Clinical application of CBCT in the evaluation of Bio-Gide collagen membrane in the simultaneous maxillary sinus lifting
- LUO Juan, LIAO Juan, FEI Wei
2019, 24(4):
DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.12.005
316 )
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Objective: To study the clinical application of CBCT in the evaluation of Bio-Gide collagen membrane in the simultaneous maxillary sinus lifting. Methods: From December 2015 to December 2018, CBCT showed 20 patients with maxillary first molar implants with insufficient bone grafting capacity (4, 000mm from alveolar crest to maxillary sinus), they were randomly divided into two groups, Group: Bio- Gide absorbable collagen membrane+bio-oss bone powder(n=10), control group: implanted bio-oss bone powder(n=10), surgical methods were performed with maxillary sinus lift surgery plus simultaneous implant implantation the implants are 10mm in length and different diameters of the Dengteng implants. Postoperative complications were evaluated 10 days after surgery and 1 month after surgery: facial swelling, red tissue swelling in the operation area, and number of infections in the operation area. CBCT was used to measure the vertical height of the maxillary first molar area before surgery, immediately after surgery and 6 months after operation. The newly formed bone mineral density(HU value) at 1 mm from the end of the maxillary sinus was measured by CBCT before and after 6 months), paired t-test was performed on the above data using SPSS 17.0 software. Results: 10 days after operation, the experimental group and the control group had swelling of the face, soft tissue swelling, and the number of infections in the operation area were (1, 2) and (0, 1) and (0, 0) respectively. The experimental group and the control group were treated 1 month after operation. There were no complications in the area, there were differences between the experimental group and the control group. Sinus distance before surgery, postoperatively and postoperatively: experimental group(5.02±0.51), (10.32±1.32) and (12.6±0.13), control group: (4.91±0.69), (10.12± 1.08) and 11.4±0.83), there was no difference between preoperative and postoperative, the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05), there was a difference in 6 months after operation, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001). The HU values of the experimental group and the control group before and after 6 months were (442.77±21.80) and (459.81±20.72), (442.10±23.16) and (529.50±40.67), respectively. There was no difference before operation, and the difference was not statistically significant(P> 0.05), there was a difference in 6 months after operation, and the difference was statistically significant(P< 0.001). Conclusions: Bio-oss bone powder alone can increase the vertical bone mass of the maxillary posterior teeth, but the combination with Bio-Gide absorbable collagen membrane can make the bio-oss bone powder osteogenesis better. In the short-term, the experimental group has fewer complications than the control group. In the first month of the month, both groups of patients healed well