中国口腔种植学杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 33-36.DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2019.03.009

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

数字化引导上前牙美学区多颗牙种植手术——附1 例病例报道

陈琳, 陈泉林, 王彬晨, 肖慧娟, 柳忠豪   

  1. 滨州医学院附属烟台市口腔医院(陈琳,陈泉林,王彬晨,肖慧娟,柳忠豪)
  • 出版日期:2019-03-10 发布日期:2021-09-07
  • 通讯作者: 柳忠豪

Digital guided dental implant restoration in anterior aesthetic area: a case report

CHEN Lin, CHEN Quanlin, WANG Binchen, et al   

  1. Yan Tai Stomatological Hospital Affiliated to Bin Zhou Medical University,Department of Oral Implantology, Yantai, 264008, Shandong Province, China
  • Online:2019-03-10 Published:2021-09-07

摘要: 目的: 报告一例上颌前牙美学区多颗牙缺失患者的诊治经过,总结数字一体化种植修复经验。方法: 患者男,28岁。11、12、13、21、22牙因外伤拔除3月。行单独GBR恢复缺牙区软硬组织量,使用口内光学扫描获取口内数据,经数字化静态导板设计引导下种植后进行数字化修复。结果: 共植入4枚种植体,种植位置均较为理想。影像学检查显示种植体形成良好骨结合、周围骨水平较为稳定,实现了较为理想的美学修复效果。结论: 正确的术前诊断、充分的术前准备以及三维数字化模拟种植,有助于提升种植手术精准性,使最终修复兼顾生物力学与美学效果。

关键词: 数字化种植, 口内光学扫描, 外科导板

Abstract: Objective: To report the diagnosis and treatment of a case of consecutive edentulous in anterior max- illary, and summarize the experience of integrated digital implant restoration. Methods: Clinical case was a 28 years old male patient whose 11, 12, 13, 21, 22 teeth were extracted due to trauma. A single GBR was used to restore the quantity of the soft and hard tissue. The intraoral data were obtained by the intra- oral optical scanning and the implant surgery was guided by static template. Results: 4 implants were im- planted, and the implant location was ideal. Imaging examination showed that the implant had good osseo- integration and the level of the surrounding bone was relatively stable, and showed good clinical esthetic outcome. Conclusion: Correct preoperative diagnosis, sufficient preoperative preparation and three-di- mensional digital simulation can enhance the precision of implant surgery, and make the final outcome take both biomechanical and aesthetic effects into consideration.

Key words: digital implant dentistry, intraoral optical scanning, surgical template
