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    10 March 2018, Volume 23 Issue 1
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    Bivariate evaluation of the short implant diameter and length in type Ⅳ jaw bone of maxillary posterior area
    TU Huijuan, LI Yueling, YU Ming
    2018, 23(1):  1-5.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.001
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    Objective: To analyze the stress distribution of short dental implant with different length and diame-ter in the type Ⅳ jaw bone of maxillary posterior area, providing the theoretical basis for the clinical de-sign of short dental implant in the maxillary posterior region. Methods: Three dimensional finite element was used to simulate the stress size and distribution of implant-bone interface in 7 kinds of Bicon im-plants with different diameters and lengths under vertical loading and a 45 degree slope loading。 Results: The effect of implant diameter on bone interface was more significant than that of length, regardless of vertical load or lateral load. Under the lateral load, the von-mises stresses of group 6*6mm was mini-mum. Under the vertical load, the von-mises stresses of group 6*8mm was minimum, the second place was group 6*6mm. There were no significant difference between 5mm diameter implants with different length. Conclusion: The choice of short implant in the type Ⅳ jaw bone of maxillary posterior area: if the bone in good conditions, 6*6mm implant was suggested, if the bone in moderate conditions,5*6mm im-plant was suggested, if the width of bone was not enough, 4.5*8mm implant was suggested.
    Don't double disc immediate implant prosthesis from 48 cases of patients with curative effect and the influence of the PES grading analysis
    OU Yangbing
    2018, 23(1):  6-9.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.002
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    Objective: To study the double disc not immediate implant prosthesis to the curative effect of 48 pa-tients and the influence of red aesthetic index(PES) score. Methods: Selected from February 2013 to Au-gust 2014 in our line of single tooth immediate implant prosthesis treatment of 96 cases of patients.Ac-cording to random number table method was divided into observation group and control group, 48 cases in each group. The control shall be double disc immediate implant prosthesis treatment, observation group adopts double disc immediate implant prosthesis treatment. Respectively, compared two groups of plant-ing success rate, the rate of bleeding, pain, redness and swelling rate, ratio, PES score before and after the treatment, 1 year, 2 years after the repair of bone absorption and patient satisfaction. Results: The obser-vation group of planting survival rate was 100.00%(48/48), higher than that of control group 84.00%(43/48), and the incidence of bleeding, swelling and pain were lower than the control group, with significant difference(P<0.05). Two groups of PES grading after treatment respectively (12.5±1.4),(9.9±2.1), were higher than before the treatment, the observation group was higher than that of control group, with signifi-cant difference(P<0.05). Observation group 1 year, 2 years later after the restoration of bone absorption, respectively was(0.50±0.03)mm, (0.53±0.03)mm, were lower than the control group (0.60±0.60) mm, (0.66±0.04) mm, with significant difference (P<0.05). Observation group of satisfaction was beautiful, comfortable satisfaction were 97.92%(47/48), 95.83%(46/48), higher than that of control group 85.42% (41/48), 81.25% (39/48), with significant differences (all P<0.05). Conclusion: Don't double disc imme-diate implant prosthesis effect significantly, can significantly improve the PES grading, improve patient
    The comparison of clinical effect between immediate implant and delayed implant in dental restoration of a single anterior tooth-missing
    WANG Qiang
    2018, 23(1):  10-13.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.003
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    Objective: To compare the clinical effect of immediate implant and delayed implant in dental resto-ration of a single anterior tooth-missing. Methods: Thirty-six patients undergoing anterior single tooth replacement with implants in our hospital from Jan 2013 to Dec 2016 were divided into immediate im-plant group(n=18) and delayed implant group(n=18). After the treatment, soft tissue around the implant was evaluated by the pink esthetic scores(PES) and the vertical resorption of alveolar bone were measured by CBCT. Results: The success rate of the two groups were 100%(P>0.05). The PES of the immediate group were higher than that of the delayed group at the time of final restoration, 6m after final restoration and 1y after final restoration(P<0.05). The vertical bone resorption distance of immediate implant group were significantly lower than that of the delayed group at the time of final restoration and 1y after final res-toration(P<0.05). Conclusion: The success rate of immediate implant and delayed implant were high. Compare to delayed implant, the vertical bone resorption were less and the esthetic effect of soft tissue around the implant were higher by immediate implant.
    Comparison of clinical efficacy between immediate implant repair and delayed implant repair of maxillary single front teeth
    YAO Zhongxiong, SHAO Jun
    2018, 23(1):  14-17.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.004
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    Objective: To compare and analyze the clinical effects of immediate implant repair and delayed im-plant repair of maxillary single front teeth. Methods: A retrospective analysis from April 2015 to April 2016 in our hospital treatment of 72 cases of maxillary anterior teeth. According to single patients were randomly divided into observation group and control group, two groups of 36 cases in each. The patients in control group was given delayed implant treatment, the observation group was given immediate implant treatment in the two groups. With 12 months of follow-up were compared between two groups. The suc-cess rate of dental implant, 1 months, 12 months after the classification of gingival aesthetics and the depth of periodontal pocket implant, subjective satisfaction after 12 months were compared. Results: The observation group and the control group of success rate was 100%(36/36), the comparison between the two groups was not statistically significant(P>0.05). The observation group 1 months after implant restoration, gingival aesthetics grading scores after 12 months respectively (8.92±1.31), (8.41±1.38), which were sig-nificantly higher than the control group (8.13±1.22), (7.73±0.87)(P< 0.05). The observation group of im-plant after 1 months, 12 months after periodontal pocket depth levels were (1.38±0.22) mm, (1.49±0.36) mm, which was significantly lower than the control group (3.71±0.08) mm, (2.02±0.14)mm(all P<0.05). The patients in the observation group were chewing function, attachment height and overall appearance satisfaction scores were (8.74±0.64), (8.74±1.24), (8.81±1.28), were significantly higher than that in the control group (6.67±1.32), (7.38±0.68), (7.56±1.32)(P<0.05). Conclusion: Immediate implantation and delayed implant treatment of maxillary anterior teeth single success rate, but the immediate implant in im-proving patients with gingival aesthetic grade and depth of periodontal pocket has better effect, can im-prove the subjective satisfaction of patients.
    Comparison of the curative effect of mini implant implants and oral arch support on the treatment of superior dental arch protrusion
    CHEN Wenhong
    2018, 23(1):  18-20.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.005
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    Objective: To investigate the curative effect of mini implant implants and oral arch on the treatment of superior dental arch protrusion. Methods: From January 2015 to February 2016, 80 patients with up-per arch protrusion were selected. In the control group, the maxillary protraction was performed on the arch of the mouth outside the arch, and the mini-implant was used to treat the maxillary protraction. The effect of correction of maxillary arch protrusion was compared between the two groups. After the correc-tion, the length of incisors was reduced and the width of incision was closed. The UI-SN angle and LI-MP angle of patients before and after intervention were compared. Results: The curative effect of maxillary protraction in mini group was higher than that in control group(P<0.05). In the observation group, 33 pa-tients were markedly effective, 6 were effective, 1 was ineffective, 39 were effective, and the total effective rate was 97.50%. In the control group, 21 were markedly effective, 9 effective, 10 ineffective and 30 effec-tive. Efficiency 75.00%. The UI-SN angle and LI-MP angle of the two groups before intervention were 81.31±3.15° and 98.13±7.11° in the mini-group and 81.32±3.16° and 98.13± 7.16° in the control group,respectively the angle of LI-MP was superior to the control group, mini-group 78.13±2.51°, 105.24±8.26°, control group 80.78±2.46°, 99.24±7.12° P<0.05. After the mini group orthodontic treatment, the length of the incisors was 2.65 ± 1.41mm, 6.87 ± 1.83mm larger than that of the control group(2.12 ± 1.01mm, 5.12±1.23mm, P<0.05). Conclusion: Compared with the treatment of superior arch protrusion by mini-implant support, the effect of mini-implant support is better and the reduction of incisors length, incisors width and head shadow measurement results, correction effect is good, it is worth promoting.
    Clinical effect observation of application of short implants in the posterior teeth with insufficient bone mass
    MENG Yan, ZHU Xuechen, DONG Qian, et al
    2018, 23(1):  21-24.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.006
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    Objective: To observe the clinical effect of short implant in the posterior region with insufficient bone mass. Methods: 40 cases of bone deficiency in the posterior teeth were implanted with 58 implants.The secondary stage operation was performed with 3-6 months after operation, and the permanent fixation was completed in 4-6 weeks. After 5-10 years of follow-up, a comprehensive evaluation of implant ef-fects was conducted. Results: The clinical and imaging examinations were performed regularly. Accord-ing to the standard of implant success proposed by Albreksson and Zarb, the cumulative success rate was 96.6% with 5-10 years. Conclusion: Application of short implants in the posterior teeth with relatively insufficient bone mass not only avoids excessive injury of bone graft surgery, reduces complications, but also reduces the pain and fear of patients, and reduces the cost of operation.
    An analysis of the effect of IMS(instrument management system)on infection management of the department of dental implant prosthodontics
    YU Minghong, HAN Xiaopeng, LV Lihua
    2018, 23(1):  25-27.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.007
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    Objective: To evaluate the effects of IMS(Instrument Management System) on the infection manage-ment of the department of dental implant prosthodontics. Methods: Selected 300 patients who were admit-ted to the dental rehabilitation department from January 2017 to December 2017, and then randomly di-vided into experimental group (P): IMS device + four hand operation, control group (D): Routine dispos-able treatment disc+four hands operation. Before and after treatment, the number of bacteria in the air, medical devices and staff gloves in the examination room was detected and the probability of the puncture was recorded. Results: The rate of bacterial detection and needle stab in the experimental group was sig-nificantly lower than that in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: The IMS device management system can effectively reduce the risk factors of the infection of the dental restorer, prevent and reduce the inci-dence of needle puncture.
    Immediate implant placement of the compromised site in aesthetic zone-a case report
    WANG Lijun, YANG Xiaodong, DONG Xin
    2018, 23(1):  28-30.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.008
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    Objectives: To observe the clinical results of tooth root fracture in the aesthetic area accompanied with the defect of the labial bone and the gingival recession by minimally invasive bone augmentation, immediate implant and immediate repair after tooth extraction. Methods: Minimal-invasive and flapless method were used for tooth extraction, the bone expansion technique was used to prepare implant bed,temporary crown was used to restore the occlusion, the restoration was completed by permanent crown 7 months later. Results: The status of peri-implant soft tissue was improved gradually, the gingival margin recovered to the same level as that of the contralateral natural tooth after 25 months. The soft and hard tis-sue surrounding the implant was healthy and stable, and the aesthetic result exceeded expectations. Conclusion: In this case, we figure out the labial defect could be successfully treated by using the minimally invasive bone augmentation.
    Application of process optimization in nursing quality management of dental implant outpatient
    ZHAO Xinxia, CHENG Jing, LING Xiongjian, et al
    2018, 23(1):  31-33.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.009
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    Object: To explore a management mode for outpatient nursing process optimization in dental implan-tology clinics. Methods: Design a management plan for outpatient nursing process optimization in dental implantology clinics, including nursing preparation before consolation hour, nursing cooperation in dental implantology therapy, posttreatment nursing interventions for single therapeutic unit, and management evaluation mechanism.Result: By applying the new management plan for outpatient nursing process opti-mization in dental implantology department of our hospital, the nursing preparation of environment and material are adequate before consolation hours, the nursing interventions for single therapeutic unit ups to 100%, therefore, it can effectively prevent the intra-hospital cross infection. Conclusion: The manage-ment for outpatient nursing process optimization can ensure patients get systematic dental implantology nursing and treatment as good as possible, increase the nursing satisfaction of patients and dentists, improve skilled health care with the tacit understanding between dentists and nurses, shorten the waiting time, prevent the intra-hospital cross infection, ensure the medical security, improve the nursing quality continuously, put the dental imlantology nursing management in an orderly manner.
    Brief introduction of immediate implantation nursing of CDIC conical implant on anterior teeth
    CHENG Jing, ZHAO Xinxia, LING Xiongjian, et al
    2018, 23(1):  34-36.  DOI: 10.12337/zgkqzzxzz.2018.03.0010
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    Objective: To summarize the nursing experience of implantation of CDIC conical implant after mini-mally invasive extraction of anterior teeth. Method: Extracting affected teeth by using minimally invasive surgery, a total of 55 teeth in 36 patients were inserted into CDIC conical implant, summarizing the nurs-ing methods of CDIC conical implant in anterior, intraoperative, postoperative and immediate repair of an-terior teeth.Result: Adequate preparation in preoperative, tacit coordination in intraoperative and excel-lent immediate repair nursing in postoperative is ensuring the success of immediate implantation of coni-cal implant operation. Conclusions: It is an important link to ensure the success of immediate implant surgery by the preparations of preoperative, coordination of intraoperative and immediate repair nursing in postoperative.