中国口腔种植学杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 1-5.DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.001

• 专题研究 •    下一篇


涂慧娟, 李月玲, 俞明   

  1. 201800 上海市嘉定区牙病防治所
  • 出版日期:2018-03-10 发布日期:2021-09-06
  • 基金资助:
    上颌后牙区骨量不足条件下应用短种植长度和直径有限元分析; 基金来源:上海市嘉定区卫生计生委青年科研课题项目; 基金编号:2014-QN-01

Bivariate evaluation of the short implant diameter and length in type Ⅳ jaw bone of maxillary posterior area

TU Huijuan, LI Yueling, YU Ming   

  1. Department of General Dentistry, Shanghai Jiading District Dental Center, Shanghai 201800, China
  • Online:2018-03-10 Published:2021-09-06

摘要: 目的: 探讨上颌后牙区Ⅳ类骨质条件下不同长度和直径短种植体的骨界面应力分布情况,为临床上颌后牙区短种植体的临床设计选择提供理论依据。方法: 采用三维有限元方法分析7 种不同直径和长度的Bicon短种植体在Ⅳ类骨质条件下,受到垂直和侧向力时,种植体骨界面的应力分布和Von-Mises应力峰值。结果: 无论是垂直载荷还是侧向载荷,种植体直径对骨界面的影响均比长度更显著。侧向载荷下,6*6mm组应力峰值最小,垂直载荷下,6*8mm组应力峰值最小,6*6mm组次之,直径5mm组中不同长度之间无明显差异。结论: 上颌后牙区Ⅳ类骨质条件下短种植体长度与直径的选择中:骨量充足情况下,应优先选择6*6mm种植体; 骨量适中情况下,选择5*6mm; 骨量不够时选择4.5*8mm。

关键词: 短种植体, 有限元分析, VonMises应力, Ⅳ类骨

Abstract: Objective: To analyze the stress distribution of short dental implant with different length and diame-ter in the type Ⅳ jaw bone of maxillary posterior area, providing the theoretical basis for the clinical de-sign of short dental implant in the maxillary posterior region. Methods: Three dimensional finite element was used to simulate the stress size and distribution of implant-bone interface in 7 kinds of Bicon im-plants with different diameters and lengths under vertical loading and a 45 degree slope loading。 Results: The effect of implant diameter on bone interface was more significant than that of length, regardless of vertical load or lateral load. Under the lateral load, the von-mises stresses of group 6*6mm was mini-mum. Under the vertical load, the von-mises stresses of group 6*8mm was minimum, the second place was group 6*6mm. There were no significant difference between 5mm diameter implants with different length. Conclusion: The choice of short implant in the type Ⅳ jaw bone of maxillary posterior area: if the bone in good conditions, 6*6mm implant was suggested, if the bone in moderate conditions,5*6mm im-plant was suggested, if the width of bone was not enough, 4.5*8mm implant was suggested.

Key words: short dental implant, three-dimensional finite element analysis, von-mises stress, Type Ⅳ, bone
