
Table of Content

    30 December 2021, Volume 26 Issue 6
    Special Article
    Guidelines & Consensus
    Expert consensus on complications of sinus floor elevation: bleeding (first edition)
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    2021, 26(6):  345-348.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.002
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    Maxillary sinus bleeding is common during and after sinus floor elevation, which may cause unclear visual field, accidental perforation of sinus mucosa, or even changes of vital signs. It’s important to have a clear understanding of this kind of complication. Based on the clinical experiences of some national experts, and combined with the references of international expertise, this article summarized the pathogenesis of maxillary sinus floor elevation hemorrhage, the anatomy of the alveolar antral artery, the clinical manifestations and treatment, and the precautions. An expert consensus was reached to provide criteria and references for sinus floor elevation.
    Special Articles
    Introduction of a technique for severely atrophic alveolar ridge reconstruction: modified fence technique
    Man Yi, Liu Jingjing
    2021, 26(6):  349-353.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.003
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    Bone augmentation, especially vertical bone augmentation, has always been a difficulty and challenge in the clinical treatment of implantation. Although the bone block technique, which is now considered as the “golden standard” for massive bone grafting, and various bone augmentation techniques have been widely used and studied, every technique has some limitations, and there is no widely recognized optimal vertical bone augmentation technique at present. Therefore, the exploration of vertical bone augmentation technology also needs to be continued. In this paper, we will introduce a new vertical bone augmentation technique, the fence technique, which is a kind of guided bone regeneration technique by bending a titanium plate and fixing it on the bone defect area to support the osteogenic space. As a new technique, it inevitably has some disadvantages and limitations. In this paper, we also put forward an improvement of this technique, adopting full digital design and process to simplify and standardize this technique, adding a new idea and method for vertical bone augmentation..
    Engineering realization of customized titanium mesh for bone regeneration by additive manufacturing
    Zhang Liqiang, Liu Yang, Jiang Xin, Wang Zhihui, Xu Shuze, Liu Qian
    2021, 26(6):  354-361.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.004
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    Objective Explain R&D and production workflow for customized titanium mesh by additive manufacturing, to ensure high quality and consistency before titanium mesh comes to clinical surgery. Methods Design of customized titanium mesh is optimized by finite element analysis. Titanium mesh and test coupons are additively manufactured using medical-level pure titanium powder. The test results of test coupons are used to evaluate the mechanical performance of titanium mesh. Results Yield strength of test coupons printed horizontally, vertically, and 45 degrees are 372.5 MPa, 414.8 MPa, and 400.3 MPa; Elongation rates are 28.2%, 24.0%, and 28.7%; Average relative density is 99.89%; Surface roughness is Ra 8 μm (horizontal) and 13 μm (vertical). Conclusion Customized titanium mesh has acceptable performance for clinical surgery by optimized workflow: CAD, CAE, additive manufacturing, and post-processing. A long-term study on clinical effectiveness is required after customized titanium mesh is successfully implanted.
    Original Article·Basic Research
    Measurement and analysis of labial plate thickness of maxillary alveolar bone in the northern healthy young population of China based on CBCT
    Liu Huiping, Zhou Libo, Li Xinru
    2021, 26(6):  362-367.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.005
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    Objective We aimed to determine the thickness of the labial plate in the esthetic area and functional area of normal occlusion and use CBCT technology to establish an image database of healthy young people in northeast China, providing a clinical reference for immediate implant placement. Methods Sirona, SL 3D (CBCT) technology was used to scan 200 young people. The best sagittal planes of 100 people were randomly selected for the measurement. The vertical distances of cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) square 4 mm (F1), middle root (F2), and apical (F3) between the labial plate and the long axis of maxillary central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, first premolars, and second premolars were statistically analyzed by SPSS22.0. Results The labial thickness of the central incisor ranged from 0.5 mm to 0.75 mm, accounting for 34.5% and 27.5%. The labial thickness of canine and premolar ranged from 1.0 mm to 1.5 mm, especially for the canine, reaching 43.5%. The labial bone zone thickness of central incisors, lateral incisors, and canine at F1 was significantly lower than that of F3 (P<0.05), There were significant differences in the thickness of bone site at the three sites of different genders (P<0.05), and only the F3 site of the central incisors and the second premolars had statistical differences between males and females (P<0.05). Conclusion The thickness of maxillary anterior teeth and labial bone wall of normal occlusion people in northern China ranged from 0.5 mm to 0.75 mm, and the anatomical structure of labial (buccal) bone was different in different tooth positions. The statistical difference of data was of clinical significance for immediate implant placement in anterior and functional areas.
    Original Articles·Clinical Research
    Short-term observation of 3D-printing individualized titanium mesh in restoration of severe alveolar bone defeats
    Guo Xueqi, Chen Yunxin, Yang Lan, Chen Xili, Chen Zhongren, Su Hanfu, Wang Liping
    2021, 26(6):  368-375.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.006
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    Objective To investigate the short-term clinical effect of 3D-PITM in the restoration of severe alveolar bone defects. Methods Retrospective analysis of 15 objects who underwent the restoration of alveolar bone defeat by utilization of 3D-printing individualized titanium mesh (3D-PITM) combined with guided bone regeneration (GBR) in the Department of dental implantology of Affiliated Stomatology Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University since December 2020. Postoperative infection, 3D-PITM exposure, and patient satisfaction were evaluated and short-term bone augmentation was measured by digital technique. Results A total of 15 patients was included in the current study, none of them had a postoperative infection, only one of them had 3D-PITM exposure (6.0%). Patient satisfaction on the surgery process, postoperative reaction, and follow-up was evaluated to be 8.32±0.79. In 3 months, the average acquired horizontal bone augmentation was (3.02±1.52) mm (maximum at 7.53 mm), and average acquired vertical bone augmentation was (3.71±1.82) mm (maximum at 7.30 mm). Conclusion Utilization of 3D-PITM in the restoration of severe alveolar bone defeat was promising in short-term observations with low infection and exposure rate, and high patient satisfaction outcomes. However, long-term study on bone stability by 3D-PITM is also required.
    Study on the influence of alveolar bone density on the long-term stability of dental implants in middle-aged and elderly patients
    Cao Xiaojun, Wang Lijie, Wang Tong, Li Jiahe, Zhou Wenjuan, Liu Zhonghao
    2021, 26(6):  376-381.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.007
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    Objective To evaluate the influence of alveolar bone density on the long-term stability of dental implants in middle-aged and elderly patients. Methods A retrospective study of 47 middle-aged and elderly (50~70 years old) patients who underwent posterior single-crown implant restoration in Yantai Stomatological Hospital was performed after 5 years of functional loading. The apical radiographs were used to measure and compare the changes of peri-implant marginal bone loss, bone density, and trabecular bone structure. Results The mesial and distal marginal bone loss in the type II-III bone group was(0.08±0.12)mm and(0.03±0.12)mm respectively, while(0.01±0.12)mm and(-0.03±0.21)mm in the type IV bone group. No statistical difference was found between the two groups(P>0.05). Conclusion Alveolar bone density has no influence on marginal bone loss, bone density, and trabecular bone structure in the group of middle-aged and elderly patients.
    Case Reports
    Application of PRF in immediate implant placement for a poster tooth with chronic periapical infection: a case report
    Qin Qiuyue, Sun Xiaolin, Liu Lijun, Ren Sicong, Ma Rui, Yang Zhen, Zhou Yanmin
    2021, 26(6):  382-385.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.008
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    Education, Teaching & Management
    Development and application of an electronic medical record system for dental implant prosthodontics
    Zhen Zicheng, Yan Han, Zhu Hongmei, Zhang Yan
    2021, 26(6):  391-395.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.010
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    To develop an electronic medical record system specifically for dental implant prosthodontics, VB6.0 and ACCESS database systems were used to develop an electronic medical record system for dental implant prosthodontics, according to the clinical diagnosis and treatment thinking modes and processes of oral implant prosthodontics. The software was designed by the logical relationship reasonably and the core program consists of eight modules: account password information management, Record information entry, Medical record information inquiry, Printing medical records, Upload and consult image data, Import and export of medical record information, Maintenance of medical record template, and Auxiliary function. The software can realize the rapid input and printing of electronic medical records, the storage and query of image data, the query of patient information, etc., which is convenient for doctors to carry out medical research on patients' medical records. The development and application of the electronic medical record system for dental implant prosthodontics have great significance in clinical practice.
    Application of concentrated growth factor in soft tissue sealing of oral implantation
    Liu Yumeng, Yuan Changyong
    2021, 26(6):  396-399.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.011
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    Concentrated growth factor (CGF) is a third-generation self-contained platelet concentrate that contains a large amount of dense fibrin and a variety of growth factors. It is easy to preparation and low cost and meanwhile, it can also promote the healing of soft tissue and bone renewal. Recently, it is widely used in the field of implantation. At present, the research on CGF is mainly focused on the evaluation of bone-forming ability, but its soft tissue closure function also has a positive clinical significance. It not only can be used in alveolar ridge preservation, immediate implanting, but also in maxillary sinus floor augmentation. CGF can isolate the oral bacterial environment and promote faster healing of the wound. At present, there are only a few reports on this aspect of research with a lack of general summaries. Thus, this paper will summarize the CGF soft tissue closure function in the field of oral implantation.
    Occlusion elements in implant prosthodontics for edentulism
    Zhao Yuyue, Huang Yanhong, Huang Ying, Chen Xiao, Rong Mingdeng, Zhang Xueyang
    2021, 26(6):  400-404.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.012
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    With the popularization of implantology, how to perform accurate occlusal design is very important. There are several important occlusion elements in implant prosthodontics for edentulism, such as hinge axis, reference plane, sagittal condylar inclination, centric relation, and vertical dimension. Electronic face-bow, as a major occlusion tool, has been widely used in edentulous implant restoration. This paper mainly discusses the occlusion elements, the application of electronic face-bow, and the relationship between electronic face-bow and the occlusion elements.
    Research progress on registration technology of digital impression and CBCT
    Li Shufen, Wei Bin
    2021, 26(6):  405-410.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2021.12.013
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    In recent years, the rapid development of digital technology leads to great upgrading in dental technology and comprehensive changes in dental implantology. Dental implant placement through a digital implant surgical guide system brings many advantages, like keeping them minimally invasive, the reduction in operative times, and, mainly, a more safe application. However, the postoperative position assisted by the digital implant surgical guide still has a certain deviation from the ideal position of preoperative design. In the entire process of computer-assisted, digital implant guide surgery, from preoperative data collection, guide plate design, guide plate production and printing, to the operation process, multiple links may have an impact on the accuracy of implantation. The registration of digital impression data and CBCT in the design of digital implant surgical guides is considered to be one of the key technologies affecting the accuracy of static surgical guides. This review article introduces the current research status and error sources of registration technology of digital impression and CBCT, to provide beneficial references for oral clinical and basic research.