中国口腔种植学杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 147-150.DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.09.012

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

美学区单侧连续多颗上前牙缺失的微创即刻种植与修复--附1 例病例报道

董鑫, 王丽君, 杨小东   

  1. 610041 四川成都华西牙种植医院
  • 出版日期:2018-09-10 发布日期:2021-09-06

Minimally invasive immediate implant restoration in maxillary aesthetic zone with multiple teeth loss: case report

DONG Xin, WANG Lijun, YANG Xiaodong   

  1. West China Dental Implant Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China
  • Online:2018-09-10 Published:2021-09-06

摘要: 目的: 探讨美学区连续多牙缺失后微创即刻种植修复的临床效果。方法: 美学区固定桥修复失败造成连续多牙缺失的患者采用骨膨胀和骨增量技术,行微创即刻种植与修复,共植入Nobel-Replace骨水平种植体2枚,只做一期手术,6个月后完成最终固定修复。连续随访3个月,30个月,72个月,观察种植体骨结合状况及修复体周围软组织情况。结果: 种植体形成良好的骨结合,长期负载后植体及骨稳定,周围软组织红白美学效果均良好,患者非常满意。结论: 美学区连续多颗牙缺失后行微创即刻种植修复,可很好的恢复美观及功能,是一种良好的修复方法。

关键词: 美学区, 连续多牙缺失, 微创, 即刻种植, 骨增量

Abstract: Objective: This study is aimed to investigate the clinical effect of minimally invasive immediate im-plant restoration in maxillary aesthetic zone with multiple teeth loss. Methods: This study did the immedi-ate implant surgery with bone expansion and bone augmentation technique in a minimally invasive flap-less way using 2 Nobel-Replace bone level implants. And the permanent restoration was performed 6 months after the implant surgery. The synosteosis and periprosthetic soft tissue were observed 3, 30, 72 months later. Results: The synosteosis was well formed and the impants were stable after long-term load-ed. And the periprosthetic soft tissue had healthy pink aesthetics and proper white aesthetics. The treat-ment effect was beyond expectation and the patient left with great satisfaction. Conclusion: The minimal-ly invasive immediate implant restoration can meet both the functional and aesthetic demand of the pa-tients with multiple teeth loss in maxillary aesthetic zone which is significant in clinical therapy to some degree.

Key words: aesthetic zone, multiple teeth loss, minimally invasive, immediate implant, bone aug-mentation
