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    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology 2024 Vol.29
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    Preface for the key column on implant-supported occlusal reconstruction
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 1-2.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.001
    Abstract133)      PDF (1174KB)(222)       Save
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    Current status and progress of clinical application of oral occlusion
    Chen Jiang, He Kaixun
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 3-8.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.002
    Abstract219)      PDF (1322KB)(283)       Save
    Oral occlusion involves tooth position, temporomandibular joint movement, and muscle function. Normal oral occlusion is crucial for chewing, pronunciation, facial expressions, and other functions. Malocclusion can cause a series of complications, including pain in the temporomandibular joint and chipping of restorations. Therefore, the importance of oral occlusion in the field of oral medicine has become increasingly prominent. Through in-depth research on oral occlusion, dentists can better diagnose and treat occlusion-related problems and improve treatment effects and patients' quality of life. This article intends to introduce the current status and future directions of oral occlusion research and guide the application and development of implant occlusion.
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    Determination of the occlusal plane in the computer-assisted design of implant-supported fixed complete-arch rehabilitation
    Ye Ying, Liu Weicai
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 9-15.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.003
    Abstract165)      PDF (1569KB)(287)       Save
    Various digital techniques have been extensively applied in implant dentistry. When addressing edentulous cases with implant-supported fixed complete-arch rehabilitation, the determination of the occlusal plane is a critical step, which is a prerequisite for achieving stable occlusal function. This review discusses the employed digital techniques and data fusion, the techniques of virtual mounting, and various methods applied in occlusal plane determination. We hope this work could provide valuable insights into the clinical work in implant-supported occlusal rehabilitation.
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    Finite element analysis of the effect of different occlusal characteristics on the biomechanical behavior of posterior implant-supported single crown
    Yang Feng, Wang Mengya, Yin Wenjie, Zhang Zheng, Chen Jiang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 16-23.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.004
    Abstract180)      PDF (1667KB)(164)       Save
    Objective The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of occlusal characteristics on the biomechanical behavior of the implant-bone interface of a posterior implant-supported single crown under immediate loading, using finite element analysis. This aims to provide reference for the selection of clinical occlusal characteristics. Methods The finite element model of an implant-supported crown with immediate loading and surrounding bone was constructed using the interference fit method. Six different occlusal characteristics were designed according to natural teeth. Ansys Workbench 2021 R2 software was used to analyze the axial static loading of 200 N. All the data were evaluated using the comparative analysis method to assess the impact of different occlusal characteristics on implant-bone interface displacement and Von Mises stress. Results A-B-C occlusal contact produced the smallest displacement of the implant and surrounding cortical and cancellous bone (10.52 μm, 5.67 μm, 9.34 μm), while prosthodontic platform occlusal (3 points) contact produced the largest displacement of the implant, cortical bone, and cancellous bone (15.24μm, 8.94μm, 12.15 μm). Compared with other occlusal contact types, A-B occlusal contact produced the largest Von Mises stress in the implant (71.91 MPa), significantly reduced the maximum Von Mises stress in cortical bone and had the largest maximum Von Mises stress in cancellous bone ( 18.04 MPa, 17.81 MPa). Conclusion Different occlusal characteristics significantly affect the displacement and Von Mises stress distribution at the implant-bone interface under immediate loading, and also change the stress concentration sites. A-B-C occlusal contact is beneficial in reducing the Von Mises stress on the implant and surrounding bone tissues, while A-B occlusal design has a slight advantage in the axial transmission of occlusal force.
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    In vitro study on the accuracy and reproducibility of parameters obtained by optical sensing mandibular movement tracing system
    Shi Xiaorui, Zhang Jihao, Liu Feng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 24-29.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.005
    Abstract104)      PDF (1495KB)(151)       Save
    Objective To measure and compare differences in sagittal condylar inclination (SCI) and sagittal frontal table inclination (SFTI) under different setting values and operating paths through in vitro experiments. Evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of parameter results obtained by optical sensing mandibular movement tracing system. Methods Based on the actual intraoral scan data and dentition coordinate data files from recruited subjects, personalized measurement models and fixtures were designed and 3D-printed, then installed on the fully adjustable articulator. Bilateral SCI and SFTI were set with gradient changes from 10° to 60°, resulting in a total of 12 groups. The articulator module was used to complete the tracing of the mandibular movement and get the measurement parameters, followed by statistical analysis. Results Except for the 40° and 60° SCI groups and the 10° SFTI group, statistical differences were observed between the measured values and the set values, with standard deviation ranging from 0.300° to 2.994°. There was no statistical difference in SCI values obtained at different acquirement timings of hinge axis during operation. Conclusion The accuracy and reproducibility of parameters obtained by optical sensing mandibular movement tracing system can meet the needs of clinical applications, but there are still certain differences between the measured values and the setting values. Ensuring the stability of the test device, multiple tests on the same object, whether repeated hinge axis positioning is performed or not, has no significant impact on the results.
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    Implant restorations and occlusal reconstruction in partially edentulous patients aided by digital technology: a basic restorative procedure
    Yan Yuwei, Lin Xiao, Ma Rui, Liang Chao, Geng Wei
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 30-35.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.006
    Abstract152)      PDF (2541KB)(204)       Save
    Occlusal reconstruction is a complex oral treatment procedure that requires a high degree of treatment accuracy, especially when it involves occlusal reconstruction treatment of implant-supported fixed restorations. The assistance of digital technology is conducive to improving the accuracy of treatment and providing long-term stability for patients of implant restorations and occlusal reconstruction. The purpose of this article is to discuss the basic restorative procedures of implant restorations and occlusal reconstruction in partially edentulous patients assisted by the digital technology of the neuromuscular analysis system and the electronic facebow for clinical reference.
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    Impact of implant restorative abutment emergence taper changes on gingival attachment
    Xu Xinxin, Wang Xinyu, Han Zekui, Zhang Liang, Gao Shijun
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 36-41.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.007
    Abstract150)      PDF (1552KB)(248)       Save
    Objective To assess the impact of different tapers and materials of abutments on peri-implant soft tissue attachment in vivo, and to select the best abutment taper. Methods Ti6Al4V and zirconia abutments with different tapers were prepared using CAD/CAM technology. The abutments underwent surface treatment and were placed into the oral cavities of animals. The animals were executed four weeks after healing, and the gingival attachment to abutments with different materials and tapers was observed using HE staining and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Results Roughness Ti6Al4V Ra= 0.16 μm, zirconia Ra=0.34 μm. HE staining showed that there were more inflammatory cells in the 35° group than in the other groups, while there was no significant difference in the number and distribution of inflammatory cells in the 20°~ 30° groups, and the inflammation in zirconia group was more obvious than that in Ti6Al4V group. IHC staining demonstrated an immune response to laminin-5 at the interface between the abutment and the surrounding epithelium. The expression intensity reached its peak at 30° with the increase of the emergency taper. The expression in the zirconia group was weaker than that in the Ti6Al4V group. The MOD values (Mean Optical Density) of 20° to 40° were 0.27 ± 0.00, 0.29 ± 0.00, 0.35 ± 0.00, 0.24 ± 0.01 and 0.25 ± 0.01, respectively. The MOD values of Ti6Al4V and zirconia were 0.29 ± 0.00 and 0.20 ± 0.01, respectively. Conclusion The soft tissue attachment ability of the restorative abutment with 30° emergency taper was better, and the 3D-printed Ti6Al4V abutment was better than the digitally cut zirconia abutment.
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    Clinical evaluation of fiber-optic endoscope-assisted transalveolar sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implant placement
    Su Hanfu, Chen Xili, Guo Xueqi, Ge Qing, Zhao Shiyong, Ge Linhu, Su Yucheng, Wang Liping
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 42-48.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.008
    Abstract91)      PDF (1410KB)(95)       Save
    Objective To investigate the clinical effect of fiber-optic endoscope-assisted transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implant placement. Methods 35 patients who visited the Affiliated Stomatology Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University from September 2017 to December 2018 were selected as research subjects. A total of 51 transalveolar sinus floor elevations with simultaneous implant placements were performed. The integrity of the sinus floor mucoperiosteum was examined intraoperatively using a fiber-optic endoscope with direct visualization compared with the Valsalva test. The relationship between maxillary sinus mucoperiosteal perforation and the following factors: alveolar bone quality (Lekholm and Zarb classification), sinus floor bone cortical bone thickness, sinus floor mucoperiosteal thickness, and sinus floor elevation height was also explored. The effect of perforation of the mucoperiosteum on the implant ISQ at 6 months postoperatively was also investigated. Results Among the 51 cases of transalveolar sinus floor elevation, only 2 cases of mucoperiosteal perforation were detected by the Valsalva test, while 10 cases of perforation were detected by the endoscope, and the results showed a significant difference ( P=0.013). There was no significant correlation between sinus mucoperiosteal perforation and alveolar bone quality classification, sinus floor mucoperiosteal thickness (<3 mm), or sinus floor elevation height, while there was a significant correlation with sinus floor cortical bone thickness ( P=0.001). Maxillary sinus mucoperiosteal perforations with a diameter of >2 mm required a longer healing time to obtain the ideal implant ISQ. Conclusion The fiber-optic endoscope can significantly improve the detection rate of sinus mucoperiosteal perforation in transalveolar sinus floor elevation, which is helpful for the operator to judge the condition of the sinus floor mucoperiosteum and to choose a more appropriate timing for restoration.
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    Comparison of the clinical effects of two different wound closure methods in extraction site preservation of maxillary molars
    Liu Zongyi, Zhang Qingbin, Ye Zhanchao, Yu Changying, Liu Wanqing
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 49-55.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.009
    Abstract150)      PDF (1608KB)(239)       Save
    Objective To assess the clinical effects of concentrated growth factor (CGF) and free gingival grafting (FGG) in combination with Bio-Oss Collagen in extraction site preservation after maxillary molar extraction. Methods Thirty patients were randomly divided into two groups. The tooth sockets were filled with Bio-Oss Collagen, and then the wounds were closed using either CGF or FGG. Postoperative wound healing and the width of keratinized gingival tissue were observed, while CBCT was used to evaluate the changes in the alveolar bone and maxillary sinus floor. Results Group B exhibited a higher rate of wound healing compared to group A ( P<0.05). The width of keratinized gingival decreased by (0.79±0.16) mm in group A and (0.35±0.18) mm in group B, respectively ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding changes in alveolar bone or maxillary sinus floor ( P>0.05). Conclusion Both CGF and FGG combined with Bio-Oss Collagen effectively reduced bone resorption during ridge preservation after maxillary molar extraction, with no significant differences observed in alveolar bone or maxillary sinus floor changes between the two groups. However, FGG demonstrated better wound healing rates and less reduction of buccal keratinized gingival compared to CGF.
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    The application of Internet plus health management mode in the perioperative period of dental implant patients
    Xuan Yan, Hao Junyan, An Yang, Zhang Ting, Zhang Wenjing, Li Dan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 56-61.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.010
    Abstract79)      PDF (2431KB)(90)       Save
    Objective To explore the effect of Internet plus health management mode in the perioperative period of dental implant patients. Methods Fifty eight patients who underwent oral implantation in Peking University Hospital of Stomatology from January 2023 to October 2023 were randomly divided into an experimental group of 29 cases and a control group of 29 cases using a randomized numerical table method.The control group implemented the routine health management mode, while the test group was given the Internet plus health management mode. After intervention, differences in the incidence of complications after implant surgery, preoperative preparation compliance, dental fear, and implant surgery satisfaction between the two groups were compared. Results The compliance of patients in the experimental group during preoperative periodontal treatment and blood pressure measurement during registration was higher than that of the control group. The total score of dental fear and its various dimensions was lower than that of the control group. Scores in postoperative follow-up reminders and medical service attitudes were higher than those of the control group, with statistically significant differences( P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference ( P>0.05) between the two groups of patients in terms of postoperative complications, preoperative eating, preoperative female no makeup, male shaving and smoking reduction compliance, preoperative and postoperative health guidance, health guidance methods, convenience of postoperative follow-up communication channels, and total satisfaction scores. Conclusion The Internet plus health management mode is conducive to improving the compliance of dental implant patients with preoperative periodontal treatment and blood pressure measurement during registration, reducing dental fear during implant surgery, and has obvious advantages in postoperative follow-up reminders.
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    Clinical effects of osseodensification technique for transalveolar sinus floor elevation
    Wang Kexin, Ji Ping, Li Dize, Chen Yuan, Zhao Hongyong, Lu Qinyi, Bai Yaxin, Chen Tao
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 62-69.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.011
    Abstract152)      PDF (1660KB)(179)       Save
    Objective To investigate the clinical effects of the osseodensification technique applied to transalveolar maxillary sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implant placement. Methods A total of 39 patients underwent transalveolar sinus floor elevation using osseodensification and implant placement in the Department of Implantology, Stomatological Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from May 2022 to May 2023. 21 cases were female, and 18 cases were male, with ages ranging from 21 to 73 years old and an average of (51.67±11.68) years old. Definitive prosthesis was delivered 6 months after implant surgery. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was conducted preoperatively (T0), postoperatively (T1), and at 6-month follow-up (T2), measuring residual bone height (RBH), vertical bone height (VBH), and bone density (BD) at the implant site. Implant stability test (IST), sinus membrane perforation rate, and implant survival rate (SR) were recorded and analyzed 6 months after implant surgery. Results A total of 39 patients underwent maxillary sinus floor elevation surgery with 53 implants placed simultaneously. Alveolar bone heights ranged from 3.38 to 9.40 mm at T0, with a mean of (6.16±1.00) mm, (11.25±1.10) mm at T1, and (10.36±0.99) mm at T2. Significant differences in alveolar bone height were observed among different observation points ( P <0.001). The BDT0, BDT1 and BDT2 were 196.65 Hu, 441.70 Hu, and 435.04Hu respectively. Significant differences in bone density between T0 and T1 ( P<0.0001) were found. The sinus membrane perforation rate was 1.89%. 2 implants were lost in 6 months after surgery, yielding a cumulative implant survival rate of 96.23%. The remaining implants exhibited favorable IST values 77.61±4.78 at 6 months post-surgery, and no peri-implant inflammation was observed during the follow-up period. Conclusion The osseodensification technique may achieve optimal clinical effects for transalveolar sinus floor elevation. The technique exhibits acceptable short-term outcomes, while further studies on long-term clinical effects are required.
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    A case of complex implant treatment using robotics: immediate implant placement and immediate loading of a full dental arch
    Meng Yilin, Qu Xiaohui, Teng Xinya, Li Ruhua, Bi Lifeng, Zou Derong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 70-76.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.012
    Abstract105)      PDF (1729KB)(128)       Save
    Objective To verify the feasibility and accuracy of complex full dental arch implant treatment with the combination of an oral implant robot and a combined guide system. Methods A total of 6 implants were placed immediately after upper teeth extraction using an oral implant robot. The intraoral scan and CBCT data were reconstructed in the software, and the implant-retained denture was designed according to the principle of occlusal reconstruction. The implants, combined guide, and treatment scheme were planned with the restoration-driven implant concept. During the operation, the robot registration was performed, and the remaining teeth were extracted. The surgeon controlled the robot by a foot pedal, and the robot autonomously carried out the transalveolar sinus floor elevation at the 26 site and prepared the rest implant beds. The implants were placed, and the provisional fixed denture was fitted in position. A second CBCT was taken postoperatively to evaluate the accuracy with the previous planning data. Results A total of 6 implants were placed, with neck deviation of (0.65±0.22) mm, apical deviation of (0.57±0.19) mm, and angular deviation of 0.96°±0.24°. The patient had no postoperative complications and successfully adapted to the provisional implant-retained denture. Conclusion The use of the oral implant robot combined with the combined guide system to implement the full dental arch implant surgery can achieve high implant accuracy, avoid taking CBCT again during the operation, reduce the difficulty and time of the operation, and realize the restoration-driven immediate implant placement and immediate loading.
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    A case of infraocclusion after implant placement and restoration of upper left central incisor
    Liu Lupeng, Zhao Ge, Yang Yundong, Xiao Huijuan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 77-81.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.013
    Abstract127)      PDF (1622KB)(196)       Save
    The objective is to discuss the occurrence of infraocclusion after implant restoration in patients with missing upper anterior teeth,analyze and discuss the causes and clinical management methods of such complications. The patient's upper left central incisor was injured, and the crown and root were fractured subgingivally and could not be preserved. The affected tooth was extracted in a minimally invasive surgery and replaced by flapless immediate implant placement and immediate restoration. After 7 months, the zirconia ceramic crown restoration was delivered. CBCT and periapical radiographs with paralleling technique showed good osseointegration, sufficient thickness of the labial bone plate, and stabilization of marginal bone level. During the 5-year follow-up after implant placement, it was found that the implant settled and presented an infraocclusal situation.
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    Application of deep learning-assisted anatomical structure segmentation based on CBCT in implant dentistry
    Gao Qiancheng, Li Xindong, Cao Mingguo, Liu Yunfeng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 82-86.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.014
    Abstract113)      PDF (1333KB)(199)       Save
    Compared with manual segmentation and traditional algorithm segmentation, the application of deep learning for oral anatomical structure segmentation can obtain accurate and consistent segmentation results efficiently. This approach can quickly obtain the anatomical structure information of the surgical areas to design implant surgery and restoration. This review provides an overview of the progress in CBCT-based deep learning for anatomical structure segmentation in the field of implant dentistry.
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    Advances in the clinical application of computer-assisted implant surgery
    Fu Shuang, Huang Bin, Feng Yi, Wang Haiyan, Sun Wei, Ji Wei, Shi Bin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (1): 87-92.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.02.015
    Abstract135)      PDF (1295KB)(165)       Save
    Computer-assisted technology has been applied in the field of implant surgery to improve the accuracy of implant placement and to achieve high success rate of implants and optimal aesthetic outcomes. There are two major types of computer-assisted implant surgery: static and dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery. Static computer-assisted implant surgery uses a surgical template to transfer the pre-designed implant position to patient while dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery guides implant placement using real-time tracking and navigation. With the rapid development of digital technology, computer-assisted implant surgery has been more and more widely used in clinical practice. In this paper, the clinical procedures of static and dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery are described. The accuracy of implant placement and factors influencing implant accuracy, clinical outcomes and patient-reported indicators of static and dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery are analyzed.
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    Expert consensus on titanium mesh supported guided bone regeneration
    Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 95-100.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.001
    Abstract328)      PDF (1401KB)(585)       Save
    Nowadays, the clinical application of titanium mesh supported guided bone regeneration (TMs-GBR), especially using 3D printing individualized titanium mesh (3D-PITM), is increasing, serving as a reliable solution for bone augmentation in various cases of bone defects, particularly complex ones encountered during implant surgery. Given the technical sensitivity of TMs-GBR and the higher risk of complications such as titanium mesh exposure, as well as the current lack of relevant guidelines or international consensus, the editorial board of the Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology organized discussions among relevant experts and drafted this consensus, aiming to provide clinical reference for practitioners.
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    Preface for the key column on transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 101-102.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.002
    Abstract83)      PDF (1113KB)(225)       Save
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    Expert consensus on maxillary sinus floor elevation: maxillary sinus septum
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 103-108.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.003
    Abstract190)      PDF (1040KB)(393)       Save
    The maxillary sinus septum is a common bony structure in the maxillary sinus. It is very important to understand the presence of the maxillary sinus septum when designing the sinus floor elevation. Therefore, this paper summarizes the classification of maxillary sinus septum, its anatomical and biological characteristics, its influence on maxillary sinus osteogenesis, and its treatment methods and principles, in order to provide a reference for the clinical implementation of sinus floor elevation with maxillary sinus septum, and to reduce the complications caused by the presence of maxillary sinus septum.
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    Current research status of transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation with simultaneous placement of dental implants
    Xia Haibin, Xu Junyi
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 109-117.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.004
    Abstract120)      PDF (1604KB)(224)       Save
    When the residual bone height is insufficient in the maxillary posterior region, the transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implant placement is less invasive, resulting in milder postoperative reactions and shorter treatment periods compared to the lateral window technique. However, due to the limited surgical vision and elevation technique, the transalveolar technique is susceptible to mucoperiosteal perforation or compromised osteogenesis and is therefore traditionally considered suitable only for cases where the residual bone height is mildly inadequate. With modifications to surgical instruments, improvements in clinical skills, and the assistance of digital technology, researchers have gained new insights into the indications and surgical protocols for transalveolar sinus floor elevation with simultaneous placement of dental implants. This paper presents an overview of the current basic and clinical research status of the transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implantation by reviewing recent literature.
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    "Improved" maxillary sinus lift surgery
    Sun Xiaolin, Luo Jiaxin
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 118-126.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.005
    Abstract129)      PDF (1637KB)(277)       Save
    When posterior maxillary teeth are missing, the residual bone height required for implantation is insufficient due to the lack of functional stimulation from the teeth and pneumatization of the maxillary sinus. When residual bone volume cannot ensure the initial stability of the implant, a maxillary sinus floor elevation is needed to increase bone volume in the posterior maxillary region. The "PESS" procedure is a "modified" maxillary sinus floor elevation surgery that uses platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) as a single bone graft material, with the aid of an endoscope to elevate the maxillary sinus floor through the alveolar ridge and place implants simultaneously. The PESS procedure has optimized maxillary sinus floor elevation surgery to some extent and reduced surgical trauma. This article elaborates on the principles, indications, clinical procedures, and precautions of the "PESS" procedure to provide technical support for its clinical application.
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    Research progress on the effect of Schneider membrane thickening on transalveolar sinus floor elevation
    Li Xiaoyu, Yu Huan, Meng Weiyan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 127-132.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.006
    Abstract70)      PDF (1345KB)(131)       Save
    Transalveolar sinus floor elevation is recognized as a minimally invasive and reliable bone augmentation surgery for the posterior maxillary region in implant clinical practice. However, the therapeutic effect remains uncertain when there is Schneider membrane thickening in the maxillary sinus. Given that Schneider membrane thickening is the most common lesion in the maxillary sinus, it is of great clinical significance to clarify its impact on the prognosis of transalveolar sinus floor elevation. In response to this clinical issue, this article provides a review of three aspects: the characteristics of normal Schneider membrane, the manifestations and causes of Schneider membrane thickening, and the impact of Schneider membrane thickening on transalveolar sinus floor elevation, to provide a theoretical basis for the preoperative evaluation of the transalveolar sinus floor elevation.
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    Influence of maxillary sinus anatomical characteristics on the operation of internal sinus floor elevation
    Luo Zixin, Hu Dandan, Geng Wei
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 133-137.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.007
    Abstract87)      PDF (1341KB)(150)       Save
    Maxillary sinus floor elevation is one of the main methods to increase the vertical bone volume for implants in the maxillary posterior region. According to the surgical approach, it can be divided into two surgical procedures: external sinus floor elevation and internal sinus floor elevation. The latter has the advantages of safety, minimally invasiveness, and economy compared with the former. The anatomical morphology of the maxillary sinus is one of the important factors affecting the operation of maxillary sinus floor elevation. This article reviews and analyzes the main anatomical factors such as the morphology of the maxillary sinus floor, the residual bone height, the maxillary sinus septum, and the Schneiderian membrane, in order to help the application of internal sinus floor elevation in clinical work.
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    Analysis of factors related to complications of transalveolar technique for sinus floor elevation
    Qian Yuxin, Wu Wei, Zhou Yongmiao, Wang Mingxi, Tang Chunbo
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 138-143.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.008
    Abstract108)      PDF (1371KB)(163)       Save
    In cases of insufficient bone in the maxillary posterior region, the transalveolar technique is a common, safe, and effective method to increase the amount of bone required for implantation. However, this technique may also lead to various intraoperative and postoperative complications. Clinicians need to pay attention to various risk factors to minimize the incidence of complications. The purpose of this article is to discuss the risk factors associated with complications of internal sinus floor elevation, which are categorized into intraoperative and postoperative complications. The most common intraoperative complications are perforations of the sinus floor mucosa and ectopic insertions of implants into the sinus. Postoperative complications, such as maxillary sinus infection and postoperative maxillary sinusitis, displacement of implants after surgery, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), deserve more attention. Given these complications, this article provides a detailed description of the risk factors, hoping to help clinical doctors in using the internal sinus floor elevation more safely and effectively in the clinic.
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    Current clinical applications of scaffold materials for maxillary sinus floor elevation
    Liu Chengwu, Xu Leyao, Liu Yuanxiang, Chen Zhuofan
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 144-149.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.009
    Abstract56)      PDF (1338KB)(131)       Save
    Maxillary sinus floor elevation is a commonly used surgical technique to improve the insufficient height of the residual alveolar ridge bone in the posterior maxilla. The application of scaffolding materials can effectively maintain the stability of the elevation space. Based on the biological principles of maxillary sinus floor elevation, we briefly envisage the properties of ideal scaffolding materials and focus mainly on the current application of scaffold materials in maxillary sinus floor elevation. Finally, this paper summarizes the current clinical applications and provides an outlook on scaffolding materials for maxillary sinus floor elevation.
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    The role of the angiogenic properties in bone augmentation materials
    Liao Hongbing, Mai Yuying
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 150-158.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.010
    Abstract73)      PDF (1343KB)(119)       Save
    Bone augmentation is a necessary method to solve the problem of insufficient bone in implant therapy. One of the keys to the success of bone augmentation is that the bone augmentation material should be capable of angiogenesis, forming a network for effective blood-oxygen exchange with the host tissue. In this paper, we review the progress and shortcomings of different bone grafting materials on the properties of angiogenesis, and provide suggestions and references for promoting research and development in bone augmentation materials and their clinical translation.
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    Finite element analysis of the effect of implant design on stress distribution at the bone interface for different jaw densities
    Wang Qi, Yang Bo, Liu Lu, Li Cuiying, Wang Xinyu
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 159-168.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.011
    Abstract83)      PDF (1833KB)(119)       Save
    Objective To evaluate the effects of various implant shape designs on initial stability under different bone conditions, and to provide biomechanical experimental data and theoretical reference for the optimization of implant structure design. Methods SolidWorks software was used to establish the jaw models and implant models. The jaw models included neck, body, and bottom models, and were divided into type I, type II, and type III bones. The implant models were divided into neck, body, and bottom models. The peak equivalent stress values of the models under a vertical 100N load were analyzed by Ansys finite element analysis software, so as to screen the structures whose peak equivalent stress value was below the bone yield strength value. Orthogonal experiments were further conducted on these structural designs to compare and analyze the peak equivalent stress values of various structural combinations of implants in different bone types under a vertical 100N loading mode, so as to obtain the effects of each design on the initial stability and determine the optimal combination of structural designs. Results In the neck type I and II jaw models, the design of the implant neck depth had the greatest effect on the initial stability. In the neck type III jaw model, the design of the implant neck pitch had the greatest effect on the initial stability. Among the various body jaw models, the implant pitch design had the greatest effect on the initial stability. In addition, the implant bottom cutting edge design could not increase the initial stability of the implant. Conclusion Different design parameters should be selected according to different bone types in clinical implant selection and further implant design. In type I and type II bones, more attention should be paid to the selection of neck and body thread depth. In type III bone, more attention should be paid to the selection of neck pitch and body depth.
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    A clinical retrospective study of GBR based on 3D printing individualized titanium mesh (3D-PITM) and onlay bone grafting in reconstruction of complex alveolar bone defects
    Su Yadi, Zou Jiejuan, Wang Chao, Huang Yuanding
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 169-177.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.012
    Abstract88)      PDF (1679KB)(113)       Save
    Objective A clinical retrospective study was proposed to compare the bone augmentation effect of GBR based on 3D printing individualized titanium mesh (3D-PITM) with onlay block autogenous bone grafting in the reconstruction of complex alveolar bone defects. Methods This study included 39 patients with alveolar bone defects who attended the Implant Department of the Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Chongqing Medical University from May 2018 to January 2022. According to bone grafting methods, they were divided into 3D-PITM+GBR group (19 patients) and Onlay group (20 patients). Preoperatively, Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images of the patients were imported into Mimics Research and 3-Matic Software for 3D reconstruction and digital design. 3D-PITM was fabricated by CAD/ selective laser melting (SLM) technology. Intraoperatively, bone augmentation surgery was completed with fixed 3D-PITM or autologous bone block. CBCT imaging data were collected preoperatively, immediately postoperatively, 6~9 months postoperatively and after implant placement. Based on the digital radiographic data, the gained bone height on the implant axis and the gained bone width at 0 mm, 2 mm and 4 mm under the implant platform were measured. Results The 3D-PITM+GBR group had higher vertical bone increments [2.68 mm (0.45,4.23), 2.27 mm (0.49,3.27)] than onlay group [1.60 mm (0.33,1.62), 1.74 mm (0.53,1.60)] before/after bone grafting and before/after implant placement respectively. The 3D-PITM+GBR group had higher mean bone width increments at 0 mm, 2 mm, and 4 mm below the alveolar ridge before and after bone grafting [(1.97±0.97) mm, (2.59±1.22) mm, (2.94±1.50) mm)] than that of onlay group [(1.06±0.99) mm, (1.45±1.25) mm, (2.32± 1.23) mm]. In the 3D-PITM+GBR group, the mean bone width increments at 0 mm, 2 mm, and 4 mm below the implant platform before and after implantation [(2.34±1.09) mm, (2.53±1.48) mm, (2.85±2.20) mm)] were lower than those of onlay group [(2.51±1.34) mm, (3.04±1.73) mm, (3.38±1.94) mm]. The 3D-PITM+GBR group had higher osteogenesis rates in both horizontal and vertical directions (66.8%, 68.8%) than the Onlay group (64.6%, 62.6%).3D-PITM for reconstruction of complex alveolar bone defects was able to significantly increase the height and width of alveolar bone reconstruction compared with onlay block autogenous bone grafting, but the implant exposure rate (21%) was still higher than that of the onlay group (5%). Conclusion 3D-PITM+GBR technique can be used instead of block autogenous bone grafting for reconstruction of complex alveolar bone defects, obtaining ideal bone augmentation results and stable bone contours, but titanium mesh exposure is still a common complication in its application.
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    Feasibility study of artificial intelligence in immediate implant measurements and analysis in the mandibular molar region
    Zhao Wenbo, Li Xinru, Su Hang, Teng Weiwei, Cai Wenyu, Zhou Libo
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 178-183.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.013
    Abstract82)      PDF (1391KB)(92)       Save
    Objective To analyze and validate the feasibility of an artificial intelligence software, ITK-SNAP, in identifying the distance between mandibular molars and the inferior alveolar nerve canal. Methods The cone-beam CT (CBCT) image data of 100 college students were selected, and 30 cases were randomly selected as the experimental group, and the remaining 70 cases were used as the validation group together with the 30 cases in the experimental group. The distances from the apices of the mandibular molar roots and the tops of the alveolar septa to the inferior alveolar nerve canals were measured using CBCT image analysis software and ITK-SNAP, respectively. Results The differences in the distances between mandibular molars and the inferior alveolar nerve canals measured by CBCT and ITK-SNAP software were not statistically significant in intergroup comparisons ( P>0.05), and had a high correlation with r>0 (correlation coefficients r were all greater than 0.9); in both males and females, the distances from the mesial apices, the distal apices, and the tops of the alveolar septa to the upper walls of the inferior alveolar nerve canals of the mandibular first molars were significantly greater than those of the second molars ( P<0.05), and the distances from each point of the mandibular first molars to the upper walls of the inferior alveolar nerve canals were significantly greater than those of the second molars in both the right and left sides ( P<0.05). Conclusion The artificial intelligence software ITK-SNAP for measuring the distance between mandibular molars and the mandibular canal is feasible, which provides a reference for the preoperative planning of immediate implant placement in the mandibular molar region.
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    Advances of yttrium-containing zirconia materials in dental clinical applications
    Xie Hailin, Guo Xueqi, Wang Liping
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 184-189.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.014
    Abstract115)      PDF (1344KB)(145)       Save
    Yttrium-containing zirconia ceramic (YCZC) has been widely used in field of implant and restorative dentistry. It has good mechanical and biological properties when compared with other types of zirconia ceramics. Different types of zirconia ceramics have been used in clinical application, such as Yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP)with high mechanical properties, and Yttrium-partially stabilized zirconia (Y-PSZ)with high aesthetic properties. Therefore, understanding the physical and chemical properties of different YCZC can improve the clinical success of dental restorations. This article summarizes the available literature concerning the physical and chemical properties of YCZC and their clinical applications in the field of dentistry.
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    Research progress of dental implants in patients with solid organ transplantation
    Zhao Ke, Zhu Jieying, Gu Xinhua
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (2): 190-194.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.04.015
    Abstract72)      PDF (1323KB)(88)       Save
    With the development of solid organ transplantation treatment technology, the survival period of patients is gradually extended, and the demand to restore missing teeth is increasing. In long-term clinical practice, implant therapy can be used as a safe and effective program to restore stomatognathic function. However, the impacts of primary disease and lifelong immunosuppressive therapy after transplantation on bone metabolism increase the risk of osteoporosis, fracture, and other diseases, and bring potential hazards to implant osseointegration. Therefore, stability of condition after transplantation, control of oral infection during the perioperative period of implantation, implant loading time, and regular follow-up examination are particularly important in the implantation treatment of such patients. In this review, we discuss the effects of solid organ transplantation on bone and implant osteoporosis, the progress and precautions of oral implant treatment, so as to provide guidance for dentists.
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    Expert consensus on sinus floor elevation with maxillary sinus cyst or cyst-like lesions
    Chinese Society of Oral Implantology
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 195-201.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.001
    Abstract236)      PDF (1090KB)(410)       Save
    Sinus floor elevation is a predictable rehabilitation method commonly used to address bone deficiency in the maxillary posterior area. However, the presence of maxillary sinus cysts often presents a challenge for sinus floor elevation. At present, there is still a lack of guidelines or consensus on sinus floor elevation with maxillary sinus cyst. The purpose of this consensus is to provide clinicians with practical and feasible measures for sinus floor elevation with maxillary sinus cysts.
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    Preface for the key column "implant-related treatment and progress of congenital tooth agenesis"
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 202-203.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.002
    Abstract77)      PDF (1268KB)(93)       Save
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    Implant treatment for patients with congenital tooth agenesis
    Wu Yiqun, Wang Feng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 204-211.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.003
    Abstract125)      PDF (2552KB)(173)       Save
    Congenital tooth agenesis primarily manifests as an insufficient number of teeth, hypoplasia of the maxillary and mandibular alveolar processes, and maxillofacial dysplasia, all of which can result in oral or systemic dysfunction. Congenital tooth agenesis is harmful, and its treatment is challenging. Dental implants are an ideal option to restore missing teeth in these patients due to their good stability and comfort. This article aims to analyze the challenges associated with dental implants in the treatment of congenital tooth agenesis and propose strategies for the reconstruction of oral function in patients with congenital tooth agenesis.
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    Research progress on digital methods for recording and transferring maxillomandibular relationship
    Man Yi, Lan Dongping
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 212-217.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.004
    Abstract121)      PDF (1472KB)(158)       Save
    In recent years, the advancing development of digital dental technology has heralded a new era in full-arch implant restoration. A crucial element for successful complete denture is the accurate recording and transfer of the maxillomandibular relationship. Compared to traditional methods, digital technology has the potential to shorten the treatment cycle and improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment. This article elaborates on the application and advances of digital technology in recording and transferring the maxillomandibular relationship in edentulous patients. The opportunities and challenges presented by the digitization of dental technology to clinicians will be discussed, with the aim of providing them with a valuable reference.
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    Progress in research on genes associated with tooth agenesis
    Zhang Han, Sun Yao
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 218-223.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.005
    Abstract82)      PDF (1372KB)(80)       Save
    Tooth agenesis, a prevalent oral disease, remains partially elusive in terms of its underlying pathogenic mechanism. Recent breakthroughs have elucidated a series of pathogenic genes associated with this condition, whose encoded proteins play key roles in regulating and guiding normal tooth germ development through essential signaling pathways. This review focuses on genes related to congenital tooth agenesis and their involvement in the signaling pathways of tooth developrnet. As research progreses, especialy through the use of model animal, insights into the pathogenic processes of this developmental anomaly may lead to effective strategies for treating congenital tooth agenesis by modulating the function of these genes or repairing defects in signal transmission.Moreover, this article also discusses the clinical characteristics of congenital tooth agenesis-causing genes observed in human patients and explores the potential link between these genes and the occurrence of tumors.
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    Research advances in treatment of tooth agenesis
    Geng Chenxin, Liu Yang, Han Dong
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 224-230.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.006
    Abstract91)      PDF (1368KB)(173)       Save
    Tooth agenesis is the most common dental developmental anomaly in humans, which can cause significant chewing, pronunciation, aesthetic and craniofacial development problems. Due to the unique characteristics of tooth agenesis, its treatment is very time-consuming and costly, imposing huge economic burdens and mental stress on patients. The treatments include a sequential therapeutic strategy with a multidisciplinary team of pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, oral implantology, and other backgrounds, as well as emerging methods such as targeted molecular therapy and tissue engineering. This review provides an update on the knowledge on the characteristics of tooth agenesis, traditional treatments, and the rising fields of molecular therapy and tissue engineering. We also discuss the treatment effects of each method, aiming to provide a reference for the treatment of tooth agenesis.
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    Oral implantation strategies for patients with ectodermal dysplasia
    Wang Mingxi, Gao Shan, Wang Long, Zhou Yongmiao, Tang Chunbo
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 231-235.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.007
    Abstract68)      PDF (1508KB)(64)       Save
    Ectodermal dysplasia(ED) is a genetic disorder characterized by abnormal tissue and structural development of ectodermal origin. Most of the patients have congenital tooth deficiency, alveolar bone dysplasia and other oral manifestations. In clinical practice, removable dentures are often used to replace missing teeth; but due to special anatomical conditions, removable dentures often have problems such as poor retention.In recent years, implant therapy has been used in the treatment of missing teeth in ED patients because of its better functionality and aesthetics. This paper summarizes the choice of the implantation time and implantation plans for ED patients, discusses the difficulties and solutions of implantation therapy, and outlines the application of digital technology in the treatment of ED patients, aiming to provide a reference for implantation therapy in ED patients.
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    Current research status of implant intervention in adolescents with severe tooth loss due to ectodermal dysplasia
    Su Guanyu, Shen Yihan, Wu Yiqun, Wang Feng
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 236-241.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.008
    Abstract91)      PDF (1434KB)(48)       Save
    Tooth agenesis is a typical developmental abnormality in the oral and maxillofacial region among teenagers. Ectodermal dysplasia(ED) is the primary cause of severe tooth agenesis in adolescents. Teenagers with severe tooth agenesis benefit from implant intervention for the possibility of regaining masticatory function and speech function, as well as maintaining a pleasing facial appearance. In terms of retention and stability, implant-supported dentures for teenagers outperform conventional removable dentures. This review elaborates on the feasibility of implant placement in teenagers with ED, focusing on the considerations of implant placement and common methods for this special group of patients. Lastly, prospects for further study in this field are highlighted.
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    A systematic literature review on the implant survival rate for congenitally missing teeth
    Zhao Yu, Zan Bingxin, Dai Qinggang
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 242-251.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.009
    Abstract70)      PDF (1424KB)(76)       Save
    Objective To review the relevant literature from the last decade reporting on the outcomes of congenitally edentulous patients after implant prosthetic restoration, and to synthesize the implant survival rates from different perspectives to provide information for clinical decision-making. Methods A search using the combination ("hypodontia" OR "oligodontia" OR "anodontia" OR "tooth agenesis" OR "congenitally missing teeth") AND "dental implant*" was used in databases such as PubMed, with a time frame from February 2014 to February 2024. The literature was screened according to the established inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the bibliographies of the selected research articles were manually searched. Results A total of 34 prospective/retrospective studies and some case reports on implant restorations in congenitally edentulous patients were finally included. It was found that the overall implant survival rate in these patients was high, with an average of 96.53%, depending on individual patient factors and treatment techniques. Congenital edentulism was categorized into simple congenital edentulism and syndromic congenital edentulism, with survival rates of 97.32% and 95.54%, respectively, based on the relationship with systemic diseases. There were slight differences in implant survival rates between different age groups, with 93.82% for patients aged 17 years and younger, and 96.83% for adult patients aged 18 years and older. The maxillary lateral incisors, with a high rate of congenital defects involving the anterior esthetic zone, had an ideal implant survival rate (98.48%). The implant survival rate for congenitally edentulous patients combined with bone augmentation techniques was 96.19%. The survival rates for zygomatic implants and small-diameter implants (or mini-implants) were 98.18% and 97.18%, respectively. Conclusion Implant surgery is a better solution to restoring oral function in congenitally edentulous patients. However, it still needs to be analyzed according to the patient's situation to improve the implant survival rates and the success of implant restoration.
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    Application and research progress of digital technology in bone augmentation for dental implants
    Chen Jiang, Qiu Yubei
    Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology    2024, 29 (3): 252-257.   DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2024.06.010
    Abstract101)      PDF (1333KB)(94)       Save
    Insufficient alveolar bone mass at the implant site is an important factor affecting the outcome of dental implants. Bone augmentation is an effective strategy to solve this problem. The application of digital technology provides a new approach for bone augmentation in oral implantology. This article presents the application and research progress of digital technology in bone augmentation for dental implants.
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