time and material consumption of the two methods were recorded and compared. Results In terms of clinical time, the average time of fabricating the index by the modified method was (323.6±20.3)s, which was significantly lower than that of the conventional method (482.8±43.5)s The average time of making impression coping with the conventional and modified methods were (213.4±10.9) s and (215.6±9.8) s, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups ( P>0.05). In terms of the material consumption, the improved method does not require the use of self-cure resin, while the average weight of the self-cure resin of the conventional methods were (427.5±72.2) mg. There was significant difference between the two groups ( P< 0.05). Regarding the consumption of the silicone matrix, the modified method was (524.5±29.1) mg, which was significantly lower than that of the conventional method (14473.1±732.6)mg. The difference between the two methods was significant. The average weight of pattern resin of the conventional and modified methods were (80.0±13.4) mg and (82.0±17.4) mg, respectively. The difference between the two groups was not significant ( P>0.05). Conclusions The clinical working time and material consumption spent on fabricating the custom impression coping by the modified method were less than those of the conventional method. Therefore, the modified method of custom impression for soft tissue may save chairside time and materials. It is worthy of clinical application..
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    A comparative study of risk factors related to early and late implant failure
    Chi yifan, Wang honghao, Zhang Lei, Han Xiaolan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 164-168.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.004
    Abstract333)      PDF (1174KB)(419)       Save
    Objective To study and analyse the differences of risk factors between early and late failures of implants, in order to guide the preoperative preparation and postoperative maintenance of implant and improve the implants survival rate. Methods A total of 177 cases of implant failure among 7334 patients who underwent implant restoration in Hefei Stomatological Hospital from January 2011 to December 2018 were collected. According to the time of failure, cases were divided into early failure group and late failure group. The related risk factors that may affect the failure of planting were analyzed respectively, and the difference between the two groups of data were analyzed. Results There were significant differences between early implant failure and late implant failure in factors of gender, implant site, implant size and bone substitute. The female patients, with implants in anterior region or with bone substitute are more likely to fail early, while the male patients in posterior region are more likely to fail late. Conclusion The improved preoperative assessment and preventive treatment of risk factors can effectively reduce the early failure rate of implant. Regular follow-up, control of risk factors and timely maintenance would effectively prevent the late failure of implan.
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    Clinical analysis of the accuracy of digital guide
    Liu Shan, Guo Pingchuan, Zhou Guojing
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 169-173.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.005
    Abstract299)      PDF (1600KB)(393)       Save
    Objective To evaluate the accuracy of the digital guide during implant surgery and discuss the clinical promotion value in the field oral implantology. Methods Twenty patients diagnosed with dentition defect were selected in Tianjin Xinaichi Dental Clinic from January 2017 to January 2019. Before surgery, CBCT was taken, CAD/CAM guide plate was prepared, and 65 implants were placed according to the instructions of the guide plate. CBCT examination will be performed immediately after the operation is completed. Through the method of characteristic point measurement, the difference of the implant shoulder, the implant apex and the overall deviation before and after the operation was measured. Use SPSS 21.0 software for analysis. Results The maximum deviation of the implant shoulder between the actual implant position and the designed position was 2.78mm, the minimum was 0.12mm, and the average deviation was (1.45±0.81)mm. The maximum deviation of the implant apex was 2.96mm, the minimum deviation was 0.51mm, and the average deviation was (1.62±0.90)mm. The maximum deviation of implant angle was 7.14°, the minimum deviation was 0.16°, and the average deviation was (3.27±2.47)°. There difference was statistically significant( P<0.05). The comparative analysis showed that the linear deviation of the implant shoulder guided by the template in the mandibular implant group was significantly lower than that in the maxillary implant group ( P<0.05). Conclusions The digital guide has good accuracy, and the accuracy of guided implant surgery in the mandible is higher than that of the upper jaw.
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    Observation of the effect of lidocaine spray on inhibiting pharyngeal reflex in oral implant patients
    Zhuang Jiuru, Zhang Xueqin, Jiang Qiuhui, Xu Mengting, Liu Chunrui, Zhao Zhijuan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 174-177.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.006
    Abstract422)      PDF (1161KB)(512)       Save
    Objective To observe the effect of lidocaine spray on inhibiting pharyngeal reflex in patients with oral implantation. Methods 90 patients with pharyngeal reflex sensitivity who received dental implantation treatment were included in this study. These patients were randomly divided into observation group and control group (n = 45/group). In the observation group, 1.5% lidocaine injection was sprayed on the base of tongue, soft palate and pharynx. In the control group, 2% lidocaine mucilage was applied on the base of tongue. The number of nausea and vomiting, hypertension and satisfaction evaluation was recorded. Results There were significantly differences in the incidences of nausea and vomiting, hypertension and satisfaction evaluation between the two groups ( P<0.05). Conclusions Lidocaine spray can reduce nausea, vomiting and hypertension on patients with pharyngeal reflex sensitivity and improve the comfort level during dental implantation treatment.
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    Efficacy of ridge preservation in molar extraction sockets with severe wall defects in the aspect of improving soft and hard tissue conditions - a case report with 2.5-year follow-up
    Shi Yutong, Wang cui, Hu Wenjie, Xu Tao, Liu Yunsong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 178-184.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.007
    Abstract342)      PDF (2036KB)(446)       Save
    For molars that need to be extracted due to severe periodontitis or periodontal-endodontic combined lesions, the bone wall of the extraction socket is often seriously damaged. After natural healing, there will be problems such as insufficiency of soft and hard tissues at the implant site, which will make the implant placement more difficult. Minimally invasive tooth extraction and ridge preservation can achieve a certain degree of bone augmentation and maintain soft tissue contour, thus create good soft and hard tissue conditions for implant therapy. However, for mandibular molar sites with complete loss of buccal and lingual bone wall, the technical difficulty of ridge preservation increases. This article illustrates a case of ridge preservation in mandibular molars with severe bone defect to facilitate implant treatment and demonstrates the clinical management to achieve predictable clinical outcome.
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    Design, manufacturing, and clinical application of digital sequential assembled guide in full arch immediate implant placement and immediate restoration
    Peng Lingyan, Liu Qian, Li Ruhua, Wang Xia, Pi Xueming, Su Yucheng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 185-191.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.008
    Abstract789)      PDF (2166KB)(935)       Save
    This article discusses the method of precise implantation and provisionalization for patients who intend to accept the treatment of full arch immediate implant placement and immediate restoration. Digital technologies are used to design sequential assembled guide and prefabricated prosthesis. With the guidance of template, alveolar bone reduction following tooth extraction, implant site osteotomy and implant placement, as well as precise placement of temporary prosthesis are carried out. This clinical technology, which is effective and worthy of promotion, enables the implant surgery and prosthetic procedures quick, efficient and accurate. This article gives a systematic elaboration about the design, manufacturing, and clinical application of the digital sequential assembled guide in full arch immediate implant placement and immediate restoration.
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    Research progress of grafting marterials in maxillary sinus floor elevation
    Deng Lei, Huang Haitao
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 192-195.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.009
    Abstract349)      PDF (1078KB)(442)       Save
    Simultaneous bone grafting with autogeneous bone or bone substitute is often necessary for traditional maxillary sinus lifting, to ensure the amount of bone formation. Although there are many research reports on its long-term osteogenic effect and clinical efficacy, this method still has some shortcomings. Therefore, Whether or not bone grafting is necessary in maxillary sinus lifting and what kind of grafting material can achieve better clinical effect has become a hot topic for scholars at home and abroad. This article summarizes the research progress of grafting materials in maxillary sinus lifting.
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    Research progress of immune cells in the process osseointegration
    Li Xiaoyu, Cai Qing, Yin Zhaoyi, Jin Zhuohua, Wang Zixuan, Meng Weiyan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 196-201.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.010
    Abstract364)      PDF (1292KB)(442)       Save
    High-quality osseointegration is the key to the success rate and long-term survival rate of implants. Immune cells could remove the tissue fragment and pathogen, regulate the inflammatory reaction, induce the recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells and osteogenic differentiation, etc., which could improve the osteogenic microenvironment and play an essential role in the process of implant osseointegration. In order to optimize the strategy of immune regulation for forming better implant osseointegration, this article will review the specific functions of different immune cells in the process of implant osseointegration.
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    Research progress on surface properties of titanium anodizing
    Lv Lingfeng, Wu Dong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 202-205.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.011
    Abstract406)      PDF (1106KB)(408)       Save
    The implant restoration is becoming more and more mature, due to the extensive research on implant morphology and surface properties by scholars domestic and international.Titanium, as materials of implant, has excellent biocompatibility. However, due to the biological inertia of the surface of pure titanium, its surface treatment has always been the focus of research.Anodization is a mature surface treatment technology nowadays, and the titanium oxide coating with porous morphology prepared by anodization has been proved to be an effective way to improve the biological activity of titanium surface.In this paper, the research progress and clinical application of anodized titanium surface are reviewed and analyzed.
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    Research progress and application prospect of digital implant technology in aesthetic area
    Zhang Xinyue, Wang Baixiang, Wang Huiming
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2021, 26 (3): 206-210.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.06.012
    Abstract381)      PDF (1126KB)(422)       Save
    Implant treatment in the aesthetic zone has always been difficult in the field of implant. A precise prosthetic-driven surgery is the key to the success of implant restoration in the aesthetic zone. With the era of big data approaching, the full digital process has become the tendency of future development. The full digital implant treatment integrates CAD/CAM(computer aided design / computer aided manufacturing,CAD/CAM)technology into the entire implant treatment process. Digital technology can not only make temporary prostheses at the same period after surgery, but also make temporary prostheses preoperatively, which greatly saves the chair side operation time. This article describes the process and technology of digital implant in aesthetic zone, hoping to provide a reference for clinicians to carry out digital implant treatment in the aesthetic zone.
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